Character Builder Download UpdateCharacter Builder Download Update

I finally have some free time to implement some changes to the website as well as add more features which I think the community will find useful. We were intermittently down for a few minutes last night and this morning, because I was moving some directories around to improve the flow of stuff. Currently, I am putting the finishing touches on our article system, which I look forward to seeing in action. We are in short demand of news reporters, so if you like to write about games and other stuff, please contact Vessa. After we get a few more article submissions then we can roll out the front page, which Throne has been chomping at the bit to get done.

Run D&D 4E Character Builder Classic /D&D 4E CharacterBuilder.exe. Install the Character Builder Oct 2010 offline patch run D&D 4E Character Builder Update (Oct 2010) /D&D 4E Character Builder Update (Oct 2010).exe. Install the current version of CBLoader (1.3.0 as of this writing) Download. Nov 30, 2017 Character Builder (CBLoader.exe). Character Builder is a both effective and entertaining presentation tool. A simple presentation can get boring if no.

Today, I am going to install a Quiz page, similar to what we had before. That also, means that we will opening the doors for members to take the Sentry and Knight exams. While I am going to install a bunch of new features, I just don't have the time to fully set them up and manage them, so I will be looking for other admins to take the lead. • • By, December 30, 2017 • • 137 views. Dear D&D Insider? Subscriber, On November 16, Wizards of the Coast will launch a brand new web-based version of the D&D Insider Character Builder.

The current downloadable version will remain functional, but will no longer be available for download or updated with content after the new version goes live. Here are the highlights of the new Character Builder:? New Design: Completely redesigned from top to bottom in Microsoft Silverlight as a robust character creation wizard.?

No Download: The Character Builder is served from the D&D site.? PC and Mac Compatible: Requires an Internet connection and Silverlight plug-in.? Access is easy: Just enter the D&D site, login, and launch the Character Builder from the Tool Box or the Character Builder tools page.?

Characters in the Cloud: All characters you create are saved on our database. No need to save Character Builder files on your hard drive anymore.?

File Import: You can easily import your characters created in the previous version to the new Character Builder.? Previous Data: Includes all character-building data you enjoyed in the previous versions.? New Data Releases: Dark Sun and D&D Essentials data will debut with the new version. If you have any questions about the new Character Builder or your subscription, see the FAQ or contact a Game Support Representative. Character Builder FAQ Changes Q: Where can I find the D&D Character Builder?

A: You can launch it from the D&D Insider Tools page. You must have an active D&D Insider subscription and be connected to the internet to use the new builder. Q: What about the D&D Monster Builder?

Will that be updated as well? We are currently working on an updated, Silverlight-based web version of the Monster Builder. We expect to release the updated version in the future. Q: Is the old, downloadable Character Builder still available? The old Character Builder will be available for download until the new version goes live on November 16, 2010.

All of the Character Builder information will migrate to the new tool. You are welcome to continue using the old version of the Character Builder if you already have it installed, but that version will no longer be supported. Future updates and additions will be through the new tool. Q: Can I still use my previously created characters on the new Character Builder? A: Yes, you can.

The new Character Builder has an import button that can be used to take character files saved on your hard drive and import them into the web-based Character Builder application. Q: What character information is going to be in the new version of the D&D Character Builder?

Caira Mr5412 Drivers. A: All of the content contained in the earlier version of the D&D Character Builder is in the new web-based application. In addition, the new Character Builder also contains data from the Dark Sun Campaign Setting, Player?s Essentials: Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Psionic Powers. Q: Can I access my newly saved characters from other locations, now that they are no longer saved on my computer? All of your characters saved in the new Character Builder are connected and saved to your D&D Insider account, not your computer. As long as the computer meets the minimum requirements and has a Silverlight plug-in, you can view, change or print them from any computer you log in through. Q: Can I export my character file to share with others? A: While this feature won?t be available at launch, we understand that this is important to our players and are working on rolling this functionality out soon.

For now, you can import your characters into the new tool, modify and save them to your subscription profile. Access Q: I am not a subscriber. Can I still get the D&D Character Builder? A: The application is available only to D&D Insider subscribers.

We are working on a demo that non-subscribers can view to get an idea of how the new Character Builder works, and we hope to make it available soon. Q: I am not a subscriber, but would like to use the new Character Builder. How do I subscribe? A: You can find instructions on how to purchase a monthly, quarterly, or annual subscription to D&D Insider by following this link.

Technical Q: What system(s) does the new version of the Character Builder run on? A: Character Builder Requirements: * Windows * o Operating System: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2 o CPU: Intel? III 450MHz or faster processor (or equivalent) o RAM: 256MB minimum o Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3.x, Apple Safari 3, Apple Safari 4, Google Chrome 3, Google Chrome 4, Google Chrome 5 * Mac OS * o Operating System: Apple Mac OS X 10.4.8 or above o CPU: Intel Core? Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor o RAM: 256MB minimum o Browsers: Apple Safari 4, Apple Safari 5, Mozilla Firefox 3.x * Not supported: * o Win 98, Win NT/Server 2000, Linux, or DOS Q: What is Silverlight? Do I have to have it to have it to use the new version of Character Builder? A: Silverlight is the web platform from Microsoft on which the new version of the D&D Character Builder is built.

Your computer must be running this platform for you to use the new Character Builder. It?s free to download, and works with all the operating systems and browsers listed above. If you do not have Silverlight, the Character Builder will prompt you to download it when you first log in.

You can also go directly to Microsoft?s Silverlight website, and download it from there. Q: Do I still have to install the Character Builder on my computer to use it? The new web-based version of the Character Builder only requires that you have the Silverlight platform installed and have met the technical requirements listed above. The Character Builder itself does not install anything on your computer. Q: If the D&D Character Builder doesn't work, where should I post my problem?

A: If you have problems accessing or using the software, follow this link and fill out the information to send an email to Game Support. To report bugs, follow the instructions here. You may also find that other customers have found solutions to the problem you?re experiencing. You can find those discussions in the character builder technical issues forum. Q: I found a bug!

A: Follow the Report a Bug instructions, posted in our knowledge base. Q: Can I use the D&D Character Builder offline? This version of the D&D Character Builder requires an active connection to the internet. Other Q: If I end my subscription, what happens to the characters I?ve created or imported to the Character Builder? A: Characters you?ve created on the new version or imported from the older version of the Character Builder will remain in our database for twelve months after the subscription expires. If you renew your subscription within that twelve month period, you will be able to access your characters again. Q: Where can I find answers to questions not included in this FAQ?

A: You can visit our character builder community forum, or send in an email to Game Support. I like Silverlight, but I am a little disappointed I don't get to keep my characters on my own machine. I am kind of curious if I can still save as PDF.

• • • • • Character Builder Lite • COMMUNITY RULES: The Community Guidelines include important information about the rules we expect everyone to follow when using the DDO Forums. For the Community Rules. • Trouble Logging in? Remember: your community login is the same as your game login!

• Known Issue: Black Screen With Visible UI: Some Intel users may find that when DirectX 10 is enabled, only their UI is visible and the rest of their screen is black. If this occurs, we recommend you disable DX10, enable DX9, and restart the game client. • Hello from Standing Stone Games!

To read more! Character Builder Lite is designed with a minimalist philosophy -- thus the 'Lite' -- and is intended to be useful for any DDO player, from new players to seasoned vets. This thread was created early in the development of the utility, soliciting feedback and suggestions. Discussion of the most recent major version (3.0) begins in. Two companion programs are included the the download zip, as well as complete source code for all the tools in the SourceCode zip: - - Downloads Files are hosted on Google Drive. When you open one of these download links you'll see a list of the zip file contents. There's a little down-arrow button at the top of the screen for downloading.

NOTE: For some reason, my Windows 10 is no longer letting these programs open web links unless I set them to Run as Administrator, so if you click a link and nothing happens, try running as admin. (Right-click the exe files, choose Properties, click the Compatibility tab, then check the box at the bottom that says Run as Administrator.) New Installation Unzip the 'DDO Lite Tools' zip anywhere under your Documents folder. NOTE: If you save them anywhere else, you must right-click the exe files and set them to Run as Administrator, even if you're using an administrator account. Otherwise the character builder will crash when it tries to auto-save backup copies of the active build whenever you change screens. Updating Copy the 'DDO Lite Tools' zip into the same folder where the exe files are. Then right-click the zip file and choose 'Extract Here.'

Answer Yes to All when asked to overwrite. That's all you need to do. Compatibility Written in pure VB6 native code, all programs should run on any version of Windows, no installation required. Mac and Linux users have reportedly been able to run it using with the following tweaks: winetricks vb6run winetricks native_oleaut32 winetricks allfonts Source Code There are no dependencies (references and components) of any kind used in any of the programs; just pure native VB6. If you can run VB6 you should be able to compile all programs without issue.

The source code zip also contains the many hundreds of bitmaps and icons used in all programs. (Most of them are for the crafting planner.). Here's a quick demo of both programs, essentially just showing the main screens. Forgive my cheapo freeware screen capture program; it leaves artifacts in several places, and freaks out (artifact armageddon) whenever any scrolling happens. Here's sample output for both a character build and a gearset: Kensei Warpriest 12/8 Fighter/Cleric Human Level Order 1.

Cleric Stats........ Level Up........ -------- Strength.... 16....18....18....18....4: STR Dexterity....

8....8: STR Constitution.. 12: STR Intelligence..

16: STR Wisdom..... 20: STR Charisma.... 24: STR..........................28: STR Skills..... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.....------------------------------------------------------------ Concent...1. It's a lot quicker than the manual spreadsheet layout I work with.I feel your pain. That's my main motivation; my character building folder has officially reached 'spreadsheet hell' proportions, so in the long run this planner will save me endless headache. I'm softening on the idea of distributing it, thanks mostly to Ron's encouragement.

I do have some logistical issues to work out, though. Where do I host the files so people can download them?

Figure 2 megabytes tops for any given download -- the current version would be a 200k download -- plus the download zip would include an exe file. Some hosting sites automatically strip out exe files for virus prevention. Ideally there'd be some kind of discussion board feature so I could post release notes, get feedback (bug reports) etc. My price range is $0.

Anyone have any ideas? I feel your pain. That's my main motivation; my character building folder has officially reached 'spreadsheet hell' proportions, so in the long run this planner will save me endless headache. I'm softening on the idea of distributing it, thanks mostly to Ron's encouragement. I do have some logistical issues to work out, though. Where do I host the files so people can download them? Figure 2 megabytes tops for any given download -- the current version would be a 200k download -- plus the download zip would include an exe file.

Some hosting sites automatically strip out exe files for virus prevention. Ideally there'd be some kind of discussion board feature so I could post release notes, get feedback (bug reports) etc. My price range is $0. Download Tema Bb 9300 3g Gratis.

Anyone have any ideas?This looks cool, thanks Ellis. As for sharing files I suggest Dropbox and the Public Share link to file method. As far as I know you can handle quite large files (2 GB) for free that way. Speaking of enhancements, I've entered the following data in my data files: Races - Done Classes - Done (includes spells) Feats - Done (I think) Destiny - six trees done, six to go Enhancements - three trees done, a bajillion to go It's too early to have anyone try and enter any data, but if anyone wants to volunteer to help enter enhancement trees, that'd be awesome.

Destiny trees take around 10-15 minutes to enter, so I'm fine finishing those myself. Enhancement trees take a little longer, figure 20-30 minutes each, and there are just so many of them that any help would be appreciated. Note that anyone helping out with tree entry would need to be a good speller, have good attention to detail, and also be able to identify when something will or won't work with the data file layout. (And then PM with me and we figure out if I can adapt the program to support it or just don't support it.) The trees I have done so far are swashbuckler, kensei and warpriest.

Nothing in those trees was particularly problematic, but there are trees I've never even looked at, ever, (barbarian? Artificer?) so who knows what issues might creep up that I haven't planned for.

Note that anyone helping out with tree entry would need to be a good speller, have good attention to detail, and also be able to identify when something will or won't work with the data file layout. (And then PM with me and we figure out if I can adapt the program to support it or just don't support it.) The trees I have done so far are swashbuckler, kensei and warpriest. Nothing in those trees was particularly problematic, but there are trees I've never even looked at, ever, (barbarian? Artificer?) so who knows what issues might creep up that I haven't planned for.If you already support the up to 7 multiple choice enhancements with requirements (which can be feats, anti-requisites with feats, other enhancements, class levels, etc.), it's probably got most things covered. Divine Disciple, including the cores, might be one of the more complex ones, in addition to maybe Human or Half-Elf (but you got those!). If you already support the up to 7 multiple choice enhancements with requirements (which can be feats, anti-requisites with feats, other enhancements, class levels, etc.), it's probably got most things covered. Divine Disciple, including the cores, might be one of the more complex ones, in addition to maybe Human or Half-Elf (but you got those!).Yeah, currently I don't support selector prereqs, but I'm already thinking about ways to implement it.

Some of the additional complexity comes from streamlining feats. For example, I made both 'Skill Focus' and 'Epic Skill Focus' single feats, with the list of skills as selectors. Works great for Skill Focus, but Epic Skill Focus has that '20 trained ranks in same skill' requirement, which is a bit tricky to enforce for a selector. I have run across a few super annoying unique features, so I empathize with the complexity you guys have to deal with when changing stuff. Specifically: Deflect Arrows Can only be taken as a monk bonus feat, not a regular feat even if you're a monk. Every other bonus feat in the game (as opposed to class feat) can be taken as a regular feat, so this was irritating.

I did manage to fully support it. Deity Feats You just HAD to let clerics and paladins take these as regular feats, didn't ya? I currently do not support that. (I don't even know what happens to deity feats if you multiclass 6/6/6 paladin/cleric/favored soul as, say, a warforged. I guess you just stop getting offered deity feat slots, since warforged only qualify for a single deity line?

And what if you're human? Can you take both silver flame and sovereign host? No need to reply, I can test it in-game with iconics.) Artificer bonus feats You can take selector feats (improved critical, exotic proficiency, weapon focus) as artificer bonus feats, but the selector list is limited to only two choices.

This is also not currently supported. The demo looks awesome.keep up the good work.

If you could find a way to port that to a tablet you could make a few bucks i bet A smartphone/tablet app would be awesome. I'd have thought android would be most achievable but I know nothing about code or app stores. And its probably far too massive a commitment due to uncontrollable OS updates and stuff. But if anyone from Turbine is reading this?

I would definitely pay for something like that. To be fair, I'd pay for Ron's character planner on the PC (I've donated before in fact, and will do so again when the completely new version is ready). But I would also pay you, Turbine, for something like this. You have an amazing, but complicated character building approach in DDO compared to other MMOs, and it's always bewildered me how little help you give folk with that. A web app, or something, is long, long overdue. I don't really expect one, but it would be right up there on the 'if money and priorities were no object' wishlist.

Edit: also, forgot to give feedback for the OP, which was careless - thus far the interface looks really nice and clean (a benefit of not including explanations of everything I expect), easy to follow, instant output, lots of well thought out shortcuts (like level ups having an all levels option which prepopulates, but which you can thereafter tweak - that's some lovely 'best of both worlds' UI management, right there). I'd recommend Ron's planner to new players, but yours is, actually, possibly maybe better if you already know the game and don't need explanations and whatnot. So I guess what I'm saying is: so far, mission goals accomplished.

Good luck with the rest!