Home Ohio DMV Office Finder. The process is handled by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). License plates. The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles is in charge of driver's licenses, tags, titles, and registrations. Instantly locate OH BMV offices, hours of operation, phone numbers, and directions. You can also renew, replace, or exchange your license plates or pay your reinstatement fees if your license has been suspended.

Ohio License Plate Lookup Ohio BmvOhio License Plate Lookup Ohio Bmv

• • Somehow, 'ROB FORD' was allowed. Thousands of Ohioans submit requests to the Ohio BMV each year to personalize their license plates. The vast majority of those are approved and Mom slaps a new plate on her car and gleefully drives around while letting everyone know that she is 'NO 1 MOM,' for example. And then there are folks who submit requests for vanity license plates like the ones below — the ones that fit as much outright vulgar, racist and plain old hateful speech into seven characters one could possibly dream.

The Special Plates Review Committee, a seven-member board that includes folks from high up on the BMV chain as well as customer service associates, takes a look at each submission and, sometimes with the help of the internet, decides if it's suitable for public road consumption. A lot of times they don't even need the internet — there's a database with previously rejected plates and word combinations that is continually updated. And if you've ever wondered to what depths of juvenile jokes and depraved linguistic insults Ohio drivers would like to dip, you have to look pretty low.

Every once in awhile we like to file a public records request for rejected plates to explore those low lows. Below, the complete list of 225 rejected plates, courtesy of the BMV, from June 2013 - April 2014.

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) - Contrary to what you might think you can not just put anything on your personalized license plate in the state of Ohio. Every week a group of employees look over the requests for personalized plates and they either approve or deny. There's a set of rules on what will get your request denied: • Contain words, combinations, and/or phrases (in any language and when read either frontward or backward) that are so profane (that is, swearwords or expletives) obscene, sexually explicit or scatological. • Contains words, combinations, and/or phrases that are so offensive that they could reasonably be expected to provoke a violent response from viewers without additional comment. • Contains words, combinations, and/or phrases that advocate immediate lawlessness or advocate lawless activities. The list of denied plates this year had a couple of new themes.

G4hfq Keygen Generator. For one, we have a new president and some wanted to express how they feel about Donald Trump. WARNING: Graphic content below. For example, these were denied: • WTF TRMP • 45 SUCKS • 45 A LIAR • FCK TRMP • FTRUMP Again plates with profanity, no matter how you try to spell it would be denied. Also plates that could provoke a violent response from people are denied so a Trump supporter might get take offense to those plates. It didn't take long for someone to try and express how they felt about the in August. 23 the plate 'F KYRIE' was denied. Along the same line, someone is clearly not a fan of. Anyring Free Download.

'F S CURRY' was denied in October. There's also a lot of hate out there and some wanted drivers to know just how they feel. The following plates were all denied: • IH8 PPLE • IH8UAL • IH8KIDS • PPL H8TR Here is the complete list of plates denied this year, through November. Some of these are graphic and vulgar.