Sep 02, 2013 I have successfully installed pro tools on windows 8. However, when I attempt to load pro tools, it reaches the MIDI setup stage and I get the following message: 'Pro. Shop for the Avid Pro Tools 9 Software and receive free shipping on your order and the guaranteed lowest. Windows Systems. Computer: Avid-qualified Windows-based.

15 Common Problems With Pro Tools And Windows 7 Posted January 6, 2014 by Philip According to countless reviews by individuals who use both Pro Tools and Windows 7, the operating system frequently causes the software program to display error messages, and many unwarranted pop-ups have appeared when the two systems were being used together. Although Windows 7 and Pro Tools are still highly compatible – here are some of the common problems you can run into. Sometimes the researching of trouble shooting these problems can be extremely painful, so if you have encountered a problem and found the solution – please contact us and let us know so that we may help other users out. Here they are. Error Code 9500 When a user views this code, Pro Tools will be able to play the developer’s audio clips, but while the software indicates that the media clip is playing, the user won’t hear any sound.

Avid Pro Tools 9 Windows 8

Customers who are using Pro Tools HD can log out of the software program and restart it, and as a result, the error code disappears approximately 50 percent of the time. In contrast, individuals who are using Pro Tools LE or Pro Tools 9 will not be able to remove the error code by restarting the program. Error Code 9060 This message usually appears after the customer has been recording audio for 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Furthermore, new soundtracks that have been saved by the user frequently get replaced by sound clips that have been recently deleted when this error code appears. Motorola Phone Tools V 2355 Hydrocodone. This error usually occurs when an external hard drive has been recently added to the computer. Using Power Many users have reported that their computers will suddenly present a message that warns them that Pro Tools is using more than 90 percent of the computer’s total energy; however, they will discover that the software program is only using 20 percent to 25 percent when they conduct a test of its usage by utilizing any software program.

Uninstalling Pro Tools According to several reviewers, Pro Tools 7 and Pro Tools 9 are both incredibly difficult to uninstall from the Windows 7 operating system. When the patron attempts to remove the program, the software will provide a message indicating that it has been uninstalled, but when the user reboots the computer, Pro Tools will still be present in the device’s hard drive. Distorted Sound Users of Pro Tools 11 have discovered that their sound randomly becomes distorted when they are using Windows 7.

There is no message that pops up to indicate that the system recognizes its error, and usually, the problem lasts for five minutes to 10 minutes before subsiding. The User’s Privileges Countless customers have reported that an error message indicating that the user doesn’t have sufficient privileges to start to use Pro Tools appears when they first attempt to install the program. The computer’s administrator is the only user who can install or modify Pro Tools; however, any user can access the program once it has been added to the computer. Causing The Computer To Crash When using Pro Tools 10 with Windows 7, many people have reported that their device crashed, and others have claimed that the screen froze without any warning. In order to prevent this, the customer can uninstall Windows 7 and add Windows 8 to the computer. Errors When Starting To Use Pro Tools Individuals who have installed Pro Tools 8 have repeatedly stated that the software presents an initialization error when they begin to use the program.

5th Edition Handbook Modern Writers here. In order to solve this problem, a person should completely clean the computer’s registry before re-installing the software program. Uninstalling Internet Explorer Pro Tools works quite well with Mozilla Firefox and with Google Chrome; however, Pro Tools 9 and Pro Tools 10 are not compatible with Internet Explorer. The user must remove Internet Explorer from the computer before Pro Tools has been installed, and after restarting the machine, the customer can add the software to the device’s hard drive. Selecting A Graphics Card The graphics cards of a wide variety of computers are not compatible with Pro Tools.

When using the software with an outdated card, customers have reported that a portion of the screen will be blank or distorted, but the other features of the software will still be available. On August 29, 2012, the manufacturer of Pro Tools posted a report that indicated all of the graphics cards that have been released by Apple before 2005 are compatible with Pro Tools 10, and the majority of the cards that are manufactured by Nvidia will allow the software program to function correctly. Choosing A Type Of Computer In the year 2011, Avid Technology released a list that featured computers with operating systems that would allow the software program to fully function. Manufactured by Apple, the Macbook Pro and the Macbook Air were both included in the list; however, all computers that were created by Apple before the year 2008 are not compatible with the software program. Creating A Restore Point Once Pro Tools is operating correctly, the customer should add a restore point to the computer. Providing A Report In a recent article, representatives of Avid Technology requested that customers generate a full report of the state of their computers by using a software program called Sandra, which was manufactured by SiSoftware.

The business was founded in 1995, and it has been working with Avid Technology to improve Pro Tools and the company’s other programs since 1997. There are five versions of this software available, and a person can download the least powerful type of Sandra software for free by visiting. Avid Technology When a customer contacts the manufacturer, the representatives at would like the user to provide the model of the computer, the device’s processing speed, the amount of random-access memory that the computer has, the model number of the Pro Tools software, a comprehensive description of any additional hard drives and their cables and a complete list of the techniques that the patron has already used to troubleshoot the problem.

Updates To Windows 7 Windows 7 frequently updates itself, and if one of the operating system’s new features causes Pro Tools to malfunction, a message that provides a report for a code seven error will appear. Additionally, the installation of a new anti-virus software can prompt this error message to pop up.