Giovanni has captured Meloetta and uses its power to bring the Undersea Temple to the surface. After revealing the Reveal Glass, Giovanni summons Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus and uses the Reveal Glass to transform them into their Therian Formes.

Pokemon Black Season 15Pokemon Black Season 15

Finally having reached the age of 1. Along for the ride are his various friends: Misty, Brock, Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, and Cilan. Together, they journey.

He then unleashes their powers to summon natural disasters to start his takeover of the Unova region. Iris, Cilan, Cynthia, and Ridley arrive at the temple just as Ash manages to free himself. Together the five of them team-up to stop the Legendary trio from unleashing their full powers on Unova, and to end Team Rocket's Operation Tempest plan for good. Giovanni has captured Meloetta and uses its power to bring the Undersea Temple to the surface.

After revealing the Reveal Glass, Giovanni summons Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus and uses the Reveal Glass to transform them into their Therian Formes. He then unleashes their powers to summon natural disasters to start his takeover of the Unova region. Iris, Cilan, Cynthia, and Ridley arrive at the temple just as Ash manages to free himself. Together the five of them team-up to stop the Legendary trio from unleashing their full powers on Unova, and to end Team Rocket's Operation Tempest plan for good. Giovanni arrives in Unova for Team Rocket's biggest plan to date, 'Operation Tempest'.

As Ash and Cilan train at Cynthia's villa, a trainer named Ridley shows up and reveals that he is Meloetta's protector and that Meloetta was kidnapped by evil villains and he has been searching for it ever since. However, the introductions are short lived when Team Rocket attacks the villa causing everyone to flee into the woods. As Iris and Cilan try to stall Jessie and James, Ash runs away, only to be stopped by Giovanni who captures not only him and Pikachu, but Meloetta as well.

With their plan in motion, Team Rocket set out for the undersea ruins to launch their plan. Giovanni arrives in Unova for Team Rocket's biggest plan to date, 'Operation Tempest'. As Ash and Cilan train at Cynthia's villa, a trainer named Ridley shows up and reveals that he is Meloetta's protector and that Meloetta was kidnapped by evil villains and he has been searching for it ever since. However, the introductions are short lived when Team Rocket attacks the villa causing everyone to flee into the woods. As Iris and Cilan try to stall Jessie and James, Ash runs away, only to be stopped by Giovanni who captures not only him and Pikachu, but Meloetta as well. With their plan in motion, Team Rocket set out for the undersea ruins to launch their plan. Ash and friends join Cameron as he journeys to Humilau City where will challenge the Gym in hopes of winning his eighth and final badge.

On the way, Ash and Cameron are separated from Iris and Cilan and must now find their way to Humilau City on their own. After spending the night in a cave due to rain and overcoming some perilous treks, they finally find Humilau City. There they meet the Gym Leader Marlon, who specializes in Water-types. The battle gets off to a rough start when Cameron realizes he forgot to bring Riolu to the battlefield but quickly thinks of another way to hopefully win his badge and gain entry into the Unova League. Ash and friends join Cameron as he journeys to Humilau City where will challenge the Gym in hopes of winning his eighth and final badge.

On the way, Ash and Cameron are separated from Iris and Cilan and must now find their way to Humilau City on their own. After spending the night in a cave due to rain and overcoming some perilous treks, they finally find Humilau City. There they meet the Gym Leader Marlon, who specializes in Water-types. The battle gets off to a rough start when Cameron realizes he forgot to bring Riolu to the battlefield but quickly thinks of another way to hopefully win his badge and gain entry into the Unova League. The Junior Cup comes to a close with Trip finally getting the chance to battle Alder.

Trip is confident in his abilities, but quickly proves to be no match for the champion. With the tournament over, Ash and friends prepare to head back to Undella Town. Before they leave they meet a trainer named Cameron who was late to the tournament. Upon returning to Undella Town, Dawn announces that she has to leave the following day in order to head to Johto so she can compete in the Wallace Cup. However, before she leaves Ash challenges her to one last battle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are nearing the completion of their latest evil plot.

Character Builder Download Update. The Junior Cup comes to a close with Trip finally getting the chance to battle Alder. Trip is confident in his abilities, but quickly proves to be no match for the champion. With the tournament over, Ash and friends prepare to head back to Undella Town. Before they leave they meet a trainer named Cameron who was late to the tournament.

Upon returning to Undella Town, Dawn announces that she has to leave the following day in order to head to Johto so she can compete in the Wallace Cup. However, before she leaves Ash challenges her to one last battle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are nearing the completion of their latest evil plot. The Junior Cup rages on with Ash and Iris going head to head. Ash sends out Krokorok while Iris chooses Dragonite. That battle begins with both sides giving everything they have and Dragonite working well with Iris.

However, during the battle Krokorok evolves into Krookodile and lands a powerful hit causing Dragonite to go on a rampage. Taking advantage of this, Ash is able to win and progress onto the final round. The final match comes down to rivals Ash and Trip battling to see who will go onto battle Alder. Both are determined to win, but only one will prove victorious as the Junior Cup champion.

The Junior Cup rages on with Ash and Iris going head to head. Ash sends out Krokorok while Iris chooses Dragonite. That battle begins with both sides giving everything they have and Dragonite working well with Iris.

However, during the battle Krokorok evolves into Krookodile and lands a powerful hit causing Dragonite to go on a rampage. Taking advantage of this, Ash is able to win and progress onto the final round. The final match comes down to rivals Ash and Trip battling to see who will go onto battle Alder. Both are determined to win, but only one will prove victorious as the Junior Cup champion. As the Junior Cup tournament continues, Ash, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, and Trip have all made it to the next round. The next battle will be between Iris and Dawn.

Before the battle Iris is trying to get through to Dragonite so they can work together. Cynthia shows up and gives Iris advice before she must head to the battlefield. As the battle between Dawn and Iris begins, they trainers go with Mamoswine and Dragonite for their battle choices. Dawn and Mamoswine are easily in sync and battle well, but Iris can't control Dragonite leading it to battle however it wants. As the Junior Cup tournament continues, Ash, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, and Trip have all made it to the next round.

The next battle will be between Iris and Dawn. Before the battle Iris is trying to get through to Dragonite so they can work together. Cynthia shows up and gives Iris advice before she must head to the battlefield. As the battle between Dawn and Iris begins, they trainers go with Mamoswine and Dragonite for their battle choices. Dawn and Mamoswine are easily in sync and battle well, but Iris can't control Dragonite leading it to battle however it wants.

The Clubsplosion tournament is drawing to close. As the semi-finals begins, Stephan and Bianca take to the battlefield. Despite Emboar's power and Bianca's confidence, Emboar is quickly overpowered by Sawk's attacks. The next battle between Ash and Montgomery then begins. The battle is one-sided and despite Scraggy's willpower, he is quickly defeated, knocking Ash out of the tournament. After a short break, Stephan and Sawk finally get their chance to battle Montgomery and his powerful Throh.

Which Fighting-Type will overcome the other and win the Clubsplosion? The Clubsplosion tournament is drawing to close. As the semi-finals begins, Stephan and Bianca take to the battlefield. Despite Emboar's power and Bianca's confidence, Emboar is quickly overpowered by Sawk's attacks. The next battle between Ash and Montgomery then begins. The battle is one-sided and despite Scraggy's willpower, he is quickly defeated, knocking Ash out of the tournament.

After a short break, Stephan and Sawk finally get their chance to battle Montgomery and his powerful Throh. Which Fighting-Type will overcome the other and win the Clubsplosion? Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive in Mistralton City. Upon arriving they head to the gym where they find out they need a reservation to challenge the Gym Leader. Ash makes a reservation just as Skyla, the Gym Leader, arrives via plane.

When she exits she announces the Gym battles will take place with 15 challengers. Ash and Cilan are horrified to see Skyla's own method of battling called 'Air Battles'.

Using her Air Battles method, Skyla mentally determines whether or not a trainer could defeat her or not. As a Gym Leader himself, Cilan decides to put an end to the Air Battles and challenges Skyla to a regular battle. Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive in Mistralton City. Upon arriving they head to the gym where they find out they need a reservation to challenge the Gym Leader. Ash makes a reservation just as Skyla, the Gym Leader, arrives via plane. When she exits she announces the Gym battles will take place with 15 challengers. Ash and Cilan are horrified to see Skyla's own method of battling called 'Air Battles'.

Using her Air Battles method, Skyla mentally determines whether or not a trainer could defeat her or not. As a Gym Leader himself, Cilan decides to put an end to the Air Battles and challenges Skyla to a regular battle.

Ash and friends have joined Professor Juniper at Chargestone Cave so that Juniper and Bianca can trade their Karrablast and Shelmet so they may evolve. Download Game Bully Pc Full Version Rar. Before the trade they decide to have a battle.

However, the battle is soon interrupted by a strange electric disturbance in one of the caves areas. After investigating and discovering and helping an injured Klinklang, they return to base camp and proceed with the trade.

However, Bianca's new Escavalier wont' listen to Bianca. Professor Juniper decides they should have a tag battle with Ash and Cilan to get Bianca and Escavalier in sync. Ash and friends have joined Professor Juniper at Chargestone Cave so that Juniper and Bianca can trade their Karrablast and Shelmet so they may evolve. Before the trade they decide to have a battle.

However, the battle is soon interrupted by a strange electric disturbance in one of the caves areas. After investigating and discovering and helping an injured Klinklang, they return to base camp and proceed with the trade. However, Bianca's new Escavalier wont' listen to Bianca.

Professor Juniper decides they should have a tag battle with Ash and Cilan to get Bianca and Escavalier in sync. Continuing their way to Driftveil City, Ash and Iris have a practice battle with Scraggy and Axew. After the battle, a Gothita appears and takes a liking to Scraggy. Gothita's trainer Katharine appears soon after. After seeing how much Gothita likes Scraggy, she offers Ash a trade.

Ash refuses to trade Scraggy, and so Katharine demands a battle, and if she wins he must trade Scraggy. Midway through the battle it starts to rain and everyone runs to a nearby cottage to take shelter. During the middle of the night Gothita wakes up and takes off with Scraggy. Axew and Snivy give chase but will they be able to stop Gothita? Continuing their way to Driftveil City, Ash and Iris have a practice battle with Scraggy and Axew. After the battle, a Gothita appears and takes a liking to Scraggy.

Gothita's trainer Katharine appears soon after. After seeing how much Gothita likes Scraggy, she offers Ash a trade. Ash refuses to trade Scraggy, and so Katharine demands a battle, and if she wins he must trade Scraggy. Midway through the battle it starts to rain and everyone runs to a nearby cottage to take shelter. During the middle of the night Gothita wakes up and takes off with Scraggy. Axew and Snivy give chase but will they be able to stop Gothita?

Ash and friends begin their journey towards Driftveil City. On their way they run into Trip. Their reunion is short lived as everyone is surprised when the Champion of Unova, Alder appears!

Trip, having met Alder when he was younger, wants to show Alder his progress as a trainer. However, Ash challenges him to a battle. During the battle Alder gives no commands to his Bouffalant, and falls asleep. This causes Trip to loose interest in Alder as a champion, though when a wild Gigalith begins rampaging, his view of him might change. Ash and friends begin their journey towards Driftveil City. On their way they run into Trip. Their reunion is short lived as everyone is surprised when the Champion of Unova, Alder appears!

Trip, having met Alder when he was younger, wants to show Alder his progress as a trainer. However, Ash challenges him to a battle. During the battle Alder gives no commands to his Bouffalant, and falls asleep. This causes Trip to loose interest in Alder as a champion, though when a wild Gigalith begins rampaging, his view of him might change. Back in Nimbasa City following the subway disaster, Ash and friends encounter Bianca again.

She is also there to battle Elesa at the gym. However, the battle is put on hold temporarily while Elesa is modeling. After seeing Bianca and Ash, Elesa returns to the gym.

Bianca's match is stopped briefly by the appearance of her father. Her father wants her to return home, saying she is not ready to be a trainer. However, Elesa manages to convince him to let her battle. Bianca's dad agrees to let her continue traveling if she can defeat Elesa.

Back in Nimbasa City following the subway disaster, Ash and friends encounter Bianca again. She is also there to battle Elesa at the gym.

However, the battle is put on hold temporarily while Elesa is modeling. After seeing Bianca and Ash, Elesa returns to the gym. Bianca's match is stopped briefly by the appearance of her father. Her father wants her to return home, saying she is not ready to be a trainer. However, Elesa manages to convince him to let her battle. Bianca's dad agrees to let her continue traveling if she can defeat Elesa.

Episode 3: A Sandile Gusher of Change Episode 4: The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Episode 5: Triple Leaders, Team Threats Episode 6: Dreams by the Yard Full Episode 7: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! Episode 8: Saving Darmanitan from the Bell! Episode 9: The Bloom Is on Axew!

Episode 10: A Rival Battle for Club Champ! Episode 11: A Home for Dwebble Episode 12: Here Comes the Trubbish Squad Episode 13: Minccino–Neat and Tidy Episode 14: A Night in the Nacrene City Museum Episode 15: The Battle According to Lenora Episode 16: Rematch at the Nacrene Gym Episode 17: Scraggy–Hatched to Be Wild Episode 18: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest Episode 19: A Connoisseur's Revenge! Episode 20: Dancing with the Ducklett Trio!

Episode 21: The Lost World of Gothitelle! Episode 22: A Venipede Stampede Episode 23: Battling for the Love of Bug-Types! Episode 24: Emolga the Irresistible! Episode 25: Emolga and the New Volt Switch!