18th Air Force Writing Guide

Reflexive Arcade Feeding Frenzy Keygen. Welcome to the United States Air Force subreddit. Feel free to discuss anything about the Air Force or military in general.

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. AFWA Air Force Weather Agency AIRS Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere Al aluminum ALCM air-launched cruise missile.

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I'm not asking someone to do my work for me, but just guide me on how it should look and stuff like that. Print off your MAJCOM and then Wing writing guides so you can get a reference of approved acronyms and abbreviations. Then sit down with your Airman and have them say everything they did. Then quantify it as much as possible.

Number's are a huge part of a bullet. Here is a bullet I wrote for one of my old UDM's. So his job was to get people out the door for deployments. How did he do that? Making sure they were green for their required items and properly equipped. So fast forward and the bullet ended up: - Mng'd 155 Amn for dplymnts; track'd 2.3K CBTs/produc'd $132K in vital equipment--zero AOR discrepancies Action, impact, result.

How many people did he processes during the year? How many CBT's did he hound after people? How much was the total amount of equipment issued worth? What was the end result? He helped fight the war.

And the higher the result the better. (Honestly, looking back I wish I replaced AOR with AFCENT or COCOM.

But nothing I can do about it now.) Good luck. Your methodology works and develops writers, glad you touched on the face-to-face. If nothing else, the Airman gets some PD out of it. I try to avoid negative in any bullet. Just a psychological thing with the reader, trying to keep them on the positives. Zero discrepancies, mishaps, etc. It's an accomplishment to have none, but it's still a negative thing (plus, one mentor explained to me: isn't it your job to ensure nothing's jacked up?).

Try to highlight positives. Using your example, what did those deployed airmen accomplish in the aor as a result of being trained?

Of getting that equipment? Being in the AOR translates to battlefield successes at that strategic level you're looking for, and those are some of the most hard-hitting impacts you can have. I know your pain, they gave me a new guy before I was even finished with ALS and months before I put SSgt on. You can't expect a new airman to write bullets, but in the future you can show them the format and teach them a little bit and make them write, say 2 bullets a month to make it easier on you. Instead of asking them for 12+ bullets at once. Your best option is to look at EPRs from your shop's other airmen and copy the FORMAT. Although this is why copy/pasting is the thing to do in the AF • • • •.