Ping Golf Club Serial Number CheckPing Golf Club Serial Number Check

24% of Golf Clubs Sold on EBAY are Fakes (Counterfiets)! 10 Ways Not To Get Scammed on EBAY!

There is an array of Ping golf clubs, and the company has more than 400 patents on various club designs, which are made to hit more accurately without compromising the original integrity of the golf club. Unfortunately, Ping clubs are also the target of fraudulent practices, and many people are sold off-brand clubs under the. Drivers; Fairway Woods; Hybrids; Crossovers; Irons. Golf Workout; iPing; Fitting. ©2017 PING, Inc.

We did a random survey of 100 golf club listings on EBAY a couple months ago and our 'Golf Club Scam Alert System' we found that there was a high-probability that 24 of those listings were FAKES! Since this has become such a problem we thought it would be a good idea to help you know what you are getting when you purchase something online. So today we are going to show you 10 ways not to get scammed when you are purchasing equipment online. But first, we want to give you the background on how this whole illegal operation all got started and why it is so rampant right now.

How & Where Golf Club Counterfeiting All Got Started During my 11 years in the golf industry I have seen an explosion in golf club counterfeiters. Well there are many reasons why this became such a popular profession and one worth serious jail time and heavy fines. It all started when foundries overseas started to get the majority of the golf club production business from the United States. China and Taiwan began to get almost all the work in regards to golf club manufacturing about 2 decades ago. And now.the US produces next to nothing and the reason is cost and efficiency. The engineers and foundries overseas for the most part are finely oiled machines.they do incredible work at unbeatable prices.

They are very good, extremely creative and incredibly hardworking. The majority of their workers put in 12-hour days, 7-days a week, and are paid only about $150 a month.

But.and this is a big but.they can make up to $10,000 for stealing an original design by an OEM.which is a huge motive when you consider the fact that it is more then they make in 5 years! Secondly, and no less important to the cause of golf club counterfeiting is the fact that so many people now touch this product or design before it is completed. There are now lots of middle-men involved in the production of a golf club.believe it or not there might be over 75 people touching a design before it hits the shelves. And this leaves much more room for mischief. This is where the majority of the shadiness begins. There is much less control when lets say a company like Taylormade gives its design to a firm overseas compared to one in its own backyard. The counterfeiting of golf clubs actually began in Taiwan although after the Taiwanese government started enforcing intellectual-property laws and the Taiwanese wages went up compared to China's, the roles reversed and now China is the main producer of counterfeit golf clubs.

They make about 85% of all the counterfeit golf clubs on the market today. Although.ironically many are funded by Taiwanese investors.interesting huh. Employees make such little money, that they're will always be stealing and the selling of molds going on in this business. Even though many foundries perform daily body searches with metal detectors at every entrance an exit and security cameras which watch over them like hawks during their still won't make a difference. There is just too much to gain.the market for this has just gotten too big. So why do we keep using these foundries to make our clubs you ask? Well the big OEM's will tell you.the benefits and rewards (profits.go figure) are just much larger then the risk of someone knocking off their club.

If they didn't use these foundries, drivers instead of costing $300 would run you about $1000 smackeroos! And iron sets.shewwww fogetaboutit! So How Do You Avoid Buying A Counterfeit Club?

How To Spot A Fake! We spoke to reps from every major name brand golf club company on the market and then put together a comprehensive checklist for you to use the next time you purchase something of EBAY or from any online retailer for that matter. And if you don't think these fakes are showing up in the big retail stores.guess again.

Almost all of the big chains have had to implement mandatory inspections of every club that comes through their shop because the quality of the counterfeits are getting so good. And that is why we put together the most comprehensive checklist. 'Golf Club Scam Alert System Checklist': GOLF CLUB MANUFACTURERS • Callaway 1-877-CALLAWAY (877-225-5292) • Taylor made 1.800.888.CLUB (2582) • Ping 1.800.4.PING.FIT (1.800.474.6434) • Mizuno 1.800.966.1211 • Cleveland (800) 999-6263 • Nike Golf 888 799 6453 Examples Of Counterfeits (Via FAKE CLUB TEST #1 - Callaway X460 Driver One of these is one of Callaway’s superb long-hitting X460 driver manufactured from pure titanium. The other is a cheap imitation which hits the ball considerably less distance.

The fake, here, is on the left – note how the number 9 denoting the loft is a slightly different font – and how Callaway written on the side is less defined. Note also that the plastic ferrule – which covers the join between clubhead and shaft – is slightly thinner on the fake. FAKE CLUB TEST #2 - TaylorMade r7 460 Driver.

The heads on the TaylorMade r7 460 drivers are uncannily similar – even the fonts are pretty close – although the shade of orange on the crescent isn’t quite right. (The counterfeit is the on the left by the way).

FAKE CLUB TEST #3 - Nike Sumo SQ 5900 Driver To the untrained eye, the counterfeit driver (left) is not immediately apparent; the main giveaways are that the yellow paint is not quite the correct shade – and the casting of the raised triangular shards within the yellow section are not as crisp and proud as the genuine article. Another fake website from China. A few pointers: 1) It says it’s ‘based’ in the UK, but the ‘Contact Us’ section says it’s located in ‘West London’. If a legit site they’ll have a proper postal address 2)The English grammar is shocking.

Read through some of the FAQs for example: Q. Package broken when received? In case that the package was damaged obviously when arrived. Please deny the parcel and contact us in a hurry 3) The security certifcate is fake. If a site is genuine and has bothered to pay the money to get their site a security certificate the logo they put on the website front page will be a link to the certificate provider. In this case they’ve ripped off the RapidSSL logo and stuck it on their website. 4) Within the source code of the page there are Chinese comments.checkout line 347: /** * 处理提交评论的反馈信息 */ Enough said.

I’ve not even bothered looking at the prices of their products, am assuming they’re prices look to good to be true. My advice, stick the site in your blacklist. Check out the club manufacturer’s website for approve online retailers. In this case it looks like Edin Watts, Golfsmith and TGW are all legit. It’s the only way to be sure you’re getting the real deal. Also, look at the cost of the club, if it’s £150 cheaper than every where else then you’re looking at a fake.

In this case Edin Watts are selling a Taylormade AeroBurner Mini Driver 2015 for $279.99 which to me looks like round about the same as other legit websites and shops so makes sense. All other club manufacturers have similar authorised retailer pages on their websites. Hi there I was wondering if anyone has heard of, they calaim to be the real deal operating from Sydney Australia, however I ask them to provide me with ta contact number, they said they only do emails. I ask abut the low prices, why that is, they said they buy directly from manufacturer and post to customer as a gift. Serial number, well they said when I get my clubs i can check to the serial numbers. This is a fake site and the prices are extremely cheap.

If anyone else has had encounters with fake websites or other crooks please let us all know. We do want to save however not get shafted literally by these bastards. From their home page “Thanks for your visiting We are one of the best UK golf clubs retailers and we have been supplying cheap golf equipment online for years. All brand new products are sold at the best price, because we hope to provide every golf players with affordable golf equipment” LOL And if you’re not 100% convinced the site is ‘genuine’ you can always take them up on their New Year Offer “One popular wedge for offer reaches $500”. And what a surprise their ‘GeoTrust’ security icon goes.drum roll.nowhere.

The clincher. Their contact details “Welcome to our site, please contact us freely. Email: Address: UK” Address ‘UK’ eh? That narrows it down a bit. I’m thinking of creating a new website called

Do you think any would notice that the clubs might not be 100 percent genuine? Nah, probably not. I’ll just use that fanciful term that all clubs are OEMs, that clubs come straight from the factory (but whose factory were not saying), that we carry every brand in the world, even those you have never heard of. Whatever brand name you want on a club we’ll put it on. Delivery will of course be free, but even less than free, if you live in the Shenzen region. We will also donate 5 percent of your purchase price to help clear the pollution in the skies of China. The donation will be made to

Of course will have the cheapest golf clubs in the world. Cheap, cheap, cheap. No we haven’t been eating bird seed. Cheap, cheap, cheap. The about us citation will read something like: “We sell genuine golf club to you. All vely, vely cheap. We have all top brands.

We have Titlist, Tailormade, Pong, Cabra, Adums, Wilsan, Mazuno, Creveland and any brand you kan think ov. All vely, vely cheap, cheap.

Delivery is phree throughout the world. Please ring our free phone number but it would be helpful if you can speak Mandarin.”. PG, Wow, I’ve been looking for a site like yours for ages. Those other sites just seem far too dodgy. But yours seems so genuine, I know i can trust you. And that 50% of top blands as well, wow!

Where do I sign up? I’d like to order a full set of irons and fairway woods and a driver. I don’t care what brand it is as I know your website is totally genuine, just send me the best you’ve got.

In fact, don’t worry about giving me a total amount for it all just now, here’s my credit card number 4455 3243 2323 2323 exp 10/15, mastercard. Just take off whatever you want, and no need to wait until I receive the goods, just take off the money now, I trust you. Actually, sometimes my credit card gets blocked, those card companies put pesky fraud detection on them and sometimes block transactions on websites they think are dodgy. Shame on them! Why don’t I send you some cash instead?Will £2000 do? I’m desperate to get these quick quick, so just send me back any change with my clubs ok?

Or maybe you’d like me to send it in yuan instead of Sterling? Mr Huntygowk, We at think you are taking the urine out of us. We tried you MasterCard but the number does not seem to exist. That annoyed us very much because we had gone to great trouble to supply you with the very latest golf clubs. You may be aware that Titlist could soon be launching its 714 irons for 2014.

We already have them. Yes I know you find that hard to believe but because we have a direct link to the Titlist factory we were able to secure a set on your behalf. But now we find your MasterCard is perhaps a fake.

We at detest people who deal in fakes. However you can make amends. If you can please send us your address we can send you a brown paper bag. When you receive the bag, please open, deposit a large sum of cash and one of our representatives will meet you outside the mall cark park at precisely seven minutes before midnight on Tuesday week. Please do not wear clothing with any large distinguishable marks. By the way, we at are now making television sets, computers, Smartphones, stylised confetti and can openers.

All very genuine, especially the can openers. They all come with steak knives that can slice through a steel pipe or a soft tomato. But wait, there’s more. No there’s not, just joking. Next time you are in China please look us up. We are in Dongguan. Ask for Mr Joe.

Ha Ha Ha Ha, another good one. Jeez, read the section for ‘About Us’ “To purchase cheap golf clubs from is your best choice. We sell best golf clubs at very cheap price.

We carefully hand-select every clubs to make sure that our customers will receive the best golf clubs. Hope every customer will be happy with our wholesale golf clubs and service. Welcome cheap golf clubs.” ‘We sell best golf clubs at very cheap price” ahem, if you think this site is written and and produced by people in America, wrong. It’s another mass produced Chinese fake ripoff promise them anything website.

See that barge pole over in the corner of your room? Pick it up, and don’t go anywhere near this site with it. Vic, They are the real deal. I have bought dozens of sets of clubs off them, Sometimes the brand names fall off the club but I just glue them back on and sell them for a 20 percent profit on a local auction website. They seem to ship all their clubs via Shenzhen because that’s where they are when I track there whereabouts. Seriously, Vic, use your brain.

The world wide web is a jungle of no-names, no-faces where thieves and counterfeiters thrive and prosper at the expense of gullible suckers like yourself. Okay, so I cancelled the order via email 4 days ago.

I disputed the bogus Chinese tourist activites charge that mysteriously appeared after the club order, with my card company. Then I get an email from the site saying the club was shipped yesterday. I replied that he was lying because there is no Sunday shipping in the US, his email timeline was 12 hours ahead putting him in China, TaylorMade does not ship directly from their factory in China and since he had violated the terms on his site I would refuse any deliveries and dispute any charges.

Furthermore I would pursue any avenues available with TaylorMade and the US authorities regarding the legitimacy of his product. His reply was that I should just refuse the club when it comes but he would have to charge me $20 because he is out $50 s&h. Today I refused the pkg and I will refute any charges he may apply. The saga continues AND I bought a legit RBZ2 driver from a US retail store for the same price + tax + shipping. I have been in contact with a gentleman from online store called Golf Mart.

The store is based out of California and the guys name is Ryan. I had the opportunity speak with him over the phone.

I feel fairly confident that the clubs he is selling are legitimate because I asked for a custom order and he was able to oblige I also asked if the clubs could be drop shipped directly from the manufacturer here in the United States and he said yes they could. I just wanted to check to see if anyone had any experience with this seller.

It is an eBay store with the name Golf Mart. Does anybody have any experience with Before discovering this link I ordered a TaylorMade RBZ Stage2 driver from them. Coincidentally the next day there was a bogus charge from China on my card. That’s when I started researching fake sites.

Upon review, some of the warning flags mentioned here are present – questionable grammer, no phone number or physical address, no customer reviews. I did the DomainTools search and the site was owned by Brad Kindt (one of four), registered with GoDaddy, createrd 9/10/2012 and they show 4 historical records for with 2 significant changes since then. I’m not sure what all that means but I have sent them an email with a demanded response within 24 hours.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, this site is a joke. Look at their FAQ, the first question Q: Will I get a confirmation email once payment confirmed or package shipped? A: Yes, you will get a confirmation email once payment confirmed or package shipped. Please check your junk mailbox (or Spam mailbox) if can not receive this email, or contact us via Even they admit they are a junk website. Don’t touch it wit a barge pole. Another tip is check out their security certificate logo at the bottom of the page. On a legit site these would link to the secure certificate provider, in this case it’s meant to be TrustWave.

What a surprise, the logo isn’t linked. Do yourself a big favour, stop trawling the internet for that ‘amazing golf deal’ on a new driver or a new set of irons.

It’s not out there. Instead, go to a reputable golf store and try and buy. I’m speaking from personal experience here. I’ve fallen for this kind of thing as well and to my cost. Hi Guys I wish I read this before I went for the mirage that is cheap online Titleist Drivers!

I bought a D3 Titleist online. When I looked into it a bit more, I realised I was done over! Once you see it up against a legit driver, you know you’ve been fooled. Even the motore f3 shaft was a fake as confirmed by a legit Titleist seller. The colouring was darker than the original, there was no alignment dot on the head, the bezel weight screw did not have the red dot, the hosel was a different colour and to top it off, when tightening the screw that attaches the head, instead of hearing that “click” to know it’s on correctly, the screw snapped. I have since bought a legit one. Instead of it costing me the $465 I spent on the real one, it cost me a further $250 on the fake so $715 all up for the driver.

Save your time and money, do not buy online unless it’s from a legit seller. Hi Guys I wish I read this before I went for the mirage that is cheap online Titleist Drivers! I bought a D2 Titleist online. When it arrived I was a little concerned, but didn’t panic. When I looked into it a bit more, I realised I was right to panic! Once you see it up against a legit driver, you know you’ve been fooled. Even the motore f3 shaft was a fake as confirmed by a legit Titleist seller.

The colouring was darker than the original, there was no alignment do on the head, the besel weight screw did not have the red dot, the hosel was a different colour and to top it off, when tightening the screw that attaches the head, instead of hearing that “click” to know it’s on correctly, the screw snapped. I have since bought a legit one. Instead of it costing me the $465 I spent on the real one, it cost me a further $250 on the fake so $715 all up for the driver. Save your time and money, do not buy online unless it’s from a legit seller.

I purchased a set of Mizuno 800 irons for $398.00, and got what I paid forcounterfeit direct from China. I thought I was dealing with an above board on-line company, but got the shaft. Nine of them to be exact.

The grips smelled like tires. A very strong rubber smell. The inserts in the clubheads fell out, and the shafts were a complete no name. I sent the clubs to Mizuno in Atlanta to have them checked.

They let me know that they were definitely counterfeit. Mizuno asked if they could keep them to pursue legal action against the companies in the US and China that the clubs came from, but I have not heard from Mizuno at all. I have learned my lesson about buying cheap clubs. I also learned that Mizuno did not care enough about me to let me know if my actions helped them out in the fight for counterfeit clubs. I seldom create remarks, but after browsing through some of the responses here 10 Ways Not To Buy Fake Counterfeit Golf Clubs! I do have 2 questions for you if you do not mind.

Is it simply me or does it give the impression like some of these remarks appear as if they are coming from brain dead individuals? 😛 And, if you are writing at other places, I would like to follow everything fresh you have to post. Would you post a list of every one of your shared pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?

Chris, OEM is an extremely confusing and contradictaroy term. It’s meaning has changed over the years and often has different meanings in different industries. What the meaning of OEM in the world of golf club manufacturing is, I’m not really sure.

I presume the user of such a term is trying to imply that they have got hold of some clubs that were made by the real manufacturer but have been secured at special price in a special deal. That may happen for some of the lesser brands of clubs but I am sure the more ethical manufacturers — such as Titleist or Ping — would not allow anything of the sort.

The manufacturers of the top brands only allow authorised agents to sell their clubs. Stay away from I ALMOST got duped but luckily canceled the transaction through my bank while it was pending. They claimed to be based out of Chicago and ship “direct from OEM”.

Their website had spelling errors throughout and their emails were laughably written. All dead give always that they are SCAMMERS! The only reason I even attempted to buy clubs from them was because they were one of the only places that had a discontinued model of irons (TaylorMade Burner 2.0’s in black finish) that I so desperately wanted. Should of known considering that the irons are sold out at EVERY reputable store in my area including the few reputable online dealers. I have just ordered $2000 worth of clubs from them. Must admit that the prices looked to good to be true and the about us citation was written in pidgin English but the pictures of the clubs looked so real.

I thought I had stumbled across the best golf club website in the world after putting the words golf clubs into my Google search engine followed by the words cheap, wholesale, discount, super cheap, rockbottom, bargain, really super cheap, really really super super cheap. Ah well, I’ll just sell them on ebay when they arrive. I, of course, am jesting. This is another perfect example of the thieves that masquerade as golf retailers in the boundless world that is the internet. Go to your local retailers, get a feel of the clubs and be assured you are getting the genuine article. The Eagle, Congratulations to owning up to your moment of stupidity but more importantly this is yet another perfect example to all of us of the corruption that abounds with golf clubs and the world wide web.

Be warned that pictures of golf clubs are easily copied from the manufacturers’ websites and give the impression that you are buying the genuine article. But remember they are only pictures and what arrives from the courier can be two completely different products. The internet is awash with counterfeit golf clubs but fools still line up to make purchases which keeps these thieves in employmnent.

Do the right thing — got to your local retailers, make comparisons, try out different models and be assured what you decide to buy will be the real deal. Remember golf club manufacturers spends millions of dollars developing and researching their products to make what in the end is a precision instrument. Counterfeiters are not interested in precision — just your money. Hi all, Just a bit of advice for those of you who have been unfortunate enough to buy fake clubs. I ordered a set of Ping G20 irons from, retail price £470, but on sale at £240 here. In retrospect, this looked too good to be true, and was.

The clubs arrived yesterday and are fake, very poor fakes at that. Literally club heads with metal Ping stickers on the back which can just be peeled off!

I immediately sent a strongly worded email to the contact who had confirmed my order, and then phoned my bank to ask for their advice. They explained that they would refund my order themselves and take my dispute up with the Chinese vendor on my behalf. This was obviously a huge relief, so my advice to anyone who has been stung would be to speak to their bank immediately. One thing I’ve not seen in the many postings here is the how these items were paid for. I have a friend who purchased an R11 driver from The website was not a secured site and B of A has had to give him a new account number. Now, it will be interested to see what happens when the driver is delivered because one, it had a 30 day money back guarantee and two, because he paid with a credit card he feels he might be able to dispute the charges if he finds that the item is counterfeit.

On a side note, I emailed them–there 24/7 hotline was not working–about purchasing a set of Ping G15 irons ($319 w/graphite shafts). I wanted to know if I could possible have the serial numbers off the clubs before I purchased them. Interesting reply in the grammar aspect and the non-commital aspect. Here is their reply: “As our clubs will be directly shipped from our supplier, so we can’t send the serial numbers to you. Sorry for the inconvenience. All of our clubs are brand new, 100% from the original factory, with high quality and excellent performance.

Please rest assured to purchase from us. Anything else, please feel free to contact us.

Welcome your purchase.” Beware, the clubs may be new, and from the factory that makes legit clubs during the day, however, they don’t claim to be OEM quality. Hello- I read too many messages on this site and everyone need to be careful! Don’t order anything from any website to sell cheap cost for golf clubs. I have see so many times and I never order anything from the internet, because they were making some money from you while you play poor golf game! Let me tell you what! My friend who work for the Golfsmith and he is very tired of see people bring fake club to trade in with other clubs.

That store will reject it. Please think about it and don’t order anything from oversea sell the golf club to America! When you see many golf cluib sell cheap on any website, that is simple, just click on contact us.

When you see Chicago. I see about 30 different website under many different name of business while same “contact us” and see Chicago. All of them show Chicago. When you get the package and you can see china on return address! That is biggest joke! Please don’t do it. If you really want good quality golf club, go to your local golf store and they will give you fitting and measure and you buy the golf club from them!

Another sucker. Earl I’ll bet you typed into your Google search engine the words golf clubs followed by words such as discount, warehouse, rockbottom, bargain, cheap, super cheap, really super cheap, really really super super cheap. And guess what you came up with cheapgolf4u. Look for the sign posts. Does it have a telephone number which is not just for taking orders, does it have a physical address for an actual retail outlet, does it offer free delivery throughout the world. I’ll save you the time. The answers will be no, no and no.

I sent off an email to cheapgolf4u and received a very interesting reply. I think it about sums up the hundreds of bogus online golf retailers around the world. If you read it with a Chinese accent, all will become abundantly clear. It read exactly as follows:- “Dear sir, Thank you so much for interesting in our clubs and website. We ship out our clubs from our oversea supplire directly, and the clubs are 100% real and brand new. We have no retail outlet and offer online service only. Any other question, please feel free to contact us.

” One of the questions I asked was where they get there golf clubs from. I note they did not say from the golf club manufacturers but instead “oversea supplire”. I wonder where oversea is? Shenzhen perhaps? Do you need any more proof of the golf scams that abound on the internet? How about this?

EVERYONE STOP! Stop asking about the possibility of counterfit clubs! Stop asking about reputeable sites!

Go to a Roger Dunn or golf Galaxy get your clubs there. Then there is NO question as to the legitamacy. IS your sanity really worth the extra $30-$40 dollars of savings? With that said, reputable sights IMO Rock Bottom Golf: February 14th I ordered Nike wedges, a 52 and 60 degree. Came within 4 days, no issues, clubs are great and legit by confirming at local Roger Dunn. Budget Golf: In October I ordered a 56 degree wedge (NIKE) it came within a week, and also confirmed legit at my local roger dunn I took the risk, you can now reap the reward.

AGAIN, if you still have to question it buy in person. Lastly, use common sense if a brand new R11 driver is advertised as $200 off its most defenitely not legit. Help me there is only one problem with your theory. It is that golf club manufacturers are participating in the biggest price fixing scheme I can remember. The fact that the retailers are in on it also is another story. Retail stores such as, Golfsmith, Golf Galaxy, and others must sign pricing agreements with the manufacturer before they are allowed to sell their clubs.

I am sorry but I don’t believe this practice is legal and the lawyers have worded the agreements so to be able to skirt the law. Have you ever noticed the exception wording on any of the sales you see from any of the big retailers. The only way any of the major clubs are included in any form of sale is when the manufacturer informs the retailer that they want to put certain items on sale, possibly to clear inventory. I agree if someone finds a set of new customizable clubs for $200.00 – 300.00 or more off common sense should prevail and many questions should be asked. But I also think the retailers should be able to set their prices for new clubs since the manufacturers are going to get their money anyway and would possibly get even more if they relaxed this price fixing. One Problem, and what drives people to the counterfeits—–Roger Dunn, a store I usually love, has moved into the category of insanely high priced unless you go only for sales. I can’t even feel comfortable going there anymore.

Do you know that they actually have Taylormade M2s in the store at 100 bucks ABOVE what you can buy them for straight from Taylormade!!!!!!! 4 to AW Steel Regular Shaft at 899. Direct from Taylormade (or just about anywhere else authorized) they are 799, free shipping. How do you even remotely justify that?? One Problem, and what drives people to the counterfeits—–Roger Dunn, a store I usually love, has moved into the category of insanely high priced unless you go only for sales. I can’t even feel comfortable going there anymore.

Do you know that they actually have Taylormade M2s in the store at 100 bucks ABOVE what you can buy them for straight from Taylormade!!!!!!! 4 to AW Steel Regular Shaft at 899. Direct from Taylormade (or just about anywhere else authorized) they are 799, free shipping.

How do you even remotely justify that?? Ahh, you think that price is cheap on the internet? Last few years ago, my friend who believe that internet cost cheap price for golf iron set than here. He got the package from UPS what I saw. He bring that iron club to me at my home.

I checked the swing weight on each iron. From four to PW are not same as Callaway golf set. Iron four – D2, Iron five – D0, Iron six – E1, Iron seven – D1, etc. As you see, because China people didn’t set up the corrrect swingweight as they want your money! My irons were same swingweight from Callaway here.

I hate to see you all type about so many different business names by the internet as you believe that price is cheaper or unsure if that company make the golf club from other country. PLEASE DON’T DO IT! My friend told me the name of golf business and said from Chicago. When he got a package and realized that address from China. He played with the club for few times as very bad and want to trade in with different club, but the Golfsmith rejected it, because the shaft is cheap and fake label. I searched on the internet and found Callaway Razr Fit driver for $199. Do you believe it?

I don’t believe that price is so low and DON’T ORDER. That is very scam! DON’T SEARCH THE INTERNET FOR CHEAP PRICE GOLF CLUB!

GO TO YOUR LOCAL GOLF STORE AND PAY RIGHT PRICE GOLF CLUB! Past 20 years, I have see so many different golf clubs and some of them were fake last five years ago. I read all on this post as I knew everyone can lead to scam if they order cheap price from strange name business.

Please listen very careful – I recommend not order any golf club from the internet as not famous golf business name from oversea! Best way for you, go to your favorite local golf store as Golfsmith or Edwin Watts and they are happy to measure, fitting, how fast you swing, computer check and you order the golf club as you play very good golf game! You expression of ‘pleasure’ whilst participating in this forum is a worry. I get my thrills in more conventional ways, but that is beside the point. I’m not sure that it follows that if a seller doesn’t have an account with a major manufacturer that they must sell fakes – talk about a stretch in logic! Anyway, RBG get most of their stock through closeout/overstock activities – i.e. From major retailres (hence no accounts with the OEMs).

Now I assume you are equipped to research (I did mine), and a little digging you would have found this newspaper article (i.e. Not published by the company): ROCHESTER, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–, a top internet golf retailer, announced today that the company has been named by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of America’s fastest growing companies in their annual “Hot 500” list published in their August 2007 issue. ranked 159th out of 500 and had a 586% growth over four years between 2002 and 2006. Since its founding by three high school friends in 2000, has grown to more than $21.4 million in revenue by 2006. is one of the largest Internet golf sites in the world specializing in closeout golf merchandise. offers a wide variety of name brand golf merchandise including Callaway, Mizuno, Adams, Wilson, Taylor Made, Nike, Tommy Armour, Ogio and more. supports the needs for golfers around the world.

With its strategic carrier agreements, is able to serve more than 30 countries in the world in 3 days or less allowing everyone to enjoy deals as well as Rock Bottom shipping rates. In 2006, saw record sales and launched their multi-channel online strategy across, Google,, Yahoo!,, BizRate, and many others. has over a 99.8% customer approval rating between all the marketplaces they sell on and market in. “We’re excited to be recognized by such a prestigious magazine and named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s 500 list,” says Todd Rath, Chief Operating and Marketing Officer of “Our team’s dedication, hard work and commitment have enabled us to grow our business at a rapid pace and become one of the top golf sites worldwide.” According to Entrepreneur, the Hot 500 rankings are compiled with the help of Corporate Research Board, a research organization.

Entrepreneur and CRB started with CRB’s database of more than 19 million U.S. Businesses and considered only those businesses that met the following criteria: * Must have been founded no earlier than 1998 and no later than 2002 * Company sales in 2002 must be $100,000 or greater; 2006 sales must not exceed $1 billion * Must have positive job growth between 2002 and 2006 * Must have a minimum level of sales growth or a sales growth quantifier of 1 or higher between 2002 and 2006; the growth quantifier is a measurement that combines percentage and absolute growth. Only 95,000 businesses — or 0.5 percent of the 19 million businesses — met the above criteria. Entrepreneur then contacted the businesses with the greatest growth to confirm eligibility. To be eligible, the founder must be actively involved in the company, the company cannot be a spinoff or a division of a larger company, and company sales for 2006 must be at least $1 million.

From this list, the Hot 500 was selected. The Hot 500 list can be found on the Entrepreneur Website. About Rock Bottom Golf, a top Internet golf retailer prides itself on bringing rock bottom prices to all its customers known as ‘Rock Heads’. Founded in 2000, by Todd Rath, Tom Rath and Shannon Smith, the team utilizes their education and past work experience in technology, engineering, and finance to make their systems and processes as efficient as possible. Quality products, fast and stellar service is what makes what it is today, one of the largest Internet golf sites in the world specializing in closeout golf merchandise. Their products can be found at and. is headquartered in Rochester, NY with their distribution center located in Suffolk, VA. Anyway – no doubt you will find holes in this, but I urge you to put your ego aside and humbly admit you may not have all the facts on this one? Duane, Yes I had read that article previously.

To me it read more like an advertisement than a worthy news story. I have no idea who Bussiness Review is or its standing within the world of journalism but I am not about to dispute the accuracy of the figures mentioned. But I would point out the article is more than five years old and some of the figures go back more than 10 years. I think Rockbottom’s star has long since waned. You say Rockbottomgolf receives many of its good from major retailers. Who are these major retailers and why can’t the major retailers sell the same goods at reduced prices and save on any losses? I think it is a very fanciful term to believe, as you put it, that Rockbottom gets it goods from closeouts or overstock activities.

I repeat that Rockbottom admitts it does not hold accounts with many major golf brands for the authorised purchase of golf clubs. I would not be dealing with a company like that for my golf clubs. Duane, It gives me great pleasure to reply to your comments that my accusations about Rockbottom are ill-founded and unqualified. Towards the end of last year I asked the following question of Rockbottom: “Is it true Rockbottom does not hold an account for the approved purchase of golf clubs from the manufacturers of Titleist, Taylormade, Callaway, Cobra, Ping and Mizuno?” That was the exact question I asked and it was the only question I asked. The exact reply was: “We are not an authorized dealer but obey all company warranties for the products that are sold.” So I repeat my accusation. Rockbottom does not get it golf clubs of the brands of Titleist, Taylormade, Ping, Cobra, Mizuno through authorised channels. It therefore must get them through unauthorised channels.

Could you please tell me what is ill-founded or unqualified about that? You say you have purchased thousands of items from Rockbottom. I hope none were golf clubs of any of the previously mentioned brands.

Jeff, Why would you want to make a comparison with when Rockbottomgolf has previously admitted it does not receive golf clubs through the authorised channels provided by the makers of such big brands as Titleist, Ping, Callaway, Mizuno, Taylormade, Cobra etc? Ask yourself, if the clubs do not come through the proper channels, then where on Earth do they get them from?

They obviously have to come through unauthorised channels. Is that a business you wish to trade with or rely on? Tim, Have you looked closely at the website or just the pretty pictures of golf clubs with amazing prices? I am surprised you have to even ask if this website is legitimate. Have you read the about us citation? Read it with a Chinese accent and the broken English, missing words and lack of appropriate use of plurals will become abundandtly clear — even for someone lacking in basic perception like yourself.

I bet you typed into your Google search engine the worlds golf clubs followed by such words as cheap, bargain, wholesale, really cheap, rockbottom, really super cheap. I am sure I have seen a website very similar to this one under a different name but as one closes down another starts up because suckers like yourself think they are getting a bargain.

Don’t be an idiot any longer. Go to your local retailer, see the clubs for yourself, ask questions, hit some balls with them and make an informed decision. Please be careful and don’t be cheated at “Their sale must be almost counterfeits goods.

As looking below, when I checked serial number about which I ordered, it was turned out fake goods. “Thank you for contacting Mizuno USA. We ran the serial number from your e-mail, and we were not able to pull up any specifications. The serial number matches some older order numbers of ours from 2008. This is a major concern since the JPX series irons did not come out until September of 2010. We advise you to double check the location to where you made the purchase.

It is possible that they could be a counterfeit product.”. Thomas, Don’t be an idiot.

Rockbottom has previously said it does not receive its golf clubs through the authorised channels provided by the big brands like Titleist, Callaway, Taylormade, Mizuno, Ping and Cobra. So ask yourself where on Earth does it get it golf clubs from? The world is full of counterfeit clubs and it is only now that most people are realising the magnitude of the disception as person after person gets stung.

Do the right thing, go to your local retailer, handle the clubs, hit some balls with them, ask questions, get the right club for you, not copies of the pretty pictures you see on the internet. I just bought a set of Taylormade Tour Preferred CB irons 4-PW and AW standard steel shafts via for $499. I spoke to a couple of friends and they said that this (RBG) company is very legitimate and that they have actually purchased from this company several times. I also read quite a few good reviews about the company. I just want to make sure that these clubs are real and not fake. Should I be worried?

The image of the head of the 5 iron that RBG shows on their website for this club is turned at a different angle compared to all of the other websites and their pictures of the same club. It appears that there are differences. Could this be possible? I should receive the clubs in a few days. Well seeing the website and knowing has been posted from hong kong i can tell you are fake!!! If you check the website where you bought and check the others website from the other people that posted here you will see that all of them are made in the same way!!!check yourself and you will see!!!!!

Another way that could help everyone to see where the goods come from,before place your order just ask a question to the seller if could be possible have the goods posted by EMS or check your self at their websites at the voice “shipping” and if is positive that means come from china!!!!!EMS is a service that only china have and use. I myself got counterfeit golf clubs however I thought I had done all I could to ensure it didn’t happen to me” Genuine, Serial No, Photos, emails and checked counterfeit lists even spoke to a client who purchased them prior to me and he confirmed the where genuine or so he thought, what I received was far from genuine and to cut a long store short there’s no money refund its gone just a settlement figure and they cut you off once you start to make a noise.

So there’s a lot of people asking questions and a lot of opinions out there and from what I can see who’s helping who what are the Brands doing about it I have contacted one and they sure know about it but cannot help not even give advise on where to report such a fake site to warn people off. So my opinion is that the brands and the golf associations whom keep promoting golf and making billions should start to provide a better awareness about fake golf manufactures.

So do contact the brand you are looking for and ask for your nearest outlet then there genuine there no such thing as an OEM i have been told. I’m considering looking into the law about a name and shame list not that I can stop it just make people aware, there are some websites that list them but not great as I found out there’s to many forums and not enough Help/ action that my opinion. Fake: Report counterfeit:. I purchased Callaway Edge irons from The site looks liggit, even has a USA address in Chicago, USA telephone number!!!

I am not good enough to know where the IP is from or how to check. As soon as I received the receipt I knew I had been done. That was the first sign but it was already too late. They sent me some clubs which smelt bad, rubberish and the print on the shaft really gave it away. I have contacted them and asked for serial numbers and answers.I expect a refund. They said they would answer my quirry but I doubt it. I am ready to do WAR!!!

These guys just go too far. Its not so much about being cheap clubs bc in the end maybe one save $50-100 bucks, but their set ups are very sophisticated now. Why should a buyer waste time in checking who is real, (i am not IT tech) when the governements or controlling agencies should help more here? Get them off line! Block their IP. What made it worst was that the clubs were a present for my partner, to which I can not give now.

Feel sad, very embaressed. Brian, Does the website have a pysical address? Of course not. Does it have a telephone number other than for sales only? Of course not. Did you read the refunds and returns policy? Did you notice is was hard to understand, it started one sentence with a lower case letter and that it used American spelling when it is trying to pass itself off as a British website with prices in pounds sterling.

Remember pictures of golf clubs are easily copied from the manufacturers’ websites and therefore will give the appearance of the genuine article. Brian, do the right thing, go to your local retailer and if something goes wrong you know exactly where to go back. Mod, I am surprised you are even asking.

First of all the name of the website The perfect name for suckers like yourself who type into their google search engine the word golf followed by such words as discount, warehouse, sale, rockbottom, cheap, super cheap, unbelieveably cheap, really unbelieveably cheap, really really unbelievably cheap. Don’t look at the pictures or words relating to the golf clubs. Such information is easily copied from the manufactuers’ websites and of course will look the real deal. Instead look at something they might have had to write themselves.

For example under the heading of Retail Operations you will see that the sentences are not very well constructed and the choice of some words is very Chinese speak. Did they list a physical address? Did they have a telephone number which is not for sales only? Do the right thing and purchase from your local retailer and be assured of receiving the genuine article. Fascinating topic and good comments. Basically, if it is too good to be true, it is. But the club manufacturers are not in a good spot.

I DETEST any manufacturer that FIXES A PRICE. This is exactly what club makers are doing. Requiring a retailer to have a fixed price is asking for clones or gray market items. I have a personal experience with gray market items with a nice watch I bought. Tag Heurer has a network of retailers that exclusively sell their product (Just like many club makers have with the golf stores). But Tag requires stores to sell at a certain price point so as to not compete with each other. However, it offers discounts for retailers that sell higher volumes.

The problem is that retailers that want to sell a lot can’t sell them at the mandated price.thus the gray market. Some retailers resorted to purchasing lots of watches needed to get the volume discount, but not being able to sell at the price they were required. So they sold through the gray market.

They removed serial numbers from authentic watches to eliminate the tracing of the product and sold them through internet storefronts that do not have the original retailer’s name. These are authentic watches at a third off retail. And this was all brought about due to fixed pricing by the manufacturer. If Tag could trace the product, they would ban the retailer ever getting a shipment again. The proof is that companies like Costco could probably double the product sales of a high-end club, but manufacturers would never sell to them because Costco would want to sell at a significant discount. Costco would have profit through volume, not through mandated markups.

Needless to say, I won’t be buying from some Chinese storefront. I wish we could change the economic and regulatory environment in this country to get our manufacturing back. I consciously buy American whenever I have the chance and even at a higher cost. But more often than not, I no longer have a choice. Alan, Some early clues, if you really need them. Clue one: Unbelievable prices. Do you really need any more clues.

Clue two: No physical address. Clue three: Is there a contact telephone number and is it only for sales only, you can’t ask them where they are. Clue four: Free shipping Clue five: Don’t look at the pictures of golf clubs. They are easily copied. Instead look at the about us citation.

One sentence reads: Main products: golf clubs, golf bags, golf balls, golf hats, golf gloves, golf towel, golf socks, golf shoes, greens fork ball, ball tray, and so on. Why on Earth would a golf website say golf clubs, golf bags, golf balls, golf hats, golf gloves, golf socks etc.

Surely someone with a reasonable command of the English language would say clubs, bags, balls, hat, gloves etc. Did you also notice they said golf towel. Have they only got one golf towel or is that Chinese speak for golf towels. They also have something called greens fork balls and a ball tray. They obvsiouly only have only one ball tray or maybe, again, that is Chinese speak for ball trays and please inform me what greens fork balls are. First ask yourself what is tour issued — if such a thing exists. If you think it does then consider what kind of player the clubs would be suited too.

Someone on a 20 handicap, no; someone on a 12 handicap, no; someone on a 4 handiap, no. If such a thing does exist then surely the clubs would be suited to someone who hits the ball a mile, gets it out of the sweet spot nine times out of 10 and regularly scores par or better. In which category do you come into?

You would better suited going to a trusted local outlet who will fit you to the clubs that best suit you and provide the confidence the clubs are the genuine article. Andrew, I’ll give you some clues to the authenticity of Clue one: Free shipping. Clue two: It’s online only. It has no physical address, you can’t pop round and see them. Clue three: Prices are unbelievable. Clue four: Read carefully the about us citation.

It would appear English is not the first language of the author. My warning to any website with names such as this one. They are praying on suckers who type into their Google search engine words like golf clubs, bargain, discount, wholesale, wharehouse, online, rockbottom, cheap, super cheap, extra super cheap, really extra super cheap.

Where does get its golf clubs from? That’s a question that is leaving me very confused following a recent email I sent to Rockbottomgolf. I asked if they hold accounts for the approved purchased of golf clubs from the manufacturers of such brands as Titleist, Taylormade, Callaway, Cobra, Mizuno and Ping. In a frank reply, Rockbottomgolf said they do not. So if they do not get their golf clubs through the proper channels provided by the manufacturers, where on Earth do they get them from? You would have to conclude the clubs must be either counterfeit or some kind of dodgy deal is being done through a side door.

Please inform me if I am missing something, but if Rockbottomgolf does not hold accounts for the authorised purchase of golf clubs from such top brands previously mentioned, is there any other legitimate way of acquiring clubs and for a price that can be competitve on a world scale? If not, how do the manufacturers allow this to continue, not just for the sake of themselves but more importantly for the integrity of the golf industry? How very odd,,,,,,our club Pro said that the so called “fakes” are just overruns churned out by the VERY same people who make these clubs for the big names like Ping Callaway Taylor made etc.They flog a few via the net at vastly lower prices He has also stripped a couple down and cannot see any difference,and his comment is that most club golfers would do fine using “fakes”.

When you think how much the big 3 sell their products for and the HUGE mark ups they have its no wonder the fakes are popular. This is simply the Golf retail industry trying to protect their markets,albeit with some dubious claims,but business is business and alls fair in a dog eat dog business,:)). I have been to Shezhen were many club manufactures plants are and there are and alot more plants in surrounding cities and in hong kong. There are thousands of club makers and most of them are not for the brand name companies, Most of them produce at best a poor made copy, but there are a few that make an awsome club that you could not tell apart from the ones in your pro shop. Beware that almost all the sites that have been mentioned in this forum are all selling copies and most are probably poor made fakes. Those golfers who have to have the authentic clubs with matching serial numbers and think that will improve thier game, go to your pro shop and get your clubs, and rest easy, Those of you who will buy on ebay take a chance, those of you who want the real thing and try a chinese wbsite, good luck with that, and dont bitch about it later.

If you wait till the end of the season you are going to get a great deal on the clubs you want, I always am a year behind on my equipment just for the reason of seeing what is the best that year, then I try it and get my equipment for a great price. IGOLFYOO, GOLFSMARTDEAL, GOLFMARTDISCOUNT offer very poorly made taylormade fakes (sold a legit). Swingweights are up to 10 off, bad weights, shafts, grips, etc. This means HUGE playability problems. Certified as bad fakes by golfsmith and golfgalaxy. You have very little protection on these international transactions. Return shipping can be hugely expensive (iron return quoted by DHL as $240 US).

Seller will not agree to pay for returns. Visa offers almost no protection, MC better (am told that they will fight when counterfit — remains to be seen), AMEX best (which is why they probably do not take AMEX) Also — these guys will post fake blogs saying they are legit. DONT DO IT STEVE BURNT BADLY. I recently ordered supposed Taylormade R11 Fairway Woods from OURDISCOUNTGOLF.COM. Since the clubs looked slightly off I compared them to real clubs at our local store. 1) The club head sizes were too large; 2) the head covers were made of plastic not leather; 3) the shaft lengths were too long for a 3 & 5 wood; 4) the shaft graphics were slightly off; 5) the grips were colored when they should have been simple black; 6) the club weights were too heavy; 7) the shafts should have been Fujikura Blur 70 not 60 (the driver’s shaft); and 8)they used a cheap ill-fitting gasket under the face plate which sets the face angle. Even the torque wrench was a phony–since it didn’t have a torque setting.

I also checked the serial numbers with Taylormade—they are counterfeit. I have now turned the matter over to US Customs for their investigation.

I recently purchased a Ping G-10 driver and 3-wood on ebay. I paid about $180 for the driver and $125 for the 3-wood so they weren’t cheap. I found out later that they were counterfeits. I determined this by noting that at address the labeling on the shafts was visible whereas the genuine Ping clubs have the labeling on the underside at address. Other than that that these were very good counterfeits with only very mimimal differences from the genuine Ping clubs.

The G10 driver did not sound quite like a Ping should sound so I checked the serial number with Ping, and they confirmed these were fakes. I wonder if the shafts are genuine and the heads are cheap forgeries or are the shafts fakes also?

Anybody have information on this? I would recommend that no one buy new clubs on ebay as I would estimate that about half are fakes. Buy from TGW or other reputable online retailer. This site sells counterfeits. I ordered Taylormade R11 3 & 5 woods. I then compared ourdiscoungolf counterfeits to the real clubs at the local Las Vegas golf store which sells Taylormade.

Just finished reading this article and am certainley glad I did as I was considering ordering a new driver from Sunny Golf located in China. I have purchased equipment from EBay, Hurricane Golf, TGW, Golfio and Rock Bottom Golf. Note that all of these businesses are located within the Continental U.S. And have both E Mail addresses and Toll Free phone numbers (with the exception of EBay).

If you want purchase from EBay you may select Dealers/Sellers from the U.S. Thus staying away from those in Asia which eliminates some or most counterfeit clubs. I have never had a problem purchasing from any of the dealers I’ve mentioned. As for clones, they are what they are, inexpensive and good for the beginner or the player that does not or can not pay the big bucks for TaylorMade, Ping, etc.

When I decided to start playing again after a lenghtly absence I purchased a set of Callaway clones from T&D Golf in Oldsmar, FL and was extremely pleased with their performance so I can’t knock them. Loved this read. I’d been finding all kinds of sites that looked sketchy when shopping around for my soon-to-be new G15 irons. I was generally thinking that I wanted to find the best price on them, but that less than 50% of MSRP was a red flag.

I agree with some posters on here that you should just buy your clubs at a local retailer to be sure, but why should I spend an extra 300 bucks on something when I don’t have to? Maybe they should be more reasonable with their markupsand stop trying to sell me stuff I don’t need as soon as I walk in the door. As for the suggestion that you shouldn’t be buying better clubs if you’re not good enough to be playing themor whatever that argument’s just a faulty idea. Your game improves by playing better equipment, and that makes it more enjoyable, which makes you play more, and get better, and buy better equipment which makes you better, etc.

It’s a progression in stages. I’m not looking for tour quality clubs at rock-bottom prices, I’m looking for a quality product that will improve my game to make it more funand I don’t want to pay more than I have to, because what I save can go towards green-fees to go hit them. Glad to hear that TGW is a good site.

Kinda where I was leaning anyway, as they have good prices, but not stupidly good prices. I am so glad I did some research and found this site. I picked up a set of X-22s from Craigslist that were beautiful for $250 I was going to send them to Callaway to get lengthened but then found “deals” from a few places on the net like among others. So I sold the set I had just purchased with the intention of getting a new set with the changes already made. Thank goodness I did more research!!

Though I sold the nice, legit Callaways I just bought, I did not place that order. Anyway, all those sites lead back to a place named Hensol Golf Academy.

When you look at the refunds page, it lists mysurbuy. Looking that up, shows HUGE SCAM. So most likely I will be paying a few hundred more for a new set, but at least I know they’ll be legit and all mine. I was looking at buying another iron set on ebay and I found a couple different listings on there that are selling ping and taylormade iron sets that seemed ridiculously low. The site that is suppose to be supplying these clubs is. The site claims to be selling the clubs at the wholesale price that golf retailers buy them. It shows pictures of serial numbers on the clubs, but with the price being so low, it seems a little too good to be true.

Anyone have any ideas or information about this supplier. I checked out some of these sites, some of them have evolved to sell left-handed clubs probably from reading this site. It`s really becoming bad, you can`t trust individual sellers on ebay unless their clubs show noticeable long-term wear and the photos show part of their home.

Many people are trying to sell back their counterfeit purchases back to ebay at market prices. Some guy states that he won a set of clubs at a tournament, yet that he`s not good enough to use them. Combines two of the common red flags of the small-time crooks or people who have been burned. R11 driver is currently 399.99 brand new, anything less is illegal.

A few years ago we bought a Canon camera from a website and googled it afterwards and found there were a lot of complaints about the products and dealing with the seller. We cancelled the order and the credit card we used. Lee Ritenour Smoke N Mirrors Rar Extractor. Since then I always do research before buying. I searched on and didn’t find much, but checked the whois record using and it was from China.

Also, the site didn’t have a phone number to contact and the grammar was suspect “All of our staffs here are ready to be your service agent. All the questions will be replied within 24hours ” I didn’t order the $350 set of Callaway Diablo Edges. I instead checked eBay and examined the listings for the Diablos and found a couple of sellers with tens of thousands of overwhelmingly positive feedback. Golfetail was where I bought them, I won an auction for a little over $300. Golfetail is in the US and also has a website where it shows their toll free number, picture of their staff and more confidence building information. My clubs haven’t arrived yet but based on this site and my buying experience, I am confident I made a good purchase.

I’ll find out soon enough! Do not buy anything from this site. I am sorry to say they got me for $250 for a “R11″ which was a fake.

I have played Taylormade all my life and should have known better when I saw teh price. The first clue was the sound it made.

I have never heard the clanky sound it made from an authentic Taylormade product. Then the screw started stripping after only 10 changes to the head. I finally took it to a reputable supplier and compared it side by side.

There were subtle differences in the lettering on the headcover and the head itself that you would not know if not looking at a real one side by side with the fake. The old adage is true.if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

I just won an auction for $120 from GolfBestBuy-usa. This ebay store sells the Precise S7 clubs that were made in 2009 by Tartan Sports. Tartan Sports has a Chinese manufacturing facility listed from the very little info I could gather on them, they also have a CA facility here in the US but I am not sure if that is a distribution center, or if they manufacture there. My concern is that after researching the product, I found that the price of Royal Precision steel shafts for the 6-SW alone is a bit more then the $120 for the 18 piece set w/ bag. What should I look for, how can I find out if these are counterfeit assembly parts? I have little pity for the golf companies.

I respect and understand legitimate intellectual property protection. I know it fosters research and development in many fields, and encourages companies to improve products and technology. Stipulating that a hunk of metal at the end of a stick qualifies as “intellectual property”, these companies admittedly contract the manufacturing of their clubs to Chinese companies because the production quality and cost is “unbeatable”. And why is it “unbeatable”?

Why do these companies ship work and resources out of our domestic economy? Because, like any other rational entity in the marketplace, companies like Callaway and TaylorMade can maximize their profits by taking advantage of low labor and production costs offered in China.

So, because it is too expensive to pay American workers and use American materials, the Chinese economy will reap the bulk of the benefit of the golf club manufacturing market (excepting U.S. Marketing and sales reps, etc.

The typical “service” jobs that are all that remain for Americans). The evil Chinese counterfeiter is unfairly utilizing the golf companies’ intellectual property and cloning their products. So they turn to the U.S. Government to enforce U.S. The enforcement and legal aspects of these companies’ intellectual property costs millions in U.S. Taxpayer money, but that is how the profits of these companies are protected. Starting to get the picture?

We ship millions of dollars of production, from labor to materials, out of the country because it’s cheaper in China. Though the U.S. Economy loses out on the input, both direct and indirect of that production in the U.S.

GDP, then the U.S. Government is sent to spend millions in resources to protect the companies’ ability to do so. These golf companies could easily greatly reduce (though admittedly, not eliminate) the losses attributable to counterfeiting by producing their products in the United States. If a Big Bertha shows up on a dock via a ship from China, it is easily identified as illegal counterfeit by customs when 100% of Big Berthas are produced in the United States. Not so easy when the “real deal” is being shipped in from all over the world, as it currently is.

I don’t suggest counterfeiting is O.K, or that a company shouldn’t be able to maximize it’s profits by minimizing costs, but it is absurd that the U.S. Government through enforcement of intellectual property laws, protects these companies profits to the detriment of our own gross domestic product! If scarce U.S.

Resources are not used to protect a companies profits, at some point, it will become more cost efficient to manufacture in the U.S., which eliminates the counterfeit problem, and helps our domestic economy. TL;DR, Don’t cry for the golf companies; protecting their profits costs U.S. Jobs and taxpayer money. I just purchased a PING G15 driver & 3 wood combo. I still haven’t received them. I have a shipping number from UPS, but it’s taken two weeks to get that. I noticed yesterday the shipment started in China so I email them and asked if they were legitimate PING clubs or counterfeits.

Their response was their warehouse was out of stock and that they shipped it direct. I just sent another message requesting serial numbers.

I suspect I’ve made a huge mistake and will “attempt” to send them back. Their website suggests they will charge for a restocking fee. Now I too am wondering if I’m in for a big headache. If you haven’t yet purchased clubs, I would recommend staying away from this site.

I recently made an enquiry on regarding the Taylor Made R11 driver, i was assured that the product was original and no mention of OEM or anything like that, the price was alot cheaper than shops ect but more than most on ebay, so i thought i would be getting a bargain, and even cheaper if i bought more than one, so i thought that if i listed one of these on ebay, i could order 2 (one for me and one for whoever bought from me on ebay) and get it cheaper!! I took all the details from the site, got them confirmed from the supplier and listed it on ebay, about 10 mins later i got a message from someone calling me a muppet for listing fake golf clubs on ebay!! I politely replied staing that i believe these are originals, they then replied pointing out that the 9.5 degree loft i was offering wasn’t actually available only a 9 and 10.5 are! I checked this and they were right!!

I replied thanking them for pointing this out to me and ended the listing ammediately!! Although i wasn’t happy being called a ‘Muppet’ i didn’t really mind as this saved me alot of money, and saved me getting into trouble with ebay!!

So i advise that if you decide to buy from an online store, do a little bit of research, sites like this will help alot of people, only had i visited here first!! Keep up the good work!! As much as i am delighted that i know a bit more about fake clubs out there. It sure is scary. I just started and im very keen on purchasing a used club set from The reviews available on their website are reassuring but its still a guess.

I request any feedback from anyone who might have heard of them or had an experience. Im in india so shipping is another story!! If someone can also advise on duty etc that might be charged apart from what i pay, it will be a huge help. Thankyou all. Happy golfing. My friend purchased a new set of King Cobra from the website last year. The shipping come from Kong Hong.

He played with that club for a year, then he didn’t like it. I checked with this club and it seem not real original to me, because the swingweight is off the scale on each iron.

My friend bring this club to the Golfsmith for trade in. The person checked with that club and said, Im sorry that we can’t trade with this fake club! My friend really upset and can’t afford with new set what he look for. I asked him what website he ordered? He checked with the website, there is no longer, but he notice other website name while same web design picture. @ ChuckThis: If they don’t cancel your order, you should be worried!!! Usually, when a website has other affiliate websites ( & golfsales365) this puts up a red-flag, immediately!

Also, you said they are shipping from China. Again, HUGE RED-FLAG! I guarantee the golf clubs WILL be fake! No if’s, and’s, or but’s)! @PROOSS: The fake golf clubs ARE NOT made with the same materials.

Magix Music Maker 2013 Premium Download. They are made with materials that cause the club(s) to be much heavier (or sometimes lighter) than the original, and it is not uncommon to lose at least 1 club of distance. Not 1 club-length, 1 CLUB. Thus meaning, you hit a 3 iron, it’s like you’re hitting a 4 iron.

This isn’t just caused by the material, but also by the angle of the club-face. Most of the time the angles are not what they should be, causing the ball flight to be different. Fake clubs will also wear n’ tare much quicker than the originals. Here’s an example of a golf store that sold many products & operated out of the United States (shipped straight from the “factory” HAHAHA). I know many people personally that ordered from this website and didn’t want to believe that their items are fake.

Here’s the website and take a look for yourself at how well that worked out for them. I am little confuse. Have you guys brought any brand of golf set from the wowgolfcllubs website? My friend brought it a year ago and that set look good quality.

He played the golf as better improve. I checked out on that website and not see where it come from. The price is much cheaper than other golf stores! I checked with the reviews and too many people talked about bad things some of them already pay and have never get a golf set. Some of them said, that is fake brand of golf set. I looked at yahoo reviews and some of them said very good products!

At this point, my friend purchased it and got it within seven days. He is very please with his club and I swing one of his iron. That iron seem same way as mine, not make any different. Let me know and I want to hear your feedback! Wish I found it earlier.

I recently bought the x24s for 313.00 and the burner driver superfast for 149.00 on Friday 2-25. Having read this forum and researching the site that I bought them at I cancelled the order yesterday via e-mail. The reply was. I will return emails on Mon the 28th when I return to the office.

I told them that my wife found out I ordered these and she is pissed. If you ship these to me she is going to have my balls for breakfast. Please don’t ship. The site is

Has anybody had any kind of transaction with them. They are also somehow related to golfsales365 with an address 315 Bartlett st. New hamshire shipping from china.

KuiemQuiem did the transaction and is still pending. OKAY, After reading through these endless amounts of complaints and questions I thought I would give everyone a rule-of-thumb: IF THE GOLF CLUBS ARE FROM CHINA, THEY ARE FAKE!!! It’s as simple as that! Golf clubs ARE NOT assembled in China. They are made in China but are assembled in the United States.

The Chinese workers (who work in the factories) will steal the “mould” of the golf clubs and sell them for thousands of dollars. About 10 – 20 times their Annual salary! I repeat; YOU CANNOT BUY GOLF CLUBS “STRAIGHT FROM THE FACTORY.” Geeze, use your heads people! Yes I have been looking at buying a set of R9’s with bag and all for $500, three woods, irons and putter. The picture is unclear, but I decided to go to the official TM site and found the specific bag is not listed on TM’s site. The bag is prodomenantly black and red, and the suspicioun came when I noticed the font that R9 is written in, the letters are taller. Anyway, the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is’nt true.

Nobody is going to give away a bag full of R9’s for $500 unsless it is counterfeit. Thanks for the post, it helped me from losing $500!!! Thanks, Pete. I purchased a Ping G15 driver from golfmartdiscount for $169 with free shipping.

When it arrived, I compared it to Ping’s photos, it looked legit. However, the club was obviously too heavy. A friend put it on his scale to check swing weight (should have been D3) and it was so heavy it was off the scale. Certainly not in the D range and probably not E. I actually took it and hit a bucket of balls.

It seemed to hit ok, but was very heavy. I contacted the seller and he admitted that it was not really a Ping and offered me 40% of my money back and keep the club. I contacted my credit card company and explained what happened. They gave me a credit after I emailed the seller and told him the club was available and ready for shipper of his choice to pick up. Buying from US retailer is probably best bet.

Stay away from this web site. My daughter bid a set of X24 Callaway graphite from Empire Golf through bidding as a Xmas gift to me.

Arrived promptly, managed to view and test the set. Finding: the set is genuine ( this is my 5th callaway set and I know the products well ) and would say, Empire Golf is professional and sells genuine products. I will put a 5 stars grade to Empire Golf, Global Golf and GolfEntail, all of which I had past dealings with them. All these companies do not deal with “nonsense” products and they do deserve the respect and recommendation.

Feel ease to buy from Empire Golf. I am more worried than you since I live in Malaysia, and anything that is not genuine would cost much more for restitution. Being cheated is much worst than the loss of money.