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Jackson Guitar Serial Number Nhjm

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Jackson Guitar Serial Number Nhjm

The below information was taken directly from Jackson Guitars website. On Neck-Thru Body Models: The serial number is stamped into the fingerboard at the last fret. On Bolt-On Neck Models: The serial number is stamped into the neck plate. Models that are sold outside of the continental United States cannot be tracked using this serial number.

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Your post MUST contain information! Please add a detailed description to posts and titles. Hey guys, I haven't been active on these forums in a long time, but that's besides the point. I need help identifying a Jackson super-strat I got from a trade yesterday. I traded an ESP LTD MH-53 that had floyd rose issues and a buzzing JB SH-4 and got more value out of it than the guy should have given me, so I was able to get a beautiful purple Jackson for about $300 used, but the only identifier it had was 'Jackson Dinky, Purple.' No year, no specific model number, etc. Ive tried finding the same one on the internet to no avail, so can you guys help?

The serial # is 9652543. SPECS: -Likely an import -Maple neck (very thin) -Bound rosewood fingerboard with MOP shark fin style inlays -24 frets -Licensed floyd rose made by jackson, looks similar to an Edge trem -Brushed metal parts -HSS with duncan designed PUPs PICTURES: • • • • •.

Licensed by Floyd Rose and Duncan Designed pickups means it's from the Performer series and was probably less than $600 new. Depending on the age it could have either been made in Japan or more than likely, made in Korea. The bolt-on neck means it's a Dinky; the Soloist is a neck-through design. It's a pretty guitar, I've been wanting a Floyd equipped shredder like that myself lately. Used to have a Kelly, swapped out the Duncan Designed pickups for some DiMarzios and it was an awesome guitar.

The 7 digit s/n starting with the mfg. Year of '96 and is definitely a Dinky of some ilk. The body shape with the lower horn bevel is identical to the '95 XL. The '96 DX1 is pretty much the same but doesn't have the horn bevel, at least in the maple top versions shown in the catalog, the solid color versions may very well have the bevel.

The tremolo is a JT580LP which was on both the '95 XL and the '96 DX1. The Duncan Designed pickups weren't offered until '96. One odd thing is the lack of writing, besides the Jackson logo, on the headstock and/or truss rod cover making the neck a bit of an anomaly. As it has the sharkfin inlays and binding, I don't think it is a Performer or JS series.

It is possible the neck has been replaced of course. It could be a DX1 or even an XL made in '96 using parts that were kicking around. Alternately, it may be a limited run for a music store or a prototype model.

Given Jackson's mfg. Changes around the time it was assembled, you may never know.