Pure Crack Fix Seed4me China

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Pure Crack Fix Seed4me China

Post Syndicated from original While there are plenty of people who just want content for free, digging through the last 35 years of piracy reveals an interesting trend. One way or another, people have always secretly admired anti-piracy systems, since they simultaneously relish the prospect of one day subverting their barriers. In the very early 80s, when the first 8-bit home computers became more readily available, finding ways to pirate games was almost as much fun as playing them. Children, with limited pocket money, would pool their resources and buy a single copy of a cassette-based game, hoping to clone it at home with a twin-deck recorder, to share among their fellow investors. With significant trial and error (and only pre-Internet schoolyard advice and folklore available) copying eventually became easy. Then the ‘evil’ games companies worked out what was going on and decided to do something about it.

Early protection systems, such as ‘‘, threw a wrench in the works for a while but along came software like (with in the media) to level the playing field. Anything you can do we can do better, those kids rejoiced. Unsurprisingly, copiers like Lerm also fell victim to pirates, with all self-respecting red beards owning a copy.

But then the next waves of anti-piracy systems would come along, ensuring that working out how to pirate games became a time-consuming hobby in itself. But most pirates were kids – what else did they have to do? With a young and inexperienced mindset, however, it was sometimes easy to fear that like Denuvo a year or two ago, some things might never be copied. Take the 1983 release of International Soccer for the Commodore 64 home computer, for example. That originally came on a cartridge – who could ever copy one of those? Of course, someone did, dumping it onto cassette tape complete with a that had some players, instead of running around. By today’s standards that’s both technically trivial and rather insensitive, but at the time it represented a pirate double-whammy.

A game that couldn’t be pirated getting pirated onto another format, plus a ridiculous addition that no game company would ever allow to market? To teenage pirates, that was a supremely delicious not to mention rebellious treat. As the months and years rolled on, new consoles – such as Commodore’s Amiga – brought 3.5″ floppy disc storage and new copy protection mechanisms to the masses.

And, as expected, fresh solutions to thwart them came to market. Tools such as went down in history and were universally hailed by pirates.

Who immediately pirated them, of course. Today the situation is somewhat different but somehow just the same. Copy protection mechanisms, such as the now-infamous Denuvo, are so complex that no user-operated tool is available to copy the games protected by it. Yet people, driven by a passion for subverting the system and solving technological puzzles, are dedicating thousands of hours to take them apart. Just recently, Denuvo was well and truly dismantled. Games are now routinely getting cracked in a day, sometimes just hours, and the excitement in the air is palpable. In many ways, this is the same kind of enthusiasm expressed by the relatively naive kid pirates of the 80s.

They too were frustrated by copy protection, they too screamed with glee when it fell from grace. While gaming has always been fun, the sense of achievement – of subverting the system – has always come a close second to actually playing games for those with an enthusiastic pirate streak. Imagine a world where every game could be easily copied by just about anyone. Now compare that to a war of attrition against the dark forces behind 80s Hyper Loaders and the evil Denuvo of today.

In the end, there’s no doubt. Most dedicated pirates, provided they eventually taste victory, will take the warfare option any day, fighting to the end, fighting for victory. Let’s be honest. Pirates absolutely need a nemesis like Denuvo. Because – quite simply – it’s only half the fun without one.

Source:, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, and. 00000000: 504 f 4 b45 4 d4f 4 e20 4400 0000 4144 4145 POKEMON D. ADAE 00000010: 3031 0000 0900 0000 0000 0000 0000 0500 01.. 00000020: 0040 0000 0008 0002 0000 0002 2477 1000.

00000030: 00 d0 3000 0000 3802 0000 3802 1 c93 0200. 00000040: 0064 3300 7 f15 0000 007 a 3300 200 b 0000. 00000050: 00 b8 1000 e00a 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.. 00000060: 5766 4100 f808 1808 0086 3300 3159 7 e0d WfA. 00000070: 740 a 0002 5801 3802 0000 0000 0000 0000 t. 00000080: c05e a503 0040 0000 684 b 0000 0000 0000.^.

00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.. 000000 a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000..

000000 b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.. 000000 c0: 24 ff ae51 699 a a221 3 d84 820 a 84 e4 09 ad $. 000000 d0: 1124 8 b98 c081 7 f21 a352 be19 9309 ce20. 000000 e0: 1046 4 a4a f827 31 ec 58 c7 e833 82 e3 cebf. 000000 f0: 85 f4 df94 ce4b 09 c1 9456 8 ac0 1372 a7fc. How do we make sense of this? Let us consult the little tool I started writing for this,.

It’s abandoned and unfinished and not terribly well-written; I would just link to the documentation I consulted when writing this, but it’s conspicuously 404ing now, so this’ll have to do. I described using an old version of the binary format parsing library, and it looks like this. Nds_image_struct = Struct ( 'nds_image', String ( 'title', 12 ), String ( 'id', 4 ), ULInt16 ( 'publisher_code' ), ULInt8 ( 'unit_code' ), ULInt8 ( 'device_code' ), ULInt8 ( 'card_size' ), String ( 'card_info', 10 ), ULInt8 ( 'flags' ). A String is text of a fixed length, either truncated or padded with NULs (character zero) to fit. The clumsy ULInt16 means an Unsigned, Little-endian, 16-bit (two byte) integer. (What does little-endian mean?

I’m glad you asked! When a number spans multiple bytes, there’s a choice to be made: what order do those bytes go in? The way we write numbers is big-endian, where the biggest part appears first; but most computers are little-endian, putting the smallest part first.

That means a number like 0x1234 is actually stored in two bytes as 34 12.) Alas, this is a terrible example, since most of this is goofy internal stuff we don’t actually care about. The interesting bit is the “file table”.

A little ways down my description of the format is this block of ULInt32s, which start at position 0x40 in the file. 003363 f0: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff.. 00336400: 2802 0000 5700 4500 cd02 0000 5700 00 f0 (. 00336410: f502 0000 5700 01 f0 fd02 0000 5700 02 f0. 00336420: 0 b03 0000 5800 01 f0 3203 0000 5 a00 01 f0. 00336430: 3 e03 0000 5 a00 05 f0 7 b03 0000 5 d00 00 f0.

00336440: cf03 0000 6300 00 f0 f403 0000 6300 08 f0. 00336450: 0 b04 0000 6500 08 f0 5804 0000 6 a00 08 f0. 00336610: 0 f15 0000 5 d01 41 f0 4315 0000 6101 41 f0.]. 00336620: 6 a15 0000 6301 41 f0 8 b61 7070 6 c69 6361 j. Applica 00336630: 7469 6 f6e 01 f0 8361 7263 07 f0 8662 6174 tion. Bat 00336640: 746 c 6508 f087 636 f 6 e74 6573 740 d f084 tle. 00336650: 6461 7461 10 f0 8464 656 d 6 f13 f083 6477 data.

Dw 00336660: 631 d f089 6669 656 c 6464 6174 611 e f087 c. 00336670: 6772 6170 6869 632 c f088 6974 656 d 746 f graphic. I included one previous line for context; starting right after a whole bunch of ffs or 00s is a pretty good sign, since those are likely to be junk used to fill space. So we’re probably in the right place, or at least a right place. Also we’re definitely in the right place since I already know porigon-z works, but, you know. The beginning part of this is a bunch of numbers that start out relatively low and gradually get bigger.

That’s a pretty good indication of an offset table — a list of “where this thing starts” and “how long it is”, just like the offset/length pairs that pointed us here in the first place. The only difference here is that we have a whole bunch of them. And porigon-z confirms that this is a list of. Offset 00000228, top file id 0057, parent id 0045 offset 000002cd, top file id 0057, parent id f000 offset 000002f5, top file id 0057, parent id f001 offset 000002fd, top file id 0057, parent id f002. Again, we encounter some mild weirdness.

The parent ids seem to count upwards, except for the first one, and where did that f come from? It turns out that for the first record only — which is the root directory and therefore has no parent — the parent id is actually the total number of records to read. So there are 0x0045 or 69 records here. As for the f, well, I have no idea! I just discard it entirely when linking directories together. So let’s fully decode entry 3 (the fourth one, since we started at zero).

It has offset 0x000002fd, which is relative to where the table starts, so we need to add that to 0x00336400 to get 0x003366fd. We don’t have a length, but starting from there we see. 003366 f0: 0 c 6362. Cb 00336700: 5 f64 6174 612 e 6 e61 7263 000 f 7769 6669 _data. Wifi 00336710: 5 f65 6172 7468 2 e6e 6172 6315 7769 6669 _earth. Wifi 00336720: 5 f65 6172 7468 5 f70 6 c61 6365 2 e6e 6172 _earth_place.

I called the structure here a filename_list_struct. Also, as I read this code, I really wish I’d made it more sensible; sorry, I guess I’ll clean it up when I get around to re-ripping gen 4.

The Construct code is a bit goofy, but the idea is: • Read a byte. If it’s zero, stop here. Otherwise, the top bit is a flag indicating whether this entry is a directory; the rest is a length. • The next length bytes are the filename. • Iff this is a directory, the next two bytes are the directory id.

(Ah yes, bits and flags. A flag is something that can only be true or false, so it really only needs one bit to store. So programmers like to cram flags into the same byte as other stuff to save space. Computers can’t examine individual bits directly, but it’s easy to manipulate them from code with a little math. Of course, using 1 bit for a flag means only 7 are left for the length, so it’s limited to 127 instead of 255.) Let’s try this. The first byte is 0c.

I can tell you right away that the top bit is zero; if the top bit is one, then the first hex digit will be 8 or greater. So this is just a file, and it’s 0c or 12 bytes long. The next twelve bytes are cb_data.narc, so that’s the filename. Repeat from the beginning: the next byte is 00, which is zero, so we’re done. This directory only contains a single file, cb_data.narc. But wait, what is this directory?

We know its id is 3; its name would appear somewhere in the filename list for its parent directory, 2, along with an extra two bytes indicating it matches to directory 3. To get the name for directory 2, we’d consult directory 1; and directory 1’s parent is directory 0. Directory 0 is the root, which is just / and has no name, so at that point we’re done.

Of course, if we read all these filename lists in order rather than skipping straight to the third one, then we’d have already seen all these names and wouldn’t have to look them up. One final question: where’s the data?

All we have are filenames. It turns out the data is in a totally separate table at fat_offset — “ FAT” is short for “file allocation table”. That’s a vastly simpler list of pairs of start offset and end offset, giving the positions of the individual files, and nothing else. All we have to do is match up the filenames to those offset pairs. This is where the “top file id” comes in: it’s the id of the first file in the directory, and the others count up from there. This directory’s top file id is 0x57, so cb_data.narc has file id 0x57. (If there were a next file, it would have id 0x58, and so on.) Its data is given by the 0x57th (87th) pair of offsets.

We haven’t even gotten anywhere yet. But this is important for figuring out where anything even is. And you don’t have to do it by hand, since I wrote a program to do it. Run.

00000030: b6bd 6 f4c 6 c6e 3 d16 b226 db0b 0818 c934. 4 00000040: eeb7 876 c e41f 9542 6 a6d 73 da 0022 a1cb. 00000050: 2683 9f01 5cfa ed9b 2275 0bce f8c4 79bf &.' 00000060: 5 eff b76b d4dd 4582 da1d a346 f0e0 5170 ^.

Qp 00000070: 960 c cf0a 4 caa 9 d55 9247 3 ba4 e855 293 e. U )>00000080: ce8a e73e c43f f575 4 ad2 d346 e003 0189..? 00000090: 065 a ff67 3 c7e 4 d43 029 e 6 b8e d8ca d9b0. How does that compare to Pikachu’s second sprite, 151 — which ought to be extremely similar, seeing as the only gender difference is a notch in the tail? 00000030: 2957 ce67 e76f c494 f5fe 4 adf d367 e008 ) W. 00000040: 0182 0697 ff78 3 c33 4 dac 020 b 6 b8f d82f.

O 00000060: b1ce 7668 2 fea 2 ceb fd8d 72 a5 9 b4d c848. H 00000070: 89 b0 aeca 4712 a4c4 5582 2 ad4 33 a4 c0fa.

00000080: 618 f e6fd 5 faf 1 cc7 ada3 e2c3 cb1f b845 a. E 00000090: 39 cb 1 ee2 7721 94 d2 0552 9 a54 6320 b009 9. 000000 a0: 11 c4 5657 8 fc8 0 cc7 5 ded 5266 fb05 a826. Rf.& Oh, my god. Nothing is similar at all. Make a histogram? Every possible value appears with roughly the same frequency.

Now that is interesting, and suggests some form of encryption — most likely one big “mask” xor’d with the whole sprite. But how to find the mask? (It doesn’t matter exactly what xor is, here.

It only has two relevant properties. One is that it’s self-reversing, making it handy for encryption like this — (data xor mask) xor mask produces the original data. Serial Lightroom 6 Mac Update. The other is that anything xor’d with zero is left unchanged, so if I think the original data was zero — as it ought to be for the blank pixels in the corners of a sprite — then the encrypted data is just the mask!

So I know at least the beginning parts of the mask for most sprites; I just have to figure out how to use a little bit of that to reconstitute the whole thing.) I stared at this for days. I printed out copies of sprite hex and stared at them more on breaks at work. I threw everything I knew, which admittedly wasn’t a lot, at this ridiculous problem. And slowly, some patterns started to emerge. Consider the first digit of the last column in the above hex dump: it goes e, d, d, c, c, b, b, a. In fact, if you look at the entire byte, they go e0, d8, d0, c8, etc. That’s just subtracting 08 on each row.

Are there other cases like this? In the third column, the second digit alternates between 7 and f; closer inspection reveals that byte’s increasing by 18 every row. Oh, the sixth column too. Hang on — in every column, the second digit alternates between two values.

That seems true for every other file we’ve seen so far, too. This is extremely promising! Let’s try this. Take the first two rows, which are bytes 0–15 and bytes 16–31.

Subtract the second row from the first row bytewise, making a sort of “delta row”. For the second Pikachu, that produces. 00000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.. 00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.. 00000020: 0024 0030 0056 0088 003 c 0060 000 b 0019. D5 57 7a 22 0b 78 b1 20 f9 d1 c9 I stress that this is way beyond anything virtually any programmer actually needs to know.

Even the few programmers working with assembly, as far as I know, don’t usually care about the actual bytes that are spat out. I’ve actually had trouble tracking down lists of opcodes before — almost no one is trying to read machine code.

We are out in the weeds a bit here. To finally answer your hypothetical question: disassembly is the process of converting this machine code back into assembly. Most of it can be done automatically, but it takes extra human effort to make the result sensible. Let’s consult the Game Boy CPU’s (rather terse) and see if we can make sense of this, pretending we don’t know what the original code was. Find d5 in the table — it’s in row Dx, column x5.

That’s push de. The first number in the box is 1, meaning the instruction is only one byte long, so the next instruction is the very next byte.

That’s 57, which is ld d, a. Keep on going. Eventually we hit 20, which is jr nz, r8 and two bytes long — the notes at the bottom explain that r8 is 8-bit signed data. That means the next byte is part of this instruction; it’s f9, but it’s signed, so really that’s -7. We end up with.

Push de ld d, a ld a, d ld (hl+), a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, $-07 pop de ret This looks an awful lot like what we started with, but there are a couple notable exceptions. First, the FillMemory:: line is completely missing. That’s just another kind of label, and the only way to know that the first line should be labelled at all is to find some other place in the code that tries to jump here. Given just these bytes, we can’t even tell if this is a complete snippet. Once we find that out, there’s still no way to recover the name FillMemory; even that is just a fan name and not the name from the original code. Someone came up with that name by reading this assembly code, understanding what it’s intended to do, and giving it a name.

Second, the.loop label is missing. The jr line forgot about the label and ended up with a number, which is how many bytes to jump backwards or forwards.

(You can imagine how a label is much easier to work with than a number of bytes, especially when some instructions are one byte long and some are two!) An automated disassembler would be smart enough to notice this and would put a label in the right place. A really good disassembler might even recognize that this code is a simple loop that executes some number of times, and name that label.loop; otherwise, or for more complicated kinds of jumps, it would have a meaningless name that a human would have to improve. And there’s a whole project where people have done the work of restoring names like this and splitting code up sensibly! The whole thing even assembles into a byte-for-byte identical copy of the original games.

It’s really quite impressive, and it’s made tinkering with the original games vastly more accessible. You still have to write assembly, of course, but it’s better than editing machine code. Imagine trying to add a new instruction in the middle of the loop above; you’d screw up the jr ‘s byte count, and every single later address in the ROM. But more relevant to this post, a disassembly makes it easy to figure out where data is, since I don’t have to go hunting for it! When the code is assembled, it can generate a.sym file, which lists every single “global” label and the position it ended up in the final ROM.

Many of those labels are for functions, like FillMemory is, but some of them are for blocks of data. I set out to write some code to dump data from Game Boy games. Simon Fischer Basics Ebook Download. Red/Green, Red/Blue, and Yellow were all fairly similar, so I wanted to use as much of the same code as possible for all of those games (and their various translations).

A very early pain point was, well, the existence of all those translations. Because there’s no filesystem, the only obvious way to locate data is to either search for it (which requires knowing it ahead of time, a catch-22 for a script that’s meant to extract it) or to bake in the addresses. The games contain quite a lot of data I want, and they exist in quite a few distinct versions, so that would make for a lot of addresses. Also, with a disassembly readily available, it was now (relatively) easy for people to modify the games as they saw fit, in much the same way as it’s easy to modify most aspects of modern games by changing the data files. But if I simply had a list of addresses for each known release, then my code wouldn’t know what to do with modified games. It’s not a huge deal — obviously I don’t intend to put fan modifications into veekun — but it seemed silly to write all this extraction code and then only have it work on a small handful of specific files. I decided to at least try to find data automatically.

How can I do that, when the positions of the data only existed buried within machine code somewhere? Obviously, I just need to find that machine code.

See, that whole previous section was actually relevant! I set out to do that. Remember the goofy regex from earlier, which searched for particular patterns of bytes? I did something like that, except with machine code. And by machine code, I mean assembly.

And by assembly, I mean— okay just look at this. Post Syndicated from original A recent by a group of eight cryptography researchers shows, once again, how cryptographic breakthroughs are made. They often start small, with just a reduction in the strength of a cipher or key search space, say, but then grow over time to reach the point of a full-on breaking of a cipher or the implementation of one. In this case, the implementation in for 1024-bit keys has been fully broken using a against the operation of the library—2048-bit keys are also susceptible, but not with the same reliability, at least using this exact technique.