May 21, 2003 Head First Java has 2,943 ratings and 181 reviews. 2nd Edition, 688 pages. Head First's visual approach to learning make everything fun. Co author (with James Gosling, creator of Java), The Java Programming Language. Amazon named Head First Java a Top Ten Editor s Choice for. Computer Books of 2003. (first edition). Software Development Magazine named. Head First Java a finalist for the 14th Annual. Jolt Cola/Product Excellence Awards.the only.

Learning a complex new language is no easy task especially when it s an object-oriented computer programming language like Java. You might think the problem is your brain.

It seems to have a mind of its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. Werewolf Wild West Companion Pdf To Excel here. The fact is your brain craves novelty. It's constantly searching, scanning, Learning a complex new language is no easy task especially when it s an object-oriented computer programming language like Java.

You might think the problem is your brain. It seems to have a mind of its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. The fact is your brain craves novelty. It's constantly searching, scanning, waiting for something unusual to happen. After all, that's the way it was built to help you stay alive.

It takes all the routine, ordinary, dull stuff and filters it to the background so it won't interfere with your brain's real work--recording things that matter. How does your brain know what matters? It's like the creators of the Head First approach say, suppose you're out for a hike and a tiger jumps in front of you, what happens in your brain? Neurons fire. Emotions crank up. Chemicals surge.

Torrent Head First Java 2nd Edition

That's how your brain knows. And that's how your brain will learn Java.

Head First Java combines puzzles, strong visuals, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects to engage you in many different ways. It's fast, it's fun, and it's effective. And, despite its playful appearance, Head First Java is serious stuff: a complete introduction to object-oriented programming and Java. You'll learn everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics, including threads, network sockets, and distributed programming with RMI. Second edition focuses on Java 5.0, the latest version of the Java language and development platform. Because Java 5.0 is a major update to the platform, with deep, code-level changes, even more careful study and implementation is required. So learning the Head First way is more important than ever.

If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. You'll see why people say it's unlike any other Java book you've ever read. By exploiting how your brain works, Head First Java compresses the time it takes to learn and retain--complex information. Its unique approach not only shows you what you need to know about Java syntax, it teaches you to think like a Java programmer. If you want to be bored, buy some other book.

But if you want to understand Java, this book's for you. I'm a fairly well versed programmer in some of the older style languages like C and C++. If you have some archaic C question, I may be your woman. I'm not so familiar with Java - in fact the last time I touched the language I could run to the local coffee shop, get a coffee, and get back to my program and it would just be starting up (back in the dark days, when java was really slow).

Fast forward 12 years and not only is Java nimble and performant, but its something I need to know. K I'm a fairly well versed programmer in some of the older style languages like C and C++. If you have some archaic C question, I may be your woman.

I'm not so familiar with Java - in fact the last time I touched the language I could run to the local coffee shop, get a coffee, and get back to my program and it would just be starting up (back in the dark days, when java was really slow). Fast forward 12 years and not only is Java nimble and performant, but its something I need to know.

Knowing this, I turned to the Head first series as they get their points across quickly and cleanly. Head First really does teach the topics so that you'll remember them. Most into programming books give you an example and you work through it. In Head First, yes there is an example, but the examinations happen via stories, diagrams, pictures, games and really good (bad) humor. What this means is that no matter how you learn, you'll find something that helps the concepts stick. Each chapter builds upon the last and each chapter reinforces lessons from before. You can tell that people who really know how to teach designed these books.

Now this book is basic. I personally didn't mind reading about Objects and Object-Oriented design yet again.

I also didn't mind reading about polymorphism, encapsulation, et al. The main reason for this is the presentation. Well that and there are a few subtle differences between C++ and Java that they talk about that I need to know. But mostly its the fun way they present the topics. I mean even if you know these topics cold, I still found some of their examples and comparisons well thought out and memorable. So much so in fact that I can see using them to help explain concepts to people I'll mentor or to marketing folks.

If, however, you have programmed in Java before and are comfortable in the world of OO, and are looking for something to take you to the next step, I'd suggest you keep moving onto other books (Effective Java by Bloch is amazing). However, if you are new to Java, and even new to programming, you'll love the Head First books. The writing is clear and engaging (and correct!), the examples make sense, and way they tailor lessons to trigger different parts of your learning brain is really well done. As expected from Head First series, another awesome book that serves as a great intro to the Java programming language. I could say honestly: this is one of the best technical books ever to read as an intro to Java. The general approach of 'Make-it-visual' applied by the book makes it very interesting to read, with all these illustrating drawing, graphic scenarios that makes it easy to understand yet explaining heavy concepts; and getting away from the traditional academic boring style, th As expected from Head First series, another awesome book that serves as a great intro to the Java programming language.

I could say honestly: this is one of the best technical books ever to read as an intro to Java. The general approach of 'Make-it-visual' applied by the book makes it very interesting to read, with all these illustrating drawing, graphic scenarios that makes it easy to understand yet explaining heavy concepts; and getting away from the traditional academic boring style, the book feels like a joke: slight and funny, and never been that interested nor enthusiastic to read a technical book before. The book is great, although some points should be taken into consideration. The last couple of chapters (deployment & distribute computing)concepts were explained in a hurry;in order to get most of the concepts covered in a small size, which I believe could get bigger and better if the first relatively long chapters were shortened; to increase the content of more important chapters like the mentioned above.

The I/O chapter was nice, yet not sufficient, and I think it would be perfectly understood with the guidance of Sun's I/O intro tutorials. Danzel You Spin Me Right Round Mp3 Download more. The 'collection' part was really good, although it focused mainly on the hierarchy of the collection interface & comparable/comparator concepts, but ignored some important concepts like stacks and vectors. Also I think that the exercises at the end of the chapter had some syntax and logical mistakes. On the other hand, I really enjoyed every part in the Sockets part along with the Threads, with the general feeling of 'Its weirdly easy to understand these concepts'.

The networking part was awesome, which pointed to the powerfulness of Java's networking and remote classes. The GUI part was explained perfectly with all listener classes. The most important feature in this book was: develop your code using CMD tools; which is way too important to get used to and understand before switching to your regular IDE, compiling, running and even deploying using cmd was a great approach. The bottom line is: this is the best intro book to Java for those beginning their way to the JavaLand, where concepts are crystally clear, the complaints above could be easily related to the author's will of keeping the size of the book relatively small,concentrated, and preventing it from looking like a universal phone-book, and honestly I had a great time reading this book and surely I would miss this book:). This book is much more than a book about programming Java. The beginning section really changed my perspective on learning.

It goes into how people learn, how to make things stick in your mind and basically make something like learning computer programming actually fun. The gist is basically if your mind is bored its not going to remember much. Feelings, in this case humor or non-sequitors, are what create memories and of course analyzing from different points of view helps. There were many time This book is much more than a book about programming Java. The beginning section really changed my perspective on learning.

It goes into how people learn, how to make things stick in your mind and basically make something like learning computer programming actually fun. The gist is basically if your mind is bored its not going to remember much. Feelings, in this case humor or non-sequitors, are what create memories and of course analyzing from different points of view helps. There were many times in this book that I felt the principles they were teaching about programming could apply to many things in life.

Just Awesome:) Have ever read any Technical book like a comic novel? Or U don't like to read big thick boring technical book?

Or Do u think Technical reading is boring? Then here is the book for you.

A well written technical comic book. If you are just in start then i can tel you it is the best book to start with. All the concepts are very well explained. As u finish chapter by chapter u will read java like as if you are discussing it with some one. Differences between two things are shown as if b Just Awesome:) Have ever read any Technical book like a comic novel?

Or U don't like to read big thick boring technical book? Or Do u think Technical reading is boring? Then here is the book for you. A well written technical comic book. If you are just in start then i can tel you it is the best book to start with. All the concepts are very well explained.

As u finish chapter by chapter u will read java like as if you are discussing it with some one. Differences between two things are shown as if both the concepts are fighting with each other.

I loved this book and it made my java concept still more stronger. This book was recommended to me by my TA for a graduate level programming course. I knew the basics about programming, but certain areas were very confusing to me (like abstract classes, static vs. Private, threads), so I bought this book in hopes that it would help me. Head First Java cleared up EVERYTHING for me and taught me so much about Java programming! It's not your typical programming book and that's what I love about it. There are a lot of pictures, interesting puzzles and questions to This book was recommended to me by my TA for a graduate level programming course.

I knew the basics about programming, but certain areas were very confusing to me (like abstract classes, static vs. Private, threads), so I bought this book in hopes that it would help me. Head First Java cleared up EVERYTHING for me and taught me so much about Java programming! It's not your typical programming book and that's what I love about it.

There are a lot of pictures, interesting puzzles and questions to check your understanding, and weird/funny anecdotes. It doesn't take itself seriously, but it will seriously teach you something about Java in an entertaining and unconventional manner.

I would absolutely recommend this book for beginners through intermediate level programmers. I think this is the best book for truly learning Java. By that I don't just mean an 'I can write a Java program' kind of learning, I mean a deep understanding of how Java works kind of understanding. We just had a question pop up the other day on our team of 10+ year experienced folks - is Java pass by value or pass by reference. And what pops into my head, but the Head First pictures of remote controls and passing by value what is really a reference to an object. I can't count the number of tim I think this is the best book for truly learning Java.

By that I don't just mean an 'I can write a Java program' kind of learning, I mean a deep understanding of how Java works kind of understanding. We just had a question pop up the other day on our team of 10+ year experienced folks - is Java pass by value or pass by reference. And what pops into my head, but the Head First pictures of remote controls and passing by value what is really a reference to an object.

I can't count the number of times that the way things were presented in this Head First book (or others) have stuck with me in ways that no other technical book has done. I dropped this book at 135 pages.

Some books are just unnecessary. I started reading Java: A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt which is vastly superior and does not insult the reader's intelligence. I strongly recommend anyone interested in actually learning about the language instead of reading punny jokes do the same. More critical version of review: This book is a mess. It's like a teenager who is going through an identity crisis and is in the process of putting together a mood board to try I dropped this book at 135 pages.

Some books are just unnecessary. I started reading Java: A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt which is vastly superior and does not insult the reader's intelligence.

I strongly recommend anyone interested in actually learning about the language instead of reading punny jokes do the same. More critical version of review: This book is a mess. It's like a teenager who is going through an identity crisis and is in the process of putting together a mood board to try to figure it all out.

What was going on? I've used Java before and I was intending to use this book as a review, and I couldn't tell you. When it comes to computer languages, I believe, a methodical, logical approach is best. Since the Java language was written by people for specific purposes and is not an elephant that five blind scientists are trying to come to some consensus on about what it is, the sink or swim approach in this book makes no sense. That is the masochistic way to learn, and is completely unnecessary. It makes Java seem complicated and confusing, which it's totally not! The reason I recommend the Schildt book instead is simple: he tells you the story from beginning to end with all blinders off, not in a Cloud Atlas/Memento/Fight Club chaotic kind of way where you are constantly trying to figure out where you are, why you are there, how you got there, and why you care.

Intro: Why does Java exist? Because it's the next logical step after C++ for secure, portable web development. *really good two paragraph explanation of the history/predecessors to Java* Bam! What are the most important features of object oriented programming? Encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance *explanation of each of these* Bam!

Got that, too! Tell me more! Anyway, please please please do yourself a favor and avoid this book at all costs. When I read this book the summer before my senior year of high school, I was curious about programming. But, I didn't really know where to start.

Everything online confused me and I lacked fundamental knowledge. Head First Java was the most accessible technical book I've ever read. They use lots of images and stories to convey concepts that are notoriously hard to wrap your head around as a beginner programmer. And they work.

Some of those images still come up in my head when I think about objec When I read this book the summer before my senior year of high school, I was curious about programming. But, I didn't really know where to start. Everything online confused me and I lacked fundamental knowledge. Head First Java was the most accessible technical book I've ever read. They use lots of images and stories to convey concepts that are notoriously hard to wrap your head around as a beginner programmer. And they work. Some of those images still come up in my head when I think about object oriented programming 4 years later.

This book made my high school computer science classes and many of my freshman year computer science introductory courses redundant because a lot of time is spent in those trying to teach the same concepts that this book taught me in a few chapters. If you are just starting out, like I was, give this book a try. Really do all the exercises. Maybe it will give you the clarity and head start that it did for me.

Head First Java has always been a book focused squarely on the Java language, and not really on the ancillary types of topics you mention. The more you start to 'combine' topics (like Java and MySQL or Java and mobile phones), the more you actually shrink your audience. (The only notable exception here is PHP and MySQL, as nearly everyone that uses PHP still uses MySQL, so the two together function as a single complete unit.) So the next edition of Java will still focus on the language, although we'd want to include some of the standard extensions (perhaps the JAX pack or JAX-WS which has become so fundamental to Java), as well as new version features (Java 6, 7, etc.). Thanks Brett McLaughlin Head First Series Editor •. Fahad- Thanks for your interest.

We are looking at Head First Java, 3rd edition, but the authors are planning on targeting Java 7, rather than the new Java 6. Java 6 is so similar to Java 5 - which is covered in the 2nd edition - that we think it's best to wait a bit and really provide a 3rd edition with lots of new content and value. Off the cuff, I'd estimate you're looking at early 2010 before a 3rd edition of Head First Java is realistic. Thanks Brett McLaughlin Series Editor, Head First next » • • • •.