Related topics include families, mine workers, miners, Taft-Hartley Act (Labor Management Relations Act of 1947), fair contracts, safer boats, anniversaries, voting, ship owners, presidential elections, contracts, organizing, security, media, journalism, work conditions, exploitation, World War I (WWI); makers include Maine Printing, Inland Boatmen's Union, Warren Lee, Inkworks Press, Phil Drew, ILWU Political Action Committee, International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, CIO, ILWU Dispatcher, Rockwell Kent; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mr. Rickenbacker, C.G. Boozer, William Appleyard, Harry Bridges, J.R. Robertson, Rosco Craycraft, Eugene Paton; references or specifically about Rio Tinto Group Mining company, The Dispatcher, Westoil / Millennium, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), war production, postwar jobs, The ILWU DIspatcher, winch drivers, Holtz Bay, Attu Island (Aleutians), explosives, supplies, Massacre Bay, Holtz Bay, Red Beach, Chilkoot barracks, Cole Bay, Local 47, 'Keep it Moving'; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA).

Related topics include contracts, marches and demonstrations, Wal-Mart, Chinatown (Los Angeles, USA), civil disobedience, poverty wages, job security, public services, city budget, layoffs, civil rights, Pasadena Blue Line, cutbacks, clean air, pollution, health, clean buses, transit racism, public transportation, fare hikes, 2008 presidential elections, education, budget cuts; makers include United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 660, Mitchell Printing, L.A. Union, Fix LA, Labor/Community Strategy Center (LCSC), Bus Riders Union/Sindicato De Pasajeros, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA); referenced individuals include Jim Wood, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Antonio Villaraigosa; references or specifically about Solidarity Day, Wall Street; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include voting, elections, diversity, state service, campaigns, abuse, May Day, sexual harassment, people with disabilities, Americans with Disability Act (ADA), community college workers, racial unity, HIV/AIDS, infection control, health care, contracts, economic security, affordable health care; makers include Local 87, Local 1000, Committee on Political Education (COPE), L. Podevin, Avery Clayton, Diane Sunseri Design, Local 707, CSA/District 925, Local 1021; referenced individuals include Johnny Knox, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Mary Jones (Mother Jones), Dolores Huerta, George Meany, Samuel Gompers, Rose Schneiderman, A. Philip Randolph, Maida Springer-Kemp, Justin Dart; references or specifically about Rolling Thunder, fair parking plan, health care, staffing, salaries, sub-contracting, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Statue of Liberty, Clark County Public Employees, Reach Every Member, Equal Employments Opportunity Commission (EEOC); places made include Washington, D.C.

Jaime Escalante Math Program Elac Etudes

(USA), Las Vegas (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include discrimination, diversity, religion, economic justice, equality, women, equal pay, Charleston 5, longshoremen, African Americans, Mexican independence, Chicano/Latino, Asian Americans, Spanish occupation of Mexico; makers include Print Northwest, Inc., National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Crimson Bug, Paul Illingsworth, Diane Sunseri, Trudesign, Nora Mendoza, Kim Howell; referenced individuals include Ken Riley, A. Philip Randolph, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Lucy Parsons, Harriet Tubman; references or specifically about Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), National Organization of Women (NOW), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), SEIU 11th Annual Women's Conference, Black History Month, Latino Heritage Month, Cinco de Mayo, Asian Pacific Heritage Month; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Adinkra. Related topics include unfair labor practices, working families, communities, Labor Day, marches and demonstrations, anniversaries, centennials, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), voting, elections, gender equality, living wages, freedom of speech, civil rights, corporate greed, social change, social justice, arts and culture, art exhibitions, job safety, occupational safety, immigrants, girls, child labor, education, military budget, prisons, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), pride, solidarity, U.S. Flag; makers include United Service Workers West, Jennie Nemcek, AFL-CIO State Federations, Kelly Press, Inc. Laborers' International Union of North America, Federation of Retired Union Members, I Arte, Zach Fine, Jeanne Nemcek, J. McDaniel; referenced individuals include William Green, Marilyn Anderson, Diane Cutrone, Pat Olson, Samuel Gompers, Margaret Lanterman, Nancy Plotkin, Robert Gadomski, Carol Luc, Layne Jackson, Ruthanne Godollei, Steven Carrelli, Nancy Parkinson Albrecht, Mariam Romais, James S.

Jaime Escalante Math Program. Jaime Escalante was a math teacher at Garfield High School who transformed their math department and changed the lives of.

Jaime Escalante Math Program Elac Etudes

Rousonelos, Richard M. Daley, Michael Nevin, Kathleen Scarboro, Charles Maier, Mae Connor, Simone Bouyer, J. Related topics include Hormel Meat Packers strike and boycott, child labor, sweatshops, work conditions, 12-hour work days, whistleblowers, boycotts, apartheid, Sharpeville massacre, U.S. Intervention, Central America, union busting, communism, teacher's salaries, job protection, medical insurance, voting, worker solidarity, union participation, union-made products, gender divide, corporatism, working conditions; makers include Estelle Carol, Community Printers and Graphics, Mexican American Workers Association, Bob Gill, Central American Trade Unionists, Local 420, Nicaraguan Trade Unionists, Walter Bernard, Irene Vendervoort, Gerald E. Martin, Keith Pattinson, Security Awareness Poster, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU), Sheetmetal Workers Union; referenced individuals include Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Mona Field, Julia Wu, Roy Rogers, Rini Templeton, Don Holmstrom, Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones); references or specifically about May Day, disabled workers, pensions, sexual harassment, unemployment compensation, gender equality, union homes, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Open Secrets, U.S. Currency, Vietnam War; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include marches and demonstrations, the Iraq War, people of color, immigrants, international solidarity, Iraqi workers, the economy; makers include Local 660 Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Inkworks Press,, Jobs with Peace; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, Johnny Knox, David Bacon; references or specifically about Iraqi Oil and Port Workers Under the Occupation, United Steelworkers (USW) local chapter 675, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) local 63, the Great Depression, housing; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA). Related topics include labor history, film series, fairs, Spanish anarchists, green jobs, talks, solar panels, green economy, summer training programs, youth, Arizona copper strikes, employment rights of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, education, Bay Area labor, mural art, labor parties, open mic events, docudramas, Sedgwick Ranch (Santa Barbara, California, USA), labor theater, benefit events, concert events, women organizing, Labor Day festivals, picnics, labor in the 1980s, anniversaries, conferences, New Deal, Franklin D.

Roosevelt administration, fashion industry, sweatshops, garment industry, teach-ins, working-class studies; makers include Bread & Roses Festival of Music, Black Pearl Anarchist Group, Carrollton, von Turk, AFL-CIO, The Legal Aid Society, Inkworks Press, California Literacy Campaign, Canada Council, City College of San Francisco, Our Work Life, Labor Party Founding Convention, M Moshe, Erick Freely, Diego Rivera-Garcia, Thalia Gonzalez, Ally Lailan Huen, Tim Simmons, Sedgwick Ranch Art Rangers, Lucy Brown, Loren Moss, Tenaz, Brody, New American Movement, St. Louis TELOS Group, AgitProps, Monterrey County Employees Association (MCEA), Community Printers, Noor Lin, Salsedo Press, First Step Printing, Design Action Collective, Bryn Zellers/Slaghammer, YSU-ACE Chapter; referenced individuals include Augustin Souchy, Gene Dennis, Earl Dotter, Tom Wayman, Dolores Huerta, Nelson Lichtenstein, Bill Flechter, Oscar Melara, Kate Connell, Tony Masso, Mike Alewitz, Ronald Reagan, A. Philip Randolph, Millie Weitz, Ricardo Levins Morales, Utah Phillips, Hazel Dickens, Julia Reichter, James Klein, Miles Mogulescu, Lenny Potash, Henrietta Shore, Holly Near, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Leon Trotsky, Mahatma Gandhi, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), Robert Bullard, Pete Seeger, Jane Sapp, Franklin D. Related topics include Campbell's Soup, exploitation, Midwestern farm workers, union families, strikes, sweatshops, garment workers, racism, union busting, worker harassment, consumer abuse, carwashes, marches and demonstrations, airline companies, scabs, tomato industry occupational health and safety, Chicano/Latino, big businesses; makers include SHO-You Grafix, D. Monkawa, Garment Worker Center, Howard Quinn Co.,, Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), People's Daily World.

Related topics include Chicago (Illinois, USA), police brutality, anarchism, radicalism, marches and demonstrations, May Day, corporatism, handbills, 8-hour workday strikes, bomb explosions, unionists; makers include Haymarket Square Workers Memorial Committee, Daniels Graphics, Solidarity Publications, Solidarity Book Shop, J.S. Jordan Memorial; referenced individuals include Thostrup, A.R. Parsons, August Spies, Louis Lingg, George Engel, Adolph Fischer, J.J.

Kanberg; references or specifically about Chicago Historical Society, Haymarket Series, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW); places made include USA, Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include German, English. Related topics include health benefits, universal health care, affordable health care, clinics, single-payer national health insurance, broken health care systems, Medicare, administrative waste, private health insurance, HR676 (The United States National Health Insurance Act); makers include Jobs with Justice, Service Employees International Union AFL-CIO (SEIU), Physicians for National Healthcare Program, Salsedo Press; referenced individuals include Ragland; references or specifically about Statue of Liberty. Related topics include collective bargaining, forced labor, child labor, workplace discrimination, workers' rights, international solidarity, freedom of expression, censorship, equal pay, gender equality, women, human rights; makers include Jacques Maillard, Faith Doherty, J. Dey; references or specifically about Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, United Nations, tripartism, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organize Convention, Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, Equal Remuneration Convention, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention. Related topics include general strikes, centennials, feminism, racism, socialism, international solidarity; makers include Community Printers, Julie Reynolds, Arizmendi, City Streets, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Red Sun Press, Dan Jones; referenced individuals include Walter Crane, Eugene Debs; references or specifically about Haymarket Square (Haymarket Riots); places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), London (United Kingdom); languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, French. Related topics include conferences, centenary, communism, marches and demonstrations, anniversaries, May Day, peace, socialism; makers include Union Sindical de Madrid Region de CC.OO., Partido Comunista de Euskadi, Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP), Socialist Party of Australia; references or specifically about Fiesta de los Trabajadores, Jornada Roja del Proletariado Mundial, dove, peace; places made include Switzerland, Madrid (Spain), Basque Country, Montreal (Canada), Australia; languages include English, Spanish, French, German.

Related topics include racism, labor law reforms, strikes, pro-employer laws, global economics, Boeing, scabs, Eastern Air Lines, boycotts, Continental Airlines, May Day, international solidarity, U.S. Steel (USX), unions, mining, steelworkers; makers include Revolutionary Communist Party-USA (RCP, USA), Joint Trade Union Organisation for Protection of Existing Labour Laws, Seattle Post Intelligence, People's Daily World, General Union of Greek Workers, Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles Times, S. Joseph; references or specifically about World Trade Organization (WTO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) local 1877; places made include USA, Greece, Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Greek, Spanish.

Related topics include seafarers, unions, Contracts Act, California AB 236, wages, car wash workers, campaigns, elections, shipyard workers, Measure A (1982 November) - Santa Cruz, anti-war, U.S. Related topics include international solidarity, labor movements, Sun Maid raisins, farm workers, agricultural labor, occupational health and safety, women, equal pay, gender equality, police brutality, racial discrimination, racism, National Union Label Week, boycotts, Midwestern farm workers, Campbell's Soup, grape boycotts; makers include The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Lincoln Cushing; references or specifically about Rosie the Riveter, Westinghouse Electric, War Production Co-ordinating Committee, Northland Poster Collective, Walter P. Reuther Library, Docs Populi, United Auto Workers (UAW) Women's Department, Labadie collection, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), United Farm Workers (UFW), Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees - AFL-CIO, Bread and Roses, Kheel Center collection, Hospital and Health Care Employees; referenced individuals include J. Howard Miller, Ricardo Levins-Morales, Frederick Douglass, Ester Hernandez, Timothy Drescher, Carlos Cortez, Joe Hill, Bill Seaman, J.V. Hudak, Xavier Viramontes, Paul Davis, Walter Crane; places made include USA. Related topics include exploitation, National Conference on Women Garment Workers, textile workers, international solidarity, Guatemala, global economics, Gap Inc., wages, Guess (clothing company), corporatism, corporations, workshops, globalization, capitalism, advertising, Cambodian workers, Chinese women, China, profits, manufacturers, retail management; makers include Marilyn Drake, Marilyn Anderson, Inkworks Press, Innosanto Nagara, Global Exchange, Common Threads Artist Group; references or specifically about U.S. Department of Labor, Bangladesh, living wage, Anchor Blue, Karen Kane, Doc Martens, corporate greed, Global South, Saipan, conscientious consumerism, injustice, ethical consumerism, hierarchy of competition; referenced individuals include Frances Perkins, Robert B.

Reich; places made include USA; languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include poverty, cost of living, wages, occupational safety and health, UCLA - Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH) Program, youth, young workers, UC Regents, UC Service Workers, workers' rights; makers include Wayne Alaniz Healey, Peter Tovar, Abby Chung, Kate Oliver, Jackie DeLeon, Labor Occupational Health Program (UC Berkeley), Grace Kim, Oscar Diaz; references or specifically about UC Riverside, poverty wages, University of California at Berkeley, Uncle Sam; referenced individuals include Tanya Orozco; places made include California (USA). Related topics include equal employment opportunity, labor laws, discrimination, agricultural labor, Noah's Bagels, employment, deregulation, electric power industry, sexual harassment, exploitation, student work, health insurance, cultural critiques, cultural homogenization, labor organizing, worker solidarity, international solidarity, education, unfair labor practices, working conditions, wages, U.S. Republican Party, poor security practices, confidential materials, domestic work, dignity, respect; makers include International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), The Office of Federal Contract Compliance (U.S. Related topics include child abductions, verbal abuse, children advocacy groups, permanent homes; makers include Kevin Collins Foundation, Sir Speedy Printing, Bay View Federal Savings, Eleanor Rubin, Child Welfare League of America, Ethel Kessler Design Inc., Julian Waters, Virginia Lithograph, Children Now, Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services, Ronald McDonald Children's Charities, Gable Design Group, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Blue Balloon Inc., Community Printers, Gayle T. Ono Design, Mark Geard, The Family Violence Prevention Co-ordinating Committee, Preventing Abuse of Children Together (PACT), Office of Child Abuse Prevention, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse; referenced individuals include Salvador Bru, John F.

Kennedy, Hunter Freeman, Harley Soltes, Eric Shalit; references or specifically about National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month; places made include Vallejo (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Maori. Related topics include welfare, hunger, homelessness, poverty, mental illness, marches and demonstrations, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), statistics, teenage pregnancy, sex crimes, weapon offenses in public schools, voting, elections; makers include Public Media Center, Fair Share Network; referenced individuals include Maggie Hallahan; references or specifically about the Great Depression, National Committee on Child Nutrition, Occupy Movement, indigent; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA). Related topics include youth leadership movements, radicalism, runaway crisis centers, conferences, black youth, race, racism, art exhibitions, student art, hate, bullying, zones, words; makers include Free My People (FMP), Red Sun Press, The Firehouse Kustom Rockhart Company, Catholic Charities, Social Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Andrew Vesler, Ginny Cordova, William S. Coperthwaite, Ragged Edge Press; referenced individuals include Scott Nearing, Richard Garrett, E. Ms Word 2003 Free Download Full Version For Windows 8.

Fee, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Cameryn Miller; references or specifically about San Francisco Mime Troupe, Angel's Flight, apartheid, International Year of the Child, Young Peoples Art Exhibit; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Durban (South Africa), Maine (USA), Syracuse (New York, USA). Related topics include California State University, voting; makers include California Faculty Association, Yes on Prop 30, California Teachers Association; referenced individuals include Jerry Brown; references or specifically about Massachusetts Senate Bill 1, California Proposition 30: Sales and Income Tax Increase (2012), California Proposition 32: the 'Paycheck Protection' Initiative (2012), California Proposition 174: School Vouchers (1993); places made include Massachusetts (USA), Burlingame (California, USA).

Related topics include interracial solidarity, violence, race relations, football, National Football League (NFL), public transportation, Metro Transit Authority (MTA), segregation, affirmative action, University of California, UC Regents, alternative admission policies, racial diversity, SP-1, SP-2, international solidarity, multiculturalism, prejudice, student work, minorities in the arts; makers include Brittany Banayan, Bus Riders Union, Jospeh R. Related topics include Los Angeles Riots, quincentennial, peace, police brutality, race prejudice, Asian Week, Asian Pacific American community, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), racism, media; makers include Red Sun Press, Micki Wheatley, Queer Nation, Dredhead Designs, Thomas Vercher, Inkworks Press, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science; referenced individuals include Martin Luther King, Jr., Rodney King, Malcolm X, Daryl Gates, Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, Tim Lan Wong, Reginald Denny; references or specifically about Watts Riots, Rampart Police Department, California National Guard, 'Rebuild LA; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA). Related topics include September 11 (2001), religious solidarity, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, racial justice, apartheid, monotheism, intolerance, ignorance, Los Angeles students, student art, sports, racial justice, social change movement, elimination of racism, just society; makers include Inkworks Press, Z.

Related topics include neo-Nazis, communism, political parties, Nazism, marches and demonstrations, Fascism, Anti-Fascist demonstrations, racism against Latinos, immigration, people of color, stereotypes, graffiti, children, xenophobia, racial discrimination; makers include Alternative Libertaire, Partij van de Arbeid van Belgie (PVDA), H. Verwimp, Anti-Fascist Info, Latin American Coalition Against Racism, Rodrigo Ardiles, Canadian Labour Congress, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Juventud, Torreangulo Arte Grafico, Keko, United Nations Department of Public Information; referenced individuals include Rodrigo Moreno, T.R. Maracle, Tomi Ungerer; references or specifically about Anti-Kriegs Museum, Star of David, National Action (Nazi group), Congreso Mundial Sobre O Racismo, Feiro Internacional Multicultural, World Conference Against Racism; places made include Belgium, Germany, Canada, Brazil; languages include French, German, Dutch, Swedish. Related topics include public transportation, transit racism, transit fare hikes, sexism, U.S.

Government, San Francisco (California, USA), working class, marginalization of communities, poor, racial profiling, Minnesota statehood (sesquicentennial event), Canadian Liberty Net, New Cross Massacre, Affirmative Action, education, free tuition; makers include National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Consuelo Mindez Castillo, Bus Riders Union, Racial Justice Coalition, East End Offset, New Cross Action Committee; referenced individuals include Rosa Parks, Gray Davis, Tom Metzger; references or specifically about U.S. Flag, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Civil Rights Era, Billions for Buses Campaign, driving while black/brown (DWB), California SB 1389; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Vancouver (Canada), Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include California Proposition 209 (1996), Ku Klux Klan (KKK), U.C.

Regents, marches and demonstrations, United Steelworkers v. Weber, labor, unions, minorities, women, discrimination, Regents of the University of California v. Related topics include peace, anti-war, marches and demonstrations, anti-nuclear, disarmament, draft resistance, military budget, nuclear freeze, U.S.-USSR arms race, peace walks, poverty, Central America, children, Iraq, international solidarity, art exhibitions, Iraq war, Afghan women, immigration, U.S. Occupation in Iraq, spying, benefits, sterilization, reproductive rights, women's rights, Colombia, Colombia Campaign 2002, militarism, military deaths; makers include Western Massachusetts American Friends Service Committee, Red Sun Press, The Public Works Project, Len Munik, Sabra Field, Garry Henry, Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), Prima Materia Design, Melissa Elliot, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Brandywine Peace Community, Robert M. Smith, Sarah Reiter, Andrew Sawtelle, Annemarie Curlin, Courtesy of Queen City Printers, Gina Maria Echeverry, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Ecumenical Peace Institute; referenced individuals include Arundhati Roy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dwight Eisenhower, People's Blockade, George W. Bush; references or specifically about B-1 Bomber, M-X Missile, Trident Submarine, Cruise Missile, Neutron Bomb, Disarmament and Conversion Campaign, Campaign of Conscience, Emergency and Material Assistance Program (EMAP), Leila Richards, the Statue of Liberty, Joe Comerford, Don't Tread on Me; places made include Florence (Massachusetts, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Brattleboro (Vermont, USA), Iowa City (Iowa, USA); languages include English, Spanish.

Related topics include humanitarian crisis, neglected diseases, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, poverty, maps, global economics, women's health, natural disasters, epidemics, Pan-Africa, essential medicines, pharmaceutical companies, children; makers include Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld, Emerson, Wajdowicz Studios, Francesco Zizola; references or specifically about Nobel Peace Prize, Haiti, Niger, Mali, Swaziland, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines; places made include New York (New York, USA), Berlin (Germany); languages include English, German. Related topics include humanitarian aid, equality, voluntary service, non-governmental organization (NGO), neutrality, conferences, international solidarity, war victims; makers include International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Committee of the Red Cross; referenced individuals include Josue Anselmo, David Barbour, Jo Matthews, Howard Davies, Eddy Posthuma de Boer, Jean Mohr, John Taylor, Liliane de Toledo, H. Pedersen; references or specifically about The Fundamental Principles; places made include Switzerland; languages include English, French, Spanish, Arabic. Related topics include renewable energy, alternative energy, wind turbines, fossil fuels, oil, coal, natural gas, environmentalism, ecology, acid rain, air pollution, global warming, imported oil, solar power, anti-nuclear, geothermal energy, solar panels, U.S. Government and politics, gasoline, tax credits, photovoltaic panels, natural sunlight, water power, wood-burning plants, hybrid cars, alternative cars, solar powered vehicles; makers include Kathryn Shagas; referenced individuals include Albert Einstein; references or specifically about Convocation on The Threat of Nuclear War, General Motors (GM); places made include Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA). Related topics include Sierra Leone refugees in Liberia, Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh, Laotian refugees in Thailand, refugee returnees in Guatemala, Bosnian refugees in Croatia, humanitarian aid, children, health care, agricultural labor, elderly people, poverty, international solidarity, human rights, children's art, Yugoslavia, labor, asylum, persecution, women, identity papers, legal protection, families, medical care, water, education, South East Asian Refugees, Pan African refugees, Pakistan; makers include L.

Del Mundo, A. Errington, M. Kobayashi, P.

Van Praag, Jean-Michel Folon, L. Gubb; references or specifically about Lego Group, Red Cross, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Nobel Peace Prize; places made include Switzerland; languages include English, French, Spanish, Arabic. Related topics include drugs, health, West Africa, ecology, environmental protection, oceans, marine protection, diarrhea, children, International Year of Peace, arms race, disarmament, anti-war, conferences, United Nations system, youth, economic development, refugees, UN peace-keeping operations; makers include United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Merkopaino Oy, United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNCDP), Nikki Meith, Regional Seas Activity Centre, United Nations Environment Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Ettice de Loache, K. Sliwka, Alliance for Progressive Global Change, Notion, United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), DPI Design Section; references or specifically about Istanbul (Turkey); places made include Finland, Geneva (Switzerland), San Francisco (California, USA), Denmark; languages include English, Arabic, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish.

Related topics include California state budget, slavery, prison construction, construction and development, maps, marches and demonstrations, prison expansion, life sentences, education, universities, unemployment, parole, federal state prisons, May Day, probation, voting rights, felony convictions, voting registration, civil liberties, poverty, police brutality, police harassment, legal representation, low-income communities, legal advocacy, freedom of speech, censorship, solitary confinement, textile industry; makers include Dominique DiPrima's 'Street Science,' R. Hall, Jr., Inkworks Press, Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals; referenced individuals include Leandro Andrade, Kevin Weber, Ruth Gilmore, David Rose, Charles Ervin, Shearwood Fleming, Gray Davis, Pete Wilson; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, plantations, Amerikkka, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Solitary Housing Unit (SHU), Prison Moratorium Project, Prison Activist Resource Center, police state, Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, CMT Blues, Mother Jones Magazine; places made include California. Related topics include unions, inhumane conditions, torture, hunger strikes, health, nutrition, solitary confinement, interracial solidarity, group punishment, administrative abuse, human rights, DNA testing, rape, sexual misconduct, teenage inmates, youth, death row, life sentences, solidarity; makers include United Prisoners Union (UPU), Dignidad Rebelde, Sung Ho Cho, Rashid, Robert Cohen; referenced individuals include Eugene V. Debs, Rini Templeton; references or specifically about United Prisons Union Bill of Rights, Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strike, Security Housing Unit (SHU), convicted class, Houston Police Department, Attica Prison Rebellion, US Commission on Safety and Abuse in Prisons, Prisoner Survival Campaign, Debriefing Policy, Solspace (Oakland, California, USA); places made include California. Related topics include grand juries, crack cocaine, South Central Los Angeles (California, USA), U.S.

Government and politics, mass incarcerations, Black and Latino youth, discrimination, jobs, unemployment, labor, right to vote, government assistance, public housing, juvenile detention, poverty, gentrification, pollution, cancer, isolation, no contact, appeals, picket lines, torture, prison rights, solitary confinement, police brutality, police violence; makers include Fireworks Graphics; referenced individuals include Oliver North, George H. Bush, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Larry Phillips; references or specifically about Metropolitan Correctional Center, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Three Strikes Law, National Day of Action to Stop Mass Incarceration, Wakefield Prison (West Yorkshire, England), Wormwood Scrubs Prison (London, England), 'Special Control Units'; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA). Related topics include California, AB900 (County Jail Funding and Reentry Facilities), Proposition H (Police Commission/Office of Citizen Complaints), Senate Bill S-1, California Proposition 6 (2008), youth, California Proposition 9: Marsy's Law (2008), California Proposition 5: the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA) (2008), education, Measure A; makers include City Streets Poster Collective of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Resistance Print Shop, LCSC; references or specifically about Nuremburg Defense, U.S. Constitution, Miranda Rights; referenced individuals include George Runner; languages include English and Spanish. Related topics include mass media, media ban, California prisons, civil liberties, freedom of speech, censorship, Japanese Americans, Japanese internment camps, racism, World War II, government transparency, Abu Ghraib, torture, Iraq War; makers include Kim McGill, Mary Sutton, Kristal Graphics; references or specifically about Robben Island Prison, Birmingham Jail; referenced individuals include Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA). Related topics include youth, children, education, nonviolent crimes, prison spending, education spending, California, prison expansion, rapes, prison guard brutality, hip-hop events, benefit events, subvertisements; makers include Favianna Rodriguez, Schools Not Jails, Robbie Conal, Inkworks Press, Third Eye Movement, The Committee to Defeat Prop 21, TENI2, Freedom Winter & Critical Resistance; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, Week of Rage; referenced individuals include Pete Wilson; places made include San Francisco (California, USA).

Related topics include life sentences, drug offenses, rape, murder, assault with a deadly weapon, California, marijuana, education, prison spending, prison expansion, youth, education spending, non-violent offenders, felony convictions, voting rights, elderly offenders, nursing homes, prison overcrowding, labor, salaries, wages, unfair trials, poverty, prison labor reform; makers include Families to Amend California's Three Strikes, Keegon Rooney, Kevin McCloskey, Fabio Coruzzi, Errol Sabinano, Jerry W. McDaniel, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, Mario Ayala, Lauren Hartmen, Jamal Combs, Ariana Fields, Graham Nelson, Kathryn Fleischman, Ukiah Pearson, Laura Klein, Svetlana Gayshan, Sam Kopf; references or specifically about Habeas Corpus, MOVE Organization, Statue of Liberty, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Nazism, swastikas, Third Reich; referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bob Avakian; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA). Related topics include education, African Americans, college, higher education, statistics, death penalty, classism, access to defense professionals, racial disparities, anarchism, prison sentencing, people of color (POC), mass media; makers include Charlie Guerrero, Carolyn Garlock, Kevin McCloskey, Sentencing Project, Rock Ulibarri, Oscar Alvarado, Collette McCray, Scott Boylston; referenced individuals include Cristian Cancino, Axel Osorio; references or specifically about U.S. Currency, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Lady Justice, lynchings, U.S.

Slavery; places made include USA, Valparaiso (Chile). Related topics include statistics, children, mothers, racism, poverty, Georgia (USA), incarceration rates, racial disparities, gender disparities, social stigmas, family fragmentation, pregnant incarcerated women, sexual extortion, U.S. Constitution, cruel and unusual punishment, sexual abuse; makers include Scott Boylston, Action Committee for Women in Prison (ACWIP), David Cester, Rashid, John Carr, Penny Brice, Micah Bazant; references or specifically about Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), U.S. Flag, womyn, Amerikkka, Ku Klux Klan (KKK); places made include Savannah (Georgia, USA), USA.

Related topics include boycotts, prison design, prison construction, schools, government budgets, prisons spending, education spending, racism, U.S. Taxes, prison populations, prison industrial complex (PIC), rehabilitation, alternatives to imprisonment, poverty, integration, children; makers include Stella Tan, Allison Ross, Troy West, Carol King, Nathan Pyatte, Pierre-Antoine Robitaille, Miguel Bamudez, Ralph Sperry, Carlos Castellanos, Renaud Charrin, Kerstin Vogdes, William Arbizu, Jan Šabach, Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibilty; Raphael Sperry Press; references or specifically about U.S. Flag; places made include Australia, Florida (USA), New York City (New York, USA). Related topics include criminal justice system, police brutality, crime rates, statistics, racism, education, prison spending, government budgets, education spending, juvenile detention centers, Los Angeles County prisons, California Youth Authority sites, children, immigration, deportations, U.S. Related topics include police training, target practice, marches and demonstrations, National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, film festivals, homelessness, immigration, poverty, prison industrial complex (PIC), racism, African Americans, Chicano/Latino, HIV/AIDS, rape; makers include Ronnie Goodman, Western Regional Advocacy Project, Dread Scott, Michele Castagnetti, Rodolfo Salgado, Rhips With Street Inc.

Media, Stop Prisoner Rape SPR; references or specifically about Virginia Film Festival, The Coalition to End Sheriff Violence in Los Angeles Jails; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Charlottesville (Virginia, USA). Related topics include racism, criminal justice system, films, reconciliation, exoneration, false charges, conferences, National Conference on Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty, marches and demonstrations, executions in China, Tibet, 2008 Summer Olympics, marches and demonstrations, Texas (USA), benefit events, taxes, legal challenges, costs; makers include James Victore Design Works, Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation, P. Related topics include graffiti, street art, anniversary, benefit, art exhibitions, film festivals, conferences, community building, Art Vs. Related topics include spying, Special Order 1 (SO 1), surveillance, cameras, Metro System, undercover police, public transportation, privacy, security, civil liberties, U.S. Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, police state; makers include Star Pig; references or specifically about Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, anti-terrorism laws, Sheriff's Department, pigs (police); referenced individuals include Barack Obama; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include conferences, convocations, political prisoners of war (PPOW), art by U.S. Political prisoners and POWs, Anarchist Prisoners Legal Aid Network (APLAN), multi-media, art exhibitions, Pendleton 14, racism, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), U.S.

Related topics include Patriot Act, black, Muslim, Black Liberation, Dawson 5, poetry, conscious objector, political lynchings, Moroccan Prisoners, Chilean Prisoners, political prisoners, anarchism, communism, capitalsim, international solidarity, liberty,;makers include JAM WKSP, W. Senzaki, Anti-Klan Committee, Charles Sherman Haight, Jr., Christopher Hutchinson, Women's Prison Book Project, Katya Komisaruk Defense Collective, White Rose Support Collective, Equal Rights Congress, Almore-Holman Brothers Defense Committees, Communist Party U.S.A., capital punishment, colonialism, racism, women, judicial system, Roten Hilfe International, Secours Rouge International,;referenced individuals include Patrice Lumumba Ford, Chol Soo Lee, Malcolm X, Mutulu Shakur John Brown, Marilyn Buck, Sara Jane Olson, J.D. Davenport, Henderson Watson, James Jackson, Roosevelt Watson, Johnny Jackson, Eugene Barnett, Tom Mooney, C.C. Related topics include clemency, anniversaries, executions, communism, resistance, struggle, repression, commemoration, disclosure; makers include Seymour Kaplan, National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case, Henwalt Co., Francisco Masvidal, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Ministerio de Cultura, Rosenberg Fund for Children, North Star Fund, R.

Meeropal, Editions Sociales, Paris Province Impression, David Bragin; references or specifically about Rosenberg-Sobell Case, doves, flame, eye; referenced individuals include Charles Keller, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Morton Sobell, Rogert Orphelin Fleger, Michael Meeropol(MIchael Rosenberg), Robert Meeropol(Robert Rosenberg); places made include New York (New York, USA), Cuba; languages include English, Spanish, German, French, Hebrew. Related topics include National Day of Art to Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), marches and demonstrations, crack cocaine, U.S. Government, anarchism, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), police brutality, prison industrial complex (PIC), death penalty, retrials, art events, benefit events, art exhibitions, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), torture, false imprisonment, democratic rights, terrorism, conviction, torture, U.S.

Related topics include black journalists, police brutality, racism, fair legal representation, prisoners of war (POW), marches and demonstrations; makers include The Coalition Against Police Abuse, People Against Racist Terror, The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Inkworks Press, Laura Whitehorn, Jane Oriel, Artists For Mumia, Cliff Joseph, Angela Zomig, Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), Partisan Defense Committee Campaign to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Ohrenschmaus; referenced individuals include Daniel Faulkner, Lenard Weinglass, Lydia Wallace; references or specifically about Black Panther Party, legal lynching, MOVE Organization; places made include Culver City (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Germany; languages include English, German. Related topics include mistrials, death penalty, racism, political cartoons, marches and demonstrations; makers include COC Productions, National People's Campaign, Revolutionary Worker, People Against Racist Terror, New York Times, Darius Wilmore, Refuse and Resist!, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition; referenced individuals include Lenard Weinglass, Daniel Faulkner, Albert Sabo, Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Tom Ridge, Seth Tobocman, John Brown, Jennifer Beach, Keith Haring; references or specifically about U. Supreme Court, Black Panther Party, MOVE Organization, Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, political lynchings, You Don't Have to Fuck People Over to Survive, Jericho 2000; places made include Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Culver City (California, USA), New York (New York, USA);languages include English, Spanish. Related topics include calendars, Nigerian poetry, Ogoni people, Niger, environmentalism, Shell Oil, nonviolence, military dictatorship, corporatism, torture, human rights, convicted polygamists, polygamy, Utah (USA), prison reform, Jericho amnesty campaign, arts and culture; makers include Raze the Walls! Collective, Red Sun Press, Gordon C.

Related topics include sanctuary, religion, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), crack cocaine, U.S. Government, Nicaragua, marches and demonstrations, Democratic Party, racism, exclusion of African Americans in juries, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), police brutality, capital punishment, death penalty, concerts; makers include Maria Mottola, Seth Tobocman, Angela Bocage, Ramsess, United Friends of Geronimo (Pratt) Ji Jaga, Inkworks Press, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal; referenced individuals include Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oliver North, George H.W.

Bush, Geronimo Pratt, Ed Rendell; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, MOVE, Black United Fund, Vanity Fair, The Vision Theater; places made include Washington D.C. (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA).

Related topics include political prisoners, prison industrial complex, lynching, marches and demonstrations, prisoners of war; makers include International Union of Students, Juana Alicia, Committee to Free Lori Berenson, Inkworks Press, People United to Fight Police Brutality, National Committee to Defend Dessie Woods, Fireworks Graphics, KD, K West ALA, Elana Levy; referenced individuals include Mumia Abu-Jamal, Huey Newton, Harriet Tubman, Linda Evans, Leonard Peltier, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Marilyn Buck, Sundiata Acoli, Assata Shakur, Lori Berenson, Alberto Fujimori, Gary Tyler, Geronimo Pratt *Geronimo Ji Jaga), Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, Sandra Pratt, Dessie Woods, Moody Park 3, Joe Torres Paul Skyhorse, Richard Mohawk, David Dominguez, Carlos Montes, Jose Medina, Doc Holiday, Michael Cowans; references or specifically about Jericho Amnesty Campaign, Prison Activist Resource Center, L.A. Jericho, Anarchist Black Cross Federation, Bahrein, Peru, Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), The Revolutionary Worker, Houston Rebellion, Committee to Free Geronimo Pratt, New Afrikan People's Organization, KKK, Coalition Against Police Abuse; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Washington, DC (USA), New York (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Louisville (Kentucky, USA), Houston (Texas, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA). Related topics include imperialism, education, HIV/AIDS, patriarchy, white supremacy, class, ecology, environment, bombing, robbery, law enforcement, police, U.S. Related topics include fast food, rainforest, water, ecological footprint, plant-based diets, food, Green Parties, extinction, The Universe (astronomy), endangered species, sustainable energy, exhibitions, environmental activists, voting, oceans, Los Angeles public spaces, parks and recreation, community gardens, marches and demonstrations, pollution, power plants, solar power, Earth Day; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Pasadena (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Washington D.C.

Related topics include pollution, hunger, anti-war, recycling, political prisoners, anti-nuclear, Native Americans, exploitation of natural resources, peace, biosphere, ecosystems, food chains, lifecycles, mineral cycles, CPR (conservation, preservation, restoration), cultural events, arts and culture, Earth fairs, balance of nature, public health, pesticides, oceans, consumerism, education, campaigns; makers include Charlotte Toll Mountain, Alan A. Related topics include green offices, workplace, energy consumption, recycling, plastic bags, motor oil, consumer activism, anti-war, militarism, consumerism, organic, environmental shoppers, ethical consumerism, student movements, cultural events, waste management, Sierra Nevada Conservancy Act of 2004, children, documentaries, youth, education, sustainability, alternative energy, environmental housing; makers include Living Earth, Kyocera, Ecosys, John Luckett, Greg Hally, Thomas Nelson, H.M. Graphics, Green Seal, Mel Pekarsky, Malcolm Varon, CALPIRG, S. Becker, Boston Food Coop, David Gotze, Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), Global Citizen Center, Khalil Bendib, Inkworks Press, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), RAIN Magazine, Green Corps, The Women's Environmental Network; references or specifically about Exxon Valdez oil spill, compact fluorescent bulbs (CF bulbs), Ecuador, Brazilian Amazon rainforest, San Francisco Eco-Fest, permaculture, Butte College, green homes; referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donna Read, Gary Snyder; places made include California (USA), Oregon (USA), United Kingdom.

Related topics include Headwaters Forest, environmental protection, publications and media, Clayoquot Sound (Canada), rainforests, Algonquin people, indigenous peoples, trees, Old Glory, First Nations Peoples, films; makers include Doug Thron, Sierra Club, The Ecologist, Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC), National Film Board of Canada; references or specifically about green movement; referenced individuals include Sherri Cutrie, Benjamin Earwicker, Adrian Dorst, Garrit Sommer; places made include USA, Canada; languages include English, French. Related topics include anniversary, petroglyphs, Mono Lake, Gwich'in people, Porcupine Caribou; makers include The Wilderness Society, Wilderness Is The Last Dream (WILD), The Rediscover America Program, Graphic Arts, Mono Lake Committee, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Cris Benton, Laguna Canyon Foundation, Kay Ogden, Jacqueline Pruner, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; referenced individuals include Tim Snyder, Gray Brechin, Monique Musick; references or specifically about National Wilderness Preservation System, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; places made include Canada, USA. Related topics include construction and development, modernization, anniversaries, oceans, forests, Earth Day, air pollution, Native Americans; makers include Diane Schatz, Ken Whitten, Porcupine Caribou Management Board (White Horse), Value Earth, Richard Thomas, Joice Hall, Focus on Animals, Marian Rosenthal Koch Fund, The Ocean Conservancy, Bremmer Goris Communications Inc., Mary Beth Cummingham, One Earth, Beckett Paper Company, Sierra Club, Greg Conyers, Ken Neitisel, Metropolitan Printing Company, S. Chivast, Louise Fili, Mauro A'sha Martins de Oliviera; referenced individuals include Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe, Baba Dioum; references or specifically about Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1992 Earth Summit, Alberta Wilderness Association, Natural Resources Defense Council; places made include Fairbanks (Alaska, USA), Connecticut, Cincinatti (Ohio, USA). Related topics include environmentalism, marine life, whales, deforestation, rainforest, logging industry, wind energy, nuclear energy, nuclear test sites, Clayoquot Sound (Canada); makers include Miroslav Jiranek, Ed Cooper, Peter Yung, James Siers, Roger Grace; references or specifically about Esperanza (Greenpeace ship), Rainbow Warrior (Greenpeace ship); places made include Prague (Czech Republic), Canada, Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include Dutch, Czech, English, Russian, Chinese, French. Related topics include campaigns and elections, labor, children, African Americans, education, racism, Jim Crow Laws, food conservation, World War I, The Girl in the Kremlin (1957 film); makers include The Workshop of Graphic Art, U.S.

Food Administration, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., F. Luis Mora, American Labor Party, Progressive Party, Wynne, Simeon Schimen, U.S. Food Administration, Universal Pictures; referenced individuals include Vito Marcantonio, Joseph Stalin; references or specifically about Kaiser, U-Boats; places made include New York (USA). Related topics include anti-war, military recruitment, New Zealand Labor party, Canada's timber industry, war production, forests, minimum wage, social security, 40 hour work week, weapons production, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Danish Navy, United Nations, Lidice (Czechoslovakia), France; makers include Tadeusz Trepkowski, C.M. Banks, Hubert Rogers, Wartime Information Board (Ottowa), National Film Board, Ministre Des Services Nationaux De Guerre, The Department of Munitions and Supply, Winfield, A. Peel; references or specifically about Mosquito Bomber; places made include Poland, Ottowa (Canada), New Zealand; languages include Polish, English, French, Luxembourgish.

Related topics include labor, corporatism, capitalism, housing, children, unions, imprisonment, African Americans, U.S. Slavery, U.S. Government and politics, U.S.

Soldiers, U.S. Includes cardstock; includes various posters from the Eastside Jewish Community Center (formally the Soto-Michigan Jewish Community Center). The Community Center existed in present Boyle Heights (circa 1938-1958). According to the Los Angeles Times, the building was sold to the All Nations Foundation in 1958. The Center was 'given up' because the Jewish population migrated further west. In 2006, the building was razed without consent to the Jewish Historical Society, which sparked controversy. Scope and Content Note.

Related topics include children, camps, racial solidarity, African Americans, cultural events, voting, elections, multi-party, inter-cultural events, Mexican-Jewish solidarity, community building, families; references or specifically about Camp Manayim, Soto-Michigan Jewish Community Center, National Negro History Week, Independent Progressive Party (IPP), Democratic National Party, Republican National Party, Prohibitionist Party; referenced individuals include Ralph Lupton, Howard Jarvis, Ida (Aida) Alvarez, Earl H. Download Digital Pipe Fitter Keygen Free on this page. Haydock, Rudd Brown, Richard Richards, Bill Roskam, Cora Johnson. Related topics include war films, World War II (WWII), U.S.

Government and politics, U.S. Bill of Rights, education, children, Australia, civil liberties, freedom of worship, religion, college applications, discrimination, freedom of speech, trial by jury, racism, religious tolerance, racial tolerance, posters, World War I (WWI), rifle, Liberty Bonds, military deaths, money, peace, anti-war, marches and demonstrations, anti-war, peace, nuclear bomb, World War III, Korea, Hiroshima (Japan), profiteers, US military; makers include National Labor Conference for Peace, Bureau, U.S. Printing Office, Portal Publications, Institute for American Democracy Inc., The Emergency Peace Campaign LIP & BA; references or specifically about Sands of Iwo Jima (film), Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima; referenced individuals include Walter Whitehead, John Wayne, Joe Rosenthal; places made include Sausalito (California, USA), Washington, DC (USA), New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA). Related topics include U.S.

Flag, soldiers, U.S. Navy, government bonds, military recruitment, German Emperor, militarism, propaganda, military incentives, sailors, masculinity, education, U.S. Marine Corps, War Savings Stamps (W.S.S.), blood, rifle, German soldier; makers include Third Liberty Loan, Howard Chandler Christy, Dover Publications, Inc., U.S. Government Printing Office, Adolf Treidler, War Savings Committee, L.E. Waterman Co., W.F.

Litho; referenced individuals include H.R. Hopps, Wilhelm II; places made include Mineola (New York, USA), Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA).

Related topics include children, nutrition, public health, sexism, government secrecy, intelligence, spying, British Navy, U.S. Army, Nazism, German National Socialist Party, swastikas, austerity, war secrets; makers include Imperial War Museum, The Really Reliable Company Limited, Victoria Printing Company Ltd., R. Venables, National Archives and Records Administration; makers include Glenn Grohe, PLeiades Press, Old Seattle Paperworks; referenced individuals include Rosie the Riveter, Frank H. Mason, Koehler Ancona, Adolf Hitler, Lewitt-Him, Winston Churchill, Fougasse; references or specifically about Doctor Carrot, Potato Pete, Ministry of Food (United Kingdom), H.M.

Stationary Office, bald eagle, Tom Woodburn, Ministry of Health (United Kingdom), Ministry of War Transport (United Kingdom), Ministry of Labour and National Service (United Kingdom), Cabinet War Rooms, Careless Talk Costs Lives, Graham & Gillies Ltd., Westinghouse Electric, War Production Co-ordinating Committee, Stahlhelm M16 helmet, surveillance; places made include United Kingdom, Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), Washington, DC (USA), Seattle (Washington, USA). Related topics include war loans, victory loans, fire prevention, U.S. Navy, Japan, war bonds, rising prices, wage stabilization program, U.S.