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These escorts are invariably experts in the field of Orgoth studies as well as formidable arcanists. Moving amidst the Doom Reavers like a handler of vicious beasts, the Greylord carries a staff of Orgoth origin. His will is exerted through this dark artifact, restraining the Doomreavers from murdering one another when they rip into the enemy. He channels that rage to provide a necromantic imperviousness to the effects of injuries. Elevation to the rank of seneschal among the Exemplar Errants is no simple promotion. One of the superlative few chosen to command his brother knights must be a veteran of numerous missions on foreign soil. His most formidable asset may be his understanding of Menoth’s purpose for him on Caen.

His brother Errants know he has a special duty, and so great is their belief in the Creator and their Seneschal that if the enemies of the Temple strike him down they will volunteer their own souls to take his place in Urcaen. The blood hags lead their sisters in the most hallowed rites: sacrificing the males born to the Satyxis, initiating the girl children into the cruel ways of the Satyxis, and conducting the auguries that steer the fate of their people. Decades of practice in these corrupt traditions grant the hags unparalleled skill in their art. Leading blood witch covens, they bestow their dark favors upon their sisters. Their very presence leeches the vitality of their enemies, and the most potent of their invocations can temporarily make the bodies of the hag and her followers into blood-hued wraiths who laugh at the impotent weapons of their enemies.

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BELLEVUE, WA, November 27, 2012 – LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE], the popular science fiction survival-horror board game set in the LEVEL 7 world, is now back in stock after the first print run sold out shortly following release. With this second print run, distributors and retailers can now replenish their stocks of this sought-after game. LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE] hit the top of BoardGameGeek’s “The Hotness” chart in August and proved to be one of Gen Con’s most anticipated releases, leading to a quick sellout of the game. Privateer Press’ holiday deals are now available in the!

Privateer Press is offering 25-point WARMACHINE and HORDES army bundles throughout the holidays. Each bundle includes a complete 25-point army, a set of faction tokens, a pocket-sided rulebook perfect for slipping in your army bag, and a special 1.5” x 1.5” two-sided WARMACHINE/HORDES holiday ornament while supplies last! This ornament will look great on your tree, or even on your army bag, keychain, backpack, or wherever you decide to display it!

Happy New Year everyone. Hope your holidaze were as relaxing as mine weren't. You read that right. The Final Frontier soundtrack is releasing this week or early next week as I can estimate. The tracks are completed barring some mixing issues and whatnot.

I'll be fine tuning the tracks and packaging them up for you as time allows. The tracks on this one differ in that they are mostly background-style tracks with one exception: 'Nebula' (see below) Other than that one there's no music in any of them as I get the feeling they'll be more useful to you for use in your games. I know you'll enjoy them either way. TRACK LIST 1. Deserted Ship 2.

Laser Battle 3. Alien Space Ship 4. Capital Ship Auto Destruct 5. Starship Bridge 6. Starship Bridge Under Fire 7.

Space Ship Hanger 8. Frozen Moon 9. Space Ship Dog Fight 10.

Nebula As usual, track names are subject to change as I try to give them the best names to describe them. Hello, everyone! Happy New Years!

Jonathan here. What's my goal for the New Years?

Well, among many others, to get you the Guidebook as soon as possible! Work is coming along nicely on it. I thought I'd drop a little preview for you all.

Some of the design elements may change, and I have to go back through and get rid of the widows and orphans. Why would I get rid of widows and orphans from a fantasy world? Actually, what I'm referring to are those pieces of text which leave only a single word or sentence in an awkward place, at the beginning or end of a line.

There aren't any here, really, but you can tell an orphan because they have no past (you can't see what text came before). Widows have no future (they are cut off before they can complete). A dreary little way for a designer to remember the difference. Anyway, aside from all that, this is very close to the completed product. Right now, with all the sidebar extras and the map at the front, it's clocking in at around 75 pages. Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying the holidays.

Or 'holi-daze' as I usually refer to them. Regardless, I certainly hope you've been nice and not naughty. Because Santa Claus is kind of a creep who watches you when you're sleeping. So I apologize for being silent for awhile. The holiday season is always more like a disruption in work flow for me and kinda gets in the way of progress which I why I had to adjust the deliver dates again.

Not too much, but I've been overwhelmed with holiday joy and Cthulhu which don't mix well I'm told. Anyway, here are the adjusted dates. Adjust because even though the next soundtrack will be completed before December is out, I'll have no time to test and package it up for delivery prior to my planned trip to see the family.

The Final Frontier (previous project soundtrack): Jan 2014 The Dark Future (previous project soundtrack): Jan/Feb 2014 Epic Battles (previous project soundtrack): Feb/March 2014 The Dead of Night (previous project soundtrack): March 2014 Everyone have a safe and happy holiday! Hello, everyone! Jonathan here with an update on the PDF. And the update is. It's one step closer to completion!

The writing is complete (in total, it ended up being about 42,000 words). There's still work to be done, since I want to deliver the best product I can to all of you who invested your money into this idea. First, that means getting away from the document for a couple of weeks. I'm going to be the one editing it, so I need to clear my head of everything I just wrote and come to it with a fresh, unbiased perspective. In the meantime, I have some gamer friends reading it over to make their own suggestions, from the perspectives of players and GMs who would be using this document to create some adventures.

Editing is what I do for a living, so once that process starts, it should go fairly smoothly and quickly. But that's not all: once editing is done, I need to put the document into InDesign and prepare the final look for the PDF. This entails designing not only the layout, but also any graphics that are going to go into the document, and finding permissions for any photos or art we want in there (or using free art; or creating the art ourselves).

I don't have a set date for delivery on the PDF right now, but I will say that at least half the work is done and, really, it was the harder and longer half. Actually creating the content is what took so long, while piecing it together is something that is more routine.

I will keep you updated, especially as I start getting into the design process and have some layouts to show. My goal is that this PDF can serve to give GMs ideas for their own adventures. Along with the map that will come in the front of the PDF, it would be possible to outline an entire world off of this PDF. But it is also possible to simply use one of the descriptions for a campaign idea, or just a single adventure.

A GM might even want to lift a single element or character for use in a quest they already have going. Here's a couple samples, excerpts from a few randomly selected soundtrack adventures: From The Tunnel Deep The drawbridge to the castle fell long ago. Those who seek to enter now must do through via the steel portcullis at the very base of the castle and the hill on which it stands. The portcullis is fed by a sickly stream of black water. It will open for those who have the key: the golden key worn around the neck of Ghorgrim the Feral. The portcullis leads into the dungeons of Starkmore, where cries of torment lead the adventurers forward. Following the cries is the only way to navigate the maze, as an inscription at the entrance attests: “Only by suffering shall thee know freedom.” But the screams of suffering spirits are not the only cries here: the damned speak as well, lesser vampires driven insane by blood lust send their voices careening through the dark passageways.

Being in the dungeons is to be in their arena--these crazed vampires will hunt down the party ruthlessly and attack in ravenous packs, their emaciated bat-like faces snuffling madly in the dark as they seek to dig fangs into the necks of the adventurers. From Den of the Dragon This adventure takes place during the Days of Fire, when many of the Kingdoms were forced to unite to face a common enemy which wished to bathe the world in fire: the Dragons. These Dragons were led by one called the Titan Wyrm.

The Titan Wyrm was an upstart Methuselah, a second-tier dragon--not one of the ancients, but extremely powerful nonetheless. Remington 7400 Serial Number Lookup on this page. He organized the warring races of dragons in an uneasy alliance against civilization, especially central Terra Myrth, where the human seat of power was, the kingdom of Eald. He destroyed the entire kingdom, turning it into the Ashen Wastes, and almost won the war. He was killed by Tiernan Storm and his twelve companions during the Fortnight of Flame and the march of the Last Army. Tiernan delivered a killing blow with Draic’s Bane, spilling the Titan Wyrm’s intestines over the land. Tiernan died shortly thereafter of the wounds received from the Wrym's poisonous bite. In his death throes, the Titan Wyrm created the Sea of the Fallen, a huge lake in the middle of which, today, sits the Temple of the Undying, the seat of power of the Necromancers.

After his death, the uneasy truce between the wyrms fell apart and the dragons fled across the Endless Expanse and deep underground, many of them turning on each other. From Sea of Shadows The Sea of Shadows did not receive its name from some sailor’s fancy or an overzealous mapmaker too fond of melodrama.

The Shadowy Sea was named thus because it sits on top a sprawling underwater mountain range. The depth of the Sea changes often and drastically, presenting much the same dangers to a ship as a coral reef: steer just a few meters in the wrong direction and the hull will be scraped to shreds on submerged rocks.

If it weren’t for the Fortinium deposits in the city of Midnight, or the rich ores beneath the ice of Teragath, no one would ever attempt the crossing. However, greed is a powerful motivator, and on a cold night, in front of a warm fire, and with a bottle of strong spirits close at hand, many an old sea dog will start talking about the things they’ve seen on those dread seas. Razor Sharks So you h’ain’t scared of sharks, you say? Then you’ve never encountered the razor sharks that live off the northern coasts.

Man-eaters, they are and too smart for my liking. Imagine it: you’ve set out in a small skiff, to navigate the dangerous rock passage crowding the Sea of Shadows, when you feel something bump against the side of your boat. At first you think it is just a heavy wave.

But then, no, the bump comes again—more forceful this time. You run to the side of the boat in time to see a fin the size of your body pass down into the water. What do you do then, lad? Grab your harpoon and take the beast to task? Them razor sharks are ten feet long if they’re the runts of the pack—eh?

Why are they called razor sharks, you ask? It’s their teeth, boy. They are sharp as blades and they don’t just go throw skin and bone. They’ll tear a hole in even a large craft, sink the ship, and then you’re in the water, your feet dangling down into those freezing depths. You’ll feel a tug, sooner or later From Dwarven City The main reason for Dwarvish caution comes from the sad history of the Dwarves.

There was a time when they were more numerous. Dwarves filled every corner of Terra Myrth, with Dwarven settlements placed up against every mountain and crag. There used to be more Dwarven kingdoms, as well. Brynnemore was only one of seven.

What happened to the other six kingdoms has been forgotten by human history, though most humans assume that dragons burnt the cities to the ground. In fact, this was not the case. Such was the Dwarven mastery over the skies that the dragons feared to approach the Seven Jewels (as the Kingdoms were each named in the Dwarven language after the seven most precious stones). The Dwarves have only one song which discusses the fall of the Jewels, and it is a long dirge known by all but sung only rarely. The first few lines of the song discuss the ways in which the seven fell (the words rhyme in the Dwarvish language, but it is impossible to keep to the scheme in translation): Seven were the bright-lit Jewels, and Six were their falling. Tyluae, the Sea-Gem, through which ran the waters of the sea Gerande, the Earth-Gem, at the mountain’s root Yearsc, the Red-Fire, home of the Dragon Born Dervalish, the Blue-Flame, sister to Yearsc by blood Fontre, the Moss-Stone, friend to the elvish Verlist, the Sky-Stone, keeper of the secret path.

Two taken by civil war Two broken from within Two stolen by betrayal One still standing, the poisoned city of Brynne.