How to find and use the Island Resorts Marketing database and universe in BI 4.x. Which is a DSN created when you install the product. (and do for eFashion). Download, extract/install, run. For use on linux/unix. Sandbox BI 4 platform and clients discovery with a number of BI artifacts. Migrate / Update eFashion Universe.

How To Install Efashion Universe Wallpaper

On Sep 7, 2015 at 1:42pm PDT The 'duh' moment Before we get started, I should point out the obvious. Using an animated desktop on a laptop, older computer, or even a newer one with lower-end specs is probably not the best idea if you are concerned with battery life and graphics performance. There is no doubt that in using such a setup you could tax your system just to make it look fancy. Of course, if you are running a high-end rig with CPU and GPU cycles to spare, there is nothing wrong with doing this trick. Indeed, I am running it on two Core i5 desktop systems (Intel Skylake) with plenty of RAM and two rather high-end GPUs (an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 and 970, to be precise).

If you want a more accurate estimate having an animated desktop will consume between 6-9% of CPU with an average of around 7 percent. Although that is not terrible, it could constrain your setup if on an older rig. The good news is not only can you pause your animated desktop you can quickly just switch to a static image at any time saving your precious CPU for when you need it. Why the tutorial? Besides just explaining the basics there is one other issue. DeskScapes 8 gets its name because it is made for Windows 8 systems.

It can run on Windows 10 however if you just try to install it you are going to get an error message. This impediment is very easy to get around, and I'll show you how to get it going.

That said, the reason this is not meant for Windows 10 is the app is not optimized for the newer OS and, as such, Stardock cannot guarantee performance or any issues. So do this at your own risk. Let's get started! Animated desktops in Windows 10 Before we being, you need to download the DeskScapes 8 installer. The app has a free 30-day trial and costs $9.99 for a single license.

Having 30 days to try this app is more than enough for you to decide if you want to justify the $10 price tag. Besides the preinstalled animated desktops within the app, you can also create your own or navigate to the site to download ones the community has made. There are quite a few, so you should find something to pique your interest. Download Head to Stardocks' site and grab the installer. Agree to use the 30-day trial and download. Compatibility Mode The trick to running the app on Windows 10 is to use compatibility mode.

This feature is an old function from previous releases, and it works well here for the installer. Right-click on DeskScapes8_cnet-setup.exe and choose Troubleshoot Compatibility. Troubleshoot Program You should be presented with two options. Select the second one Troubleshoot program. Earlier version Next, choose the first option The program worked in earlier versions of Windows but won't install or run now from the menu. Hit Next to proceed.

Version choice On the next menu, select Windows 8 and hit Next. Test it Next, choose Test the program This part is where it gets tricky. Normally, the program just launches, and you can then proceed with Next. However, this is an installer we are running so you should see a blinking Windows shield ( User Account Control ) icon appear in the taskbar. Note that it won't be an active window so you could miss it if you are not looking for it. Click on it and agree to let the installer run. Install Now you can finally install the program to your computer.

During the process, you will be asked if you optionally would like to install Decor8, another Stardock app. I advise against this only because the app is to customize the old Start Screen in Windows 8 and is not very relevant for Windows 10. Make sure you have the box unticked, and the proceed. 30-day Trial Stardock lets you try DeskScapes 8 for 30 days. However, you still need to register and let the app verify the trial to begin. The process is simple only requiring an email and a verification link. This action starts the trial period.

Although not as convenient as just using a non-phone-home program Stardock likely does this to cut down on piracy, so cut them some slack. Exit Compatibility It should be noted that once you hit Test the program you ran the full app installer. Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Fully Activated Rar Files. As such, at any point you could just hit Cancel on the compatibility mode window as we already got what we wanted. Still, if you did not do so, you can now hit Cancel.

There is no need to re-run using Next. On Sep 7, 2015 at 1:42pm PDT That's it! You now have DeskScapes 8 installed on Windows 10. Here are a couple of other tidbits: • You can pause DeskScapes 8 at any time by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Pause DeskScapes • For multi-monitor setups, you can run DeskScapes on all windows or choose one for each display. For instance, you could have an animated main display with a secondary (and tertiary) monitor running a static image. Likewise, you could put a different animated wallpaper on each monitor. The choice is yours!

• Grab new backgrounds from the site WinCustomize. Just find the image/animation you want and download to your computer. Double clicking on the download enables it through the app, and you can create a directory to add more • While DeskScapes is running, you may have trouble moving files or folders on the desktop. You can always choose a regular wallpaper through Windows Settings >Personalization and then re-arrange your files or folders, then re-enable DeskScapes. Those files or folders are accessible so you can launch apps and open the folders you just cannot re-arrange them when the app is running.

Logging off and on again seems to fix the issue. • Deskscapes has quite a few options in it including transparency for your desktop icons, which is an added neat effect that I recommend • If you have a Windows Insider watermark on your desktop, you can read our for a cleaner look • If the app does not enable an animated wallpaper, and you have just a black background, try to log off and back on again then re-launch DeskScapes 8 • If running multiple Windows 10 computers, you may want to head into Settings >Accounts >Individual sync settings and disable Theme. This action prevents Windows 10 from trying to sync your DeskScapes to your other Windows 10 computers, which obviously does not work. • DeskScapes 8 can auto-pause when AC power is disconnected meaning you can use this on a laptop with little impact For those who want the new Windows 10 login screen with the fancy Windows logo and lasers, you can find it on WinCustomize (link below). The theme is made by AzDude, who is one of the most prolific creators on that site.

The version I use is although he has a few variations out there, so try them all and use what you think looks best. Overall, DeskScapes is running rather well on my PC, and I have no issues or complaints. This program is a rather high-end way to customize your PC, but there is little denying that it has a certain wow appeal to it. Whether you will like it and want to pay the $10 is up to you, but at least you now know how to get it on your PC. There is no word if a Windows 10 version is on the way, but we'll keep you posted if we hear anything. More Resources Remember that we have many other articles on Windows 10, if you need help you always check these other resources. For some who have come to know about deskscape just now, this program has been around before Windows Vista.

During the preview of the OS (Vista), MS introduced this capablity of the OS of handling graphic intensive activities one of which is animated wallpaper available only to Windows Vista Ultimate users. Stardock wanted that feature to be available to any version of Windows thus they created Deskscapes.

When XP was the crater for customization, Deskcapes was a blessing from the heavens and it spurred the wincustomize community into creating awesome animated backgrounds and actually some of us who were hyped about animated background got kinda disappointed when with Windows 7, this feature was ditched (in favor of the changing wallpaper) However, Stardock has already a strong fanbase/userbase of Deskcapes that they continued to support and upgrade Deskcapes. It's a novelty program yes, but it has a well established stardock community willing to shell out 10 dollars to have their beloved animated background working on any Windows version.

Edit: Microsoft calls the ability of windows to render HQ WMV or MPG as desktop wallpaper.

This first lesson presents key concepts and vocabulary that are important to understand before proceeding to the next lesson. Here you will learn about; • Web Intelligence concepts • Web Intelligence core functionality Web Intelligence concepts Accessing information with Web Intelligence With Web Intelligence, you can query databases using everyday business terms, and using an easy-to-use interface. Mastering Arabic Rapidshare.

You can create simple or very complex reports and share the information you display with other colleagues. As part of your job you make decisions all the time and therefore need the right information at your fingertips to help you make the right decisions. You want to access information using your everyday business vocabulary without having to understand anything about the technical way the information is stored. Once you have anaylsed information, you also need to be able to share it with your colleagues.

Web Intelligence allows you to access, analyse and share corporate data very easily. To access BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, you must first and launch BOXI from the 'BusinessObjects Reporting' channel which is located on the Admin tab. This process is explained in more detail in Lesson 2. Understanding the semantic layer The BusinessObjects universe is the semantic layer that isolates you from the technical complexities of the databases where your corporate information is stored. Because universes are based on business terminology that is familiar to you and shared throughout the organisation, universes allow you to create queries and get information using your own everyday terms. The terms you need to be familiar with in order to understand how this semantic layer functions are; • Universe • Object • Class Universes A universe maps to the data in the database, but uses everyday terms that describe your business environment.

This means that you can select exactly the data that interests you using your own business terminology. Universes are created by a universe designer using BusinessObjects Designer. The designer then makes universes available to you and other users so that you can access the data through an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Universes are made up of objects, classes and pre-defined query filters. Objects The elements within the universe that you use to create reports are called objects Classes Objects that represent similar types of data are grouped into classes.

The above diagram shows the eFashion universe, which is the universe used throughout these lessons to build queries and create Web Intelligence documents. Classes are logical groupings of objects and they are indicated by the folder icon. Object are elements that map to a set of data in a relational database, but using business terms. For example, one of the classes in the eFashion universe is the Store class, and a few of the objects in the Store class include State, City, and Store name.