Today, Tuesday, La Crucera and I always go for lunch to our absolute favorite Mexican restaurant for Taco Tuesday. This is not run of the mill TexMex or CaliMex food but the real deal Mexican food which is much better and they always have a big crowd. Tuesdays are a favorite for Law Enforcement officers too - local PD, Probation, Sheriffs, and Highway Patrol. They come in big groups for their lunch break and I have gotten to know a bunch of them.

California Highway Patrol Drivers License Sticker

Today, we had a group of six Highway Patrol officers sitting at the table next to us. These were guys who actually patrol the highways in our area. Well seeing that they had finished their meal and they were just sitting around shooting the breeze, and being the shy, retiring type that I am, I told La Crucera that i was going to go over and ask them some questions. La Crucera just rolled her eyes and said 'try not to get yourself arrested' I went over and introduced myself, apologized for intruding, and asked them if I could ask a couple of questions. They said sure, pull up a chair. I told them that I had a Tesla 3 on order and then THEY started flooding ME with questions.

They had heard rumors but wanted to know more, like the range. One said, 'that car is not supposed to come out until 2018!'

I assured him he had heard wrong. Vinberg A Course In Algebra Pdf. I finally got to my questions.

I said I knew what the law was but I wanted to know how the officers in the field enforced the law - front license plates and the world's ugliest car pool lane stickers which allow one occupant cars to use the car pool lane. They said that absence of a front license plate IS NOT a priority for them. They said they will not pull a car over for just no front license plate. But if you are pulled over for a serious infraction such as speeding, reckless driving, etc. Then they will go over the car with a fine tooth comb and write additional citations for no front plate and too dark window tinting. They said if you don't speed, then don't worry about no front plate.

However, they said they are not local police and local police may have different priorities so beware and take your chances. Now we talked about car pool lane stickers for EVs. They said that California's car pool lanes are becoming very impacted. Enforcement is therefore a priority to them. They said that they know what an EV looks like, particularly a Tesla.

They said they know that a Tesla qualifies for a car pool sticker but they will pull over and cite any EV that does not have the stickers with one occupant including a Tesla! They said they are a bit flexible about where those stickers are attached despite what the regs say.

California Highway Patrol Drivers License Sticker

It must have either a highway license or an OHV sticker. The California Highway Patrol is responsible for administering the highways in the state. Chp decal 164 listings. California Highway Patrol Seal Sticker Decal Self Adhesive Vinyl CHP chips. California Highway Patrol CHP Drink Drive Lose License Bumper Sticker. Donations Donations of any amount positively impact the lives of the men and women of the California Highway Patrol and their families. The CHP 11-99 Foundation is an.

So there you have it from six guys who work in the field. Conclusion: - I may not run a front plate, or I will run a retractable plate, but I am not going to affix a plate permanently to that beautiful front fascia - I may not affix the ugly car pool lane stickers and just forego that perk of driving as a single in the car pool lane which doesn't happen often for me or I may affix the stickers if I can incorporate them into some cohesive graphical design on the car Remember, this is a sample of just six guys in the State of California. La Crucera had left the building and was sitting outside on a bench, fooling with her dumb phone.

I asked, 'who called?' She said 'no one, I was just searching for local bail bondsmen.' Today, Tuesday, La Crucera and I always go for lunch to our absolute favorite Mexican restaurant for Taco Tuesday. This is not run of the mill TexMex or CaliMex food but the real deal Mexican food which is much better and they always have a big crowd. Tuesdays are a favorite for Law Enforcement officers too - local PD, Probation, Sheriffs, and Highway Patrol. They come in big groups for their lunch break and I have gotten to know a bunch of them. Today, we had a group of six Highway Patrol officers sitting at the table next to us.

These were guys who actually patrol the highways in our area. Well seeing that they had finished their meal and they were just sitting around shooting the breeze, and being the shy, retiring type that I am, I told La Crucera that i was going to go over and ask them some questions. La Crucera just rolled her eyes and said 'try not to get yourself arrested' I went over and introduced myself, apologized for intruding, and asked them if I could ask a couple of questions. They said sure, pull up a chair. I told them that I had a Tesla 3 on order and then THEY started flooding ME with questions.

They had heard rumors but wanted to know more, like the range. One said, 'that car is not supposed to come out until 2018!'

I assured him he had heard wrong. I finally got to my questions. I said I knew what the law was but I wanted to know how the officers in the field enforced the law - front license plates and the world's ugliest car pool lane stickers which allow one occupant cars to use the car pool lane. They said that absence of a front license plate IS NOT a priority for them.

They said they will not pull a car over for just no front license plate. But if you are pulled over for a serious infraction such as speeding, reckless driving, etc. Then they will go over the car with a fine tooth comb and write additional citations for no front plate and too dark window tinting. They said if you don't speed, then don't worry about no front plate.

However, they said they are not local police and local police may have different priorities so beware and take your chances. Now we talked about car pool lane stickers for EVs.

They said that California's car pool lanes are becoming very impacted. Enforcement is therefore a priority to them.

They said that they know what an EV looks like, particularly a Tesla. They said they know that a Tesla qualifies for a car pool sticker but they will pull over and cite any EV that does not have the stickers with one occupant including a Tesla! They said they are a bit flexible about where those stickers are attached despite what the regs say. So there you have it from six guys who work in the field. Conclusion: - I may not run a front plate, or I will run a retractable plate, but I am not going to affix a plate permanently to that beautiful front fascia - I may not affix the ugly car pool lane stickers and just forego that perk of driving as a single in the car pool lane which doesn't happen often for me or I may affix the stickers if I can incorporate them into some cohesive graphical design on the car Remember, this is a sample of just six guys in the State of California. La Crucero had left the building and was sitting outside on a bench, fooling with her dumb phone.

I asked, 'who called?' She said 'no one, I was just searching for local bail bondsmen.' Click to expand.Depends on what your definition of 'harass' is.

Here in SoCal many California residents try to register their car in other States to avoid sales tax, no front plate requirement, lower registration and annual license fees, etc. The CHP knows all about these tricks.

If you are running plates from one notorious State that doesn't require residency to get licensed in their State, you are almost certain to get pulled over. Just because you are running out of State plates with no front plate requirement, doesn't mean you won't be pulled over.

Funny + Informative. I forgot about getting a ticket for no front plate if pulled over for speeding.

I speed too much, so that's another reason I'll put a front plate on. That and parking in places like San Francisco and Berkeley.

I would gently suggest that license plates 'disappear' when you look at a car. In other words, you still see the car's shape behind them. Where I live, about 90% follow the law. The law especially seems to be violated by Mercedes coupes, Jaguars, and for some reason, Jeeps (which have plenty of space for a plate and big flat fronts). But if you study, as I have, the same models with plates, they don't look different.

You still get the same effect, even though there's a plate there. An attractive person holding a license plate in their hand is still an attractive person.

Title Transfer of Ownership An effective transfer requires endorsement and delivery of certificate of ownership by transferor to transferee and delivery by transferee of the certificate to the DMV, with proper transfer fee and application for transfer of registration, within 10 days of receipt by the transferee. Transfer may also be effected when an owner, within 5 calendar days of transfer or sale, provides notice to the DMV of such transfer or sale including the name and address of the owner and the transferee, a description of the vehicle, and the mileage at the time of sale or transfer. Prior to, or at the time of sale or transfer, the owner must provide the transferee with a valid certificate of compliance stating that the vehicle meets state air pollution control standards. Registration Application Application for original or renewal registration for vehicles and motorcycles is made to the DMV. Application for initial registration or transfer of registration must be accompanied with a valid certificate of compliance with state air pollution control measures. Registration card (or facsimile) issued upon registration must be carried with the vehicle and must be presented upon demand to any peace officer. DMV may suspend, cancel, or revoke registration of a vehicle when notified by an insurance company that coverage has been canceled and when sufficient notice to insured has been given by the insurance company.

DMV must give the owner at least 45 days’ notice of intent to suspend, cancel, or revoke registration. DMV will not accept application for registration if the vehicle is not in the state unless the DMV is satisfied, at the time all documents and fees are submitted, that the vehicle will be registered to a resident of California. DMV must refuse original, renewal, or transfer of registration if the application contains a false or fraudulent statement, fees have not been paid, the vehicle has failed emissions standards, evidence of financial responsibility has not been provided, or applicable use tax has not been paid. DMV must refuse renewal registration for delinquent parking violations or failure to pay a lawfully imposed fine, penalty, or bail.

There is no period of grace for late registrations. DMV will waive all registration renewal late payment penalties on a vehicle which is registered to a member of the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard who is called to active service or active duty out of the state. Registration for Non-Residents A non-resident vehicle must be registered in California if the vehicle is based in California or primarily used in California; a vehicle is considered to be primarily used in California if it is operated or located in the state for a greater amount of time than it is located or operated in any other jurisdiction. A non-resident vehicle may be operated in California without registering the vehicle in California provided that the vehicle is registered in another jurisdiction.

A non-resident vehicle becomes subject to registration 20 days after gainful employment is accepted or residency is established, at which time application for registration must be made. Registration Type Application for renewal registration must be accompanied by evidence of compliance with California financial responsibility laws–unless electronically reported to the DMV by insurer. Non-resident military personnel or spouses may operate their vehicles in California with their valid home state license plates or until the plates issued by the foreign state where they were last stationed expire. They may renew the vehicle registration in their home state before the end of the registration period or register the vehicle in California. Application for renewal may not be made more than 60 days prior to expiration of current registration and must be made not later than midnight on the day of expiration. Registration expires at midnight on the last day shown on the registration card. A vehicle with expired registration may be operated on highways so long as timely application for renewal registration has been filed and the old registration remains on/with the vehicle.

Two tabs issued by the DMV must be displayed on the rear license plate, 1 indicating the year of expiration and the other indicating the month of expiration, except vehicles over 10,000 lbs. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) rating that must display tabs on the front license plate. Trailer coaches must be registered annually, and upon sale or transfer of a trailer, the permanent identification plate remains with the trailer. Emissions Inspection Smog inspections are required for all vehicles except motorcycles or those vehicles manufactured prior to the 1976 model year and diesel powered vehicles manufactured prior to the 1996 model year that have a gross vehicle weight over 8,500 lbs. Vehicles registered in areas subject to the biennial smog certification program are required to submit evidence of a smog certification every other renewal period. Vehicles that are 6 model years old or less are exempt from the biennial smog requirements for registration renewal.

Evidence of a current smog certification must be provided by the seller except when transfer occurs between a spouse, sibling, child, parent, grandparent, or grandchild. Smog certifications are good for 90 days from the date of inspection. The inspection is not required on a transfer if a biennial smog certification was submitted to DMV within 90 days prior to the vehicle transfer date. Smog inspections are required in the following counties: Alameda, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Marin, Merced, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, Yolo, and Yuba. The counties of El Dorado, Placer, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Sonoma require smog certifications within certain zip codes only. Visit the California Department of Motor Vehicles for more information on California’s. Plate Disbursement The DMV issues 2 reflectorized license plates per motor vehicle registered, except for motorcycles, and 1 license plate for all other vehicles (trailers, semitrailers, etc.) required to be registered.

When 2 plates are issued, 1 must be displayed on the front, the other on the rear; when only 1 is issued it must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. The color scheme for license plates is blue on white, yellow on black or blue, and blue on white. Special plates are issued for historic vehicles, current or retired members of the Legislature, street rods, diplomats, disabled persons, members of the media, qualifying tax exempt organizations, various current and retired public employees, and special organizations. License plates must be illuminated so as to be visible from a distance of 50 feet. Special license plates or placards for disabled drivers are available upon application with medical certificate to DMV.

Driver's License Examination Written exam includes knowledge of motor vehicle laws, English language proficiency, and traffic signs and signals recognition. Roadside test is mandatory but may be waived if the applicant submits a license held by another jurisdiction and the DMV is able to verify there are no holds or impediments on the license. Roadside examination officers may refuse to administer the exam if applicant is unable to provide proof of financial responsibility. Applicants for a provisional license who fail the written exam must wait 1 week before re-taking the exam; those who fail the driving exam must wait 2 weeks before re-taking.

Hearing and vision tests are also administered; visual acuity may not be 20/200 or worse when wearing corrective lenses. Application for Class A or B license shall also include a report of medical examination of an applicant given not more than 2 years prior to the date of the application. Graduated Driver's Licensing California has a system of graduated licensing for novice drivers. At age 15 1/2, individuals are eligible for a state issued learner’s permit. During this stage, individuals may only drive when supervised by a parent, guardian, or licensed driver at least 25 years old. • Individuals 15 1/2 to 17 1/2 years of age must be simultaneously enrolled in or have passed a driver education course to be eligible for a learner’s permit. • Drivers must hold the permit for at least 6 months and accumulate at least 50 hours (10 at night) of parental/guardian certified driving experience.

Individuals must also complete 6 hours of professional driver training. At age 16, drivers are eligible for an intermediate license. • During the first year of the intermediate license stage individuals may not drive from 11 p.m.

To 5 a.m., and individuals may not transport any passengers under 20 unless they are supervised by a driver at least 25 years old (secondarily enforced). At age 17, drivers are eligible for an unrestricted license. Exception allows a class C restricted license to enlistees in the California National Guard.

Exception allows a class C restricted license to enlistees in the California National Guard. Driver's License Issuance/Application Application for license must be made not more than 10 days after establishing residence. Application must contain a legible print of the applicant’s thumb or finger and applicant’s social security number. Social security number does not appear on license.

DMV must require all applicants to provide proof of legal presence in the U.S., including presence in the U.S. When authorized under federal law pursuant to the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. Prior to issuing or renewing a license, the DMV must check the applicant’s record for traffic violations, accidents, failure to appear in court, or reports indicating incapacity to drive. All licenses must bear an engraved picture or photograph of the licensee. License is issued with a magnetic strip containing driver information. A non-commercial Class B license or endorsement must be obtained in order to operate a motor home of over 40 feet in length. Persons licensed to drive motor homes must submit medical information verifying minimal health requirements upon initial license application and every 2 years thereafter.

License applicants that do not take driver education must wait until age 18 for license. They are not required to go through the intermediate license stage. Driver's License Renewal All original licenses expire on the 5th birthday of the applicant following the date of the application for license and are renewable for successive 5-year periods. License renewal may be done by mail if licensee is not probationary and the licensee’s records for the 2 years preceding renewal show no violation of specified traffic laws, a point count of not more than 1, no refusal to submit to a chemical test, and no suspension of the license. No more than 2 sequential mail renewals are permitted. At age 70, mail renewal is prohibited.

Spouse and/or dependents of military personnel may apply for a renewal of their license by calling DMV or requesting a no-fee 1-year extension by writing to the DMV. Licenses of out-of-state active military personnel are valid beyond their normal expiration date. Active military personnel with expired licenses must carry a DL 236 card with their licenses. Cara Download Driver Printer Canon Mp 237 here.

Extended licenses are good for 30 days after return to California. Types of Driver's Licenses Class A: Any combination of vehicles, if any vehicle being towed has a GVW rating of more than 10,000 lbs.; any vehicle towing more than 1 vehicle; any trailer bus; any vehicle under Class B or Class C. Class B: Any single vehicle with a GVW rating of more than 26,000 lbs.; any single vehicle with 3 or more axles, except any single 3-axle vehicle weighing less than 6,000 lbs.; any bus except a trailer bus; any farm labor vehicle; any 3 or more axle vehicle or vehicle with a GVW rating of more 26,000 lbs. Towing another vehicle with a GVW rating of 10,000 lbs. Or less; any motor home over 40 feet in length; any vehicle covered under Class C. Class C: Any 2-axle vehicle with a GVW rating of 26,000 lbs. Or less, including when such vehicle is towing a trailer with a GVW rating of 10,000 lbs.

Or less; any 3-axle vehicle weighing 6,000 lbs. Or less; any 2-axle vehicle weighing 4,000 lbs. Or more unladen when towing a trailer not exceeding 10,000 lbs. GVW rating; any motor home of 40 feet in length or less; any 5th wheel trailer under 10,000 lbs.

If not for hire or under 15,000 lbs. With endorsement; or vehicle towing another vehicle with a GVW rating of 10,000 lbs. Class M1: Any 2-wheel motorcycle or motor-driven cycle; Class M1 endorsements may be included on Class A, B, or C licenses upon completion of the exam. Class M2: Any motorized bicycle or moped; Class M2 endorsements may be included on Class A, B, or C licenses upon completion of the exam.

DMV may accept a certificate of competence in lieu of the driving exam for Class A or B applications so long as applicant has first qualified for a Class C license, and for Class M1 applications, if approved by law enforcement. A certificate of satisfactory completion of a novice motorcyclist training program may be submitted in lieu of driving test for Class M1 or M2 applications. Distracted Driving It is illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle unless the cell phone is being used in hands-free mode. Persons under age 18 may not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless communications device of any kind, including but not limited to a broadband personal communication device, a 2-way messaging device, pager, or laptop computer. All drivers are prohibited from using a wireless communication device to write, send, or read a text-based communication while driving. School bus drivers are not permitted to use cell phones.

Impaired Driving All 50 states and the District of Columbia prohibit the operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating beverages, with the illegal per se limit set at 0.08 percent blood alcohol content (.08 BAC). All 50 states and the District of Columbia set the legal drinking age at 21. Every state’s chemical test law has ‘‘an implied consent’’ provision providing that any person operating a motor vehicle on a public highway, who is suspected of driving while intoxicated, consents to a chemical test to determine if he or she is inebriated. Failure to submit or pass such a test may cause the driver’s license to be suspended or revoked regardless of any court action finding the person innocent of the charge. The most comprehensive resource on U.S. Impaired driving laws is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s. NHTSA’s Digest is updated annually.

Statewide, California requires the use of ignition interlocks for repeat and high BAC (.15 BAC or greater) offenders only. California has a pilot program in 4 counties that requires the use of ignition interlocks for all impaired driving offenders. Child Passenger Safety Children under age 8 and under 57” must be properly secured in a child restraint system. All other children age 8 to 16 or over 57″ must be secured in a properly fitted seat belt. Children under age 2, and under 40 lbs.

Or under 40”, must be properly secured in a rear-facing child restraint system. Children under age 8 must be restrained in a child passenger restraint system in the rear seat. California law specifically requires children to be properly restrained, meaning the lap belt is low on the hips, touching the upper thighs, and the shoulder belt is crossing the center of the chest. Children in rear-facing car seats may not ride in front if there is an active passenger air bag. Violation of the child passenger safety law is a standard offense.

Telematics It is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle equipped with a television receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen, or any other similar means of usually displaying a television broadcast if the receiver is located in the vehicle at any point forward of the back of the driver’s seat. GPS navigation systems that are mountable on the windshield or the dashboard are permitted, as are systems designed to prevent the driver from viewing them. There is also an exemption for video event recorders that have the capability of monitoring driver performance, if mounted in specific locations. Motorcycle Equipment After 1973, motorcycles must be equipped with lamp-type turn signal systems.

Headlamp modulators are permitted but may not be used during darkness. After 1978, motorcycles must be equipped with at least 1 and not more than 2 head-lamps that turn on automatically when the engine is started and remain lighted while the engine is running. Motorcycles must have at least 1 mirror located so as to give the driver a view of at least 200 feet to the rear of the vehicle.

Prohibits a seat position too high for a motorcyclist’s feet to reach the ground while driving. All riders and passengers of motorcycles and mopeds must wear a safety helmet. Motorcycle Licenses Motorcycles may be operated by holders of instruction permits who are at least 15 years and 6 months old and have completed both an approved driver education course and a driver training course, or by holders of instruction permits who are at least 17 years and 6 months old. Motorcycles may not be operated by either instruction permit holder after dark or on freeways and may not carry passengers. Class M1 or M2 licenses shall not be issued to persons under 21 unless they provide evidence of completion of an approved motorcycle safety training program. Motorcycle Noise Limits A noise limit of 92 decibels applies to any motorcycle manufactured before 1970. A noise limit of 88 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1969 and before 1973; 86 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1972 and before 1975; 83 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1974 and before 1986; 80 decibels applies to motorcycles manufactured after 1985.

Motorcycles registered in the state that are manufactured on or after 2013 or have an aftermarket exhaust system manufactured on or after 2013 must have the federal EPA noise emission label affixed to it in order to be operated, used, or parked in the state. Trailer Brakes Every trailer and semitrailer manufactured after 1940 with a GVW of 6,000 lbs. Or more and operated at a speed of 20 mph or more must be equipped with brakes; trailers and semitrailers built after 1966 and with a GVW of 3,000 lbs. Or more must have brakes on at least 2 wheels; every trailer or semitrailer built after 1982 and equipped with air brakes must be equipped with brakes on all wheels. Every trailer coach or camp trailer with a GVW of 1,500 lbs. Or more must be equipped with brakes on at least 2 wheels.

Trailer Lighting The combination of vehicles towing a trailer coach or camp trailer must be equipped with a lamp-type turn signal system. Trailers and semitrailers 80 or more inches in width and manufactured after January 1, 1969, must be equipped with a lamp-type turn signal system. Any vehicle 80 or more inches in width must contain at least 1 amber clearance lamp on each side and at least 1 red clearance lamp on each side, as well as at least 2 amber and 2 red side-marker lamps on each side, and must carry at least 3 red emergency reflectors. Every vehicle at the end of a combination of 2 vehicles must have at least 2 tail lights; trailers manufactured after July 23, 1973 and less than 30 inches wide may be equipped with 1 tail lamp. Liability Laws Financial responsibility is required of every driver and owner of a motor vehicle at all times. Low cost auto policies are available in every county of the state for qualified low income persons.

The cost differs depending on the county. Every driver and every owner of a motor vehicle must carry evidence of financial responsibility in their motor vehicle at all times and be ready to present such evidence at the demand of a peace officer; failure to comply carries a fine between $100 and $200, plus additional assessment penalties, for the 1st infraction and a fine between $200 and $500, plus additional assessment penalties, for any subsequent infraction within 3 years of the 1st. Minimum liability insurance coverage must be at least $15,000 for bodily injury or death of each person as a result of any 1 accident and $30,000 for bodily or injury or death of all persons as a result of any 1 accident and at least $5,000 for damage to property as a result of any 1 accident. State has non-resident service of process law.

Guest may sue driver.